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Practical IT Research that Drives Measurable Results Vendor Landscape Plus: E-mail Archiving.

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1 Practical IT Research that Drives Measurable Results Vendor Landscape Plus: E-mail Archiving

2 The email archiving market can satisfy requirements from any direction, but what should you buy, if anything? Who should read this: At the end, you will: Understand whether your requirements necessitate email archiving. Prepare an RFP and have a script ready for vendor demos. Create a shortlist of email archiving vendors and select which is the best fit for your organization. Establish architectural and policy requirements to successfully implement an email archiving solution. Those evaluating enterprise adoption of email archiving. The email archiving market is a confusing mixture of storage, e-discovery, security and email platform vendors. To complicate matters, deployment options include on-premise, on-demand, appliance, and traditional managed hosting. Organizations are struggling to align requirements with vendor competencies, and worse, are unsure which requirements necessitate email archiving solutions and which can be met with cheaper, easier alternatives. IT managers in mid-sized organizations. Those in industries with high privacy and compliance risk profiles.

3 Executive Summary Email archiving is often deployed when adequate, cheaper solutions are available, and is sometime inappropriately viewed as a substitute for email backup & restore or email journaling. Email archiving is a tool for storing, retrieving, classifying and purging email messages using rules based on retention requirements, including legal holds. Most email archiving projects are driven by two primary goals, often in combination: compliance requirements and email platform performance requirements. Many organizations do not properly assess their email archiving needs and overbuy when compliance is the primary driver. The email archiving market comprises numerous vendors and many product delivery options including on-premise, on-demand and dedicated appliances. Don’t conduct an on-demand deployment if your enterprise’s compliance and privacy risk profile is high. Use the Info-Tech Email Archiving Vendor Landscape and associated tools to make informed and rational email archiving product selection decisions. Training on email archiving solutions must include IT Administrators, Security and Compliance professionals and end users. Both IT and the Business share the role of developing and implementing email retention requirements.

4 Understand Know the LimitationsKnow the Benefits Strategize Assess AlternativesDetermine Requirements Compare Build an RFP Evaluate the Vendor Landscape Know Your Scenario Select Create a Vendor Shortlist Score RFPsDemo Finalists Implement Train End UsersGet Policy Guidance Prepare for the Discovery Process Archiving is often unnecessary; make sure you’re addressing the right drivers before taking out your wallet 1 2 4 3 5

5 If your email archiving goals aren’t regulatory compliance or performance improvement, look elsewhere, such as to backup and server journaling Do not use email archiving as an email backup solution. Backups store data in the case that data needs to be restored due to disaster or other unforeseen circumstances. It is neither cost effective nor practical to access backup data on a frequent basis. Do not use email archiving journaling as your sole requirement. Journaling captures selected emails and their metadata in an encrypted store. Archiving moves email data from its original location while still enabling end-user access. Technology for storing, retrieving, classifying and purging email. Email archiving provides the tools to store, retrieve, classify and purge email subject to corporate policy as well as government regulations. A means for alleviating storage and performance burden from the primary mail server. Email archiving improves the overall performance of the mail server while retaining the ability to readily access the data. Satisfy regulatory compliance requirements. Use discovery features and litigation hold to quickly and painlessly respond to litigation events and meet external regulations. Improve mail server performance. Use storage functionality to cheaply and immediately offload mail volume while keeping it accessible. Email Archiving is... Email Archiving can...

6 Combined drivers & combined sponsorship are the key to email archiving success Avoid scenarios that are too granular along either the requirements or the sponsorship axis. If necessary, wait to achieve a more equal balance among sponsorship and drivers. Blended scenarios work best. Performance-drivenCompliance-driven Business-driven IT-driven IT feels very strongly that we should implement email archiving but upper management does not believe it is necessary and will NOT approve it until our examiners tells us we have to. As long as it is only a suggestion and not a requirement it will not be approved. –AVP of Technology, Financial Services “ ” Best Scenario : Blended

7 Email archiving produces both hard & soft benefits, saving you money, time & grief Litigation & Compliance Hardware End User Impact Hard SavingsSoft Savings Risk Mitigation E-discovery Relocate to cheaper disk Email server performance Retention policy administration End-user email management Increased end user productivity Risk reduction Improved mail server performance Increased end user productivity Risk reduction Increased end user productivity Discover and Reuse Reduced labor Contained legal costs Lower storage costs Lower operational costs Reduced email liability Contained legal costs Lower storage costs Element [Email archiving] has benefits to the IT side of the house, making sure that we reduce our storage, make sure that we manage our information more appropriately, that we categorize it appropriately, and then we dispose of it based upon the rules that we've got set up internally. – IT Enterprise Architect, Agriculture “ ”

8 IT & the business perceive archiving benefits differently Low High Level of Email Archiving Success High Motivator Low Motivator N = 64 IT Operational Motivator Compliance and business requirements are less tangible (softer benefits), and success perception requires more time to achieve than with IT drivers. Archiving initiatives driven by IT requirements perceive much higher success because they achieve their storage and performance goals (hard benefits) immediately. Email performance complaints have been reduced Users migrated from local email stores to archiving system All desired emails can be recovered Mobile users can retrieve email more easily Effort reduced to pass audits and respond to discovery orders All email retention policy requirements are met Overall grief level is reduced for IT N = 64 IT Drivers IT drivers influence perception of email archiving success more than compliance. Source: Info-Tech Compliance Drivers Do NOT underestimate the value of compliance requirements-driven initiatives just because results are not as fast or as obvious as with IT drivers. To be successful, you must manage expectations for email archiving results across both IT and compliance sponsors. Info-Tech Recommends:

9 Understand Know the LimitationsKnow the Benefits Strategize Assess AlternativesDetermine Requirements Compare Build an RFP Evaluate the Vendor Landscape Know Your Scenario Select Create a Vendor Shortlist Score RFPsDemo Finalists Implement Train End UsersGet Policy Guidance Prepare for the Discovery Process Your requirements, holistic strategy & risk profile should drive your selection process 1 4 3 5 2

10 Email archiving is not the only solution for compliance, retention, and performance issues. Based on your answers to a series of questions about your environment, the Info-Tech “E-mail Archiving Appropriateness Assessment Tool” will recommend an appropriate deployment approach for the organization.E-mail Archiving Appropriateness Assessment Tool Four common scenarios are: 1.Deploy email archiving 2.Enable journaling 3.Employ retention policies 4.Maintain the status quo Assess your opportunities with the E-mail Archiving Appropriateness Assessment Tool Even organizations with strong compliance drivers for email archiving can overbuy when selecting an email archiving solution. Gain consensus up front on how much email archiving your organization needs. Info-Tech Insight:

11 Info-Tech Helps Professionals To: Sign up for free trial membership to get practical Solutions for your IT challenges “Info-Tech helps me to be proactive instead of reactive - a cardinal rule in stable and leading edge IT environment.” - ARCS Commercial Mortgage Co., LP

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