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TNC’16 12 – 16 June 2016 Prague TNC’16 Session 4D Alien Wavelengths – from field trials to profitable services.

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Presentation on theme: "TNC’16 12 – 16 June 2016 Prague TNC’16 Session 4D Alien Wavelengths – from field trials to profitable services."— Presentation transcript:

1 TNC’16 12 – 16 June 2016 Prague TNC’16 Session 4D Alien Wavelengths – from field trials to profitable services

2 Why discussing Alien Wavelengths No common agreement on what an Alien Wavelength (and an Alien Wavelength service) is; Vendors and operators have different “feelings” about the topic; Certain trends in the industry push forward the “open”- agenda at all layers; Agenda 4 speakers 1 Vendor 1 Commercial and 1 NREN operator GÈANT’s view Presenting their view on the business-aspect of AWs What have they learned How do they see it applied What makes sense for their own use-case Goal and Agenda

3 JRA1 T2 of GN4-1 focused on blue-printing the Alien Wavelength Service Goal: To assist the process of prototyping the service and outline the main challenges that need to be solved. Approach: Ask the potential users and providers of the service Map the capabilities within the GÈANT consortium Result: Deliverable D13.2 Blueprint of Services and Research Plan for Future Work This session, in support of a constructive dialogue on the topic of AWs Setting up the stage

4 Technology readiness map

5 The work group defined 3 types of AWs Alien Wave type I: “Own alien wave” Tunable pluggables The AW signal originates from the same administrative domain Alien Wave type II: “Customer’s alien” The AW signal originates from another administrative domain Alien Wave type III: “Multi-domain alien” AW types and use-cases

6 Bjarke Skjoldtsrup TDC A/S Business potentials and practical operational aspects of Alien Wavelength services (an “Customer’s alien” use-case) Per Nihlén Sunet SUNETC - Integration of the Optical and the IP layer (an “Own alien wave” use –case, focusing on the challenge of breaking the traditional business models of the vendors of equipment) Guy Roberts GÈANT Alien waves – operational experience (an “Customer’s alien” use-case, show-casing a production-grade operational model) Robert Waegemans ADVA Optical Networking Alien Wavelengths, as experienced by a System Consultant from a Vendor Covered use-cases in this session

7 Bjarke Skjoldstrup Per Nihlén Guy Roberts Robert Waegemans Raimundas Tuminauskas Public participation is highly encouraged!!! Discussion panel

8 Discussion points

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