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Internet2 Engineering  Guy Almes Internet2 Chief Engineer  Internet2 Advisory Committee Chicago — 4 September 1997.

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Presentation on theme: "Internet2 Engineering  Guy Almes Internet2 Chief Engineer  Internet2 Advisory Committee Chicago — 4 September 1997."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet2 Engineering  Guy Almes Internet2 Chief Engineer  Internet2 Advisory Committee Chicago — 4 September 1997

2 Outline of the Talk  Internet2 Engineering Objectives  Working Groups  GigaPoP Progress  Four Key Engineering Issues Large Delay-Bandwidth Products Introducing Quality of Service Improving Multicast Support Introducing IPv6

3 Internet2 Engineering Objectives  Enable Advanced Applications  Strengthen the Universities in their Research / Education Missions  Pioneer Specific Technical Advances  Establish GigaPoPs as Effective Service Points

4 Applications and Engineering Applications Engineering MotivateEnables

5 Comments on Apps and Plumbing  Advanced applications transform high-speed plumbing into value  Advanced plumbing enables advanced applications  Profligate use of bandwidth, per se, does not make an application ‘advanced’  Megalomaniac plumbing, per se, does not make the plumbing ‘advanced’

6 Comments on the University Research/Education Mission  Due to their teaching mission, universities scatter researchers  University faculty and students therefore have a disproportionate need to be able to collaborate at a distance

7 Sketch of Internet2 Architecture Interconnect gigaPoP u u u u u u u u Interconnect: connects all the gigaPoPs to each other GigaPoPs: connect universities to the Interconnect and to other services Universities: upgrade their LANs to more than 500 Mb/s

8 1997 vs 1998 Sets of Aspirations  1997 High-speed uncongested best-efforts IPv4 T3 and OC3 will be typical; some OC12 About 15 gigaPoPs; about 45 universities Introduction of Measurements  1998 Introduce Quality of Service Improve Multicast Support Introduce IPv6

9 Working Groups  to address project-wide technical issues  minimal constraint on natural diversity of gigaPoP technical choices  complementary to groups such as the IETF

10 Initial Working Groups  IPv6: Dale Finkelson of Univ Nebraska  Measurement: David Wasley of UCOP  Multicast: Dave Meyer of Univ Oregon  Network Mgmt: Mark Johnson of MCNC  Quality of Service: Ben Teitelbaum (staff)  Routing: Steve Corbato of Univ Washington  Security: Peter Berger of Carnegie Mellon  Topology: Paul Love (consultant)

11 GigaPoP Progress  Operational DEN, MSP, ORD, PHL, PIT, RIC  During Sep/Oct CLE, DTW, HOU ATL, BHM, RDU  During Nov/Dec DCA, BWI, LEX, MCO, NYC, SFO  During Jan/Feb LAX  Later/uncertain BNA, BOS, MKC, PDX, SEA

12 Four Key Engineering Issues  Large Delay-Bandwidth Products  Introducing Quality of Service  Improving Multicast Support  Introducing IPv6

13 Large Delay-Bandwidth Products  As the product of delay and bandwidth grows: The number of unacknowledged packets grows It becomes more difficult to sustain a steady stream of data from end to end  Several consequences: Need for direct physical paths Tradeoff between buffering and variation in delay

14 Introducing Quality of Service  Scope: End-to-end vs Intermediate  Control: Granularity:  Effect: Single flow vs All flows  Temporal: Part of flow lifetime vs long duration Locus: Host vs Proxies  Transmission Parameters (e.g., controlled load)

15 Improving Multicast Support  Current MBone community is small  Many advanced applications are naturally multicast one to many (e.g., distance education) few to few (e.g., graduate seminars or conferences)  Scaling is hard: Optimize for transmission lines? Optimize for packet forwarding?

16 IPv6 Issues  Initially this will appear to be an end in itself  We hope/expect that it will become an aid to solving other problems Compact Routing Tables Some help for QoS, IP options  Products will be available beginning 1997

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