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V OCABULARY G Unit Three. E VINCE (v.) to display clearly, to make evident, to provoke The Bible evinces the importance of one’s relationship with God.

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Presentation on theme: "V OCABULARY G Unit Three. E VINCE (v.) to display clearly, to make evident, to provoke The Bible evinces the importance of one’s relationship with God."— Presentation transcript:

1 V OCABULARY G Unit Three

2 E VINCE (v.) to display clearly, to make evident, to provoke The Bible evinces the importance of one’s relationship with God.

3 U TOPIAN (adj.) founded upon or involving a visionary view of an ideal world impractical We all watch love and romance movies and wish that our relationships could have that utopian feel to it.

4 C AVORT (v.) to romp or prance around exuberantly; to make merry Johnny cavorted around the room when he made his first A in the class.

5 P IQUANT Stimulating to the taste or mind; Spicy, pungent; Appealingly provocative The dish was so piquant, that she had to spit out her first bite and drink her entire cup of water.

6 N EFARIOUS ( ADJ.): WICKED, DEPRAVED, DEVOID OF MORAL STANDARDS. ( ADJ.) The nefarious business owner found himself jailed for his wrongdoings. The nefarious business owner found himself jailed for his wrongdoings. icked, depraved, devoid of moral standards

7 U NWONTED (Adj.) not usual or expected; not in character The teacher was surprised at the young girls unwonted cheerfulness about reading.

8 V ISCOUS ( ADJ.) HAVING A GELATINOUS OR GLUEY QUALITY, LACKING IN EASY MOVEMENT OR FLUIDITY On the 10 th day, the Amish couple examined the fermented starter. It was almost ready to be baked into bread. It was still liquid but very viscous.

9 V ERBIAGE ( N.) LANGUAGE THAT IS TOO WORDY OR INFLATED IN PROPORTION TO THE SENSE OR CONTENT, WORDINESS ; A MANNER OF EXPRESSION The young boy’s verbiage came as a surprise to his first grade teacher.

10 C REDENCE (n.) belief, mental acceptance Cuddy fails to fire Dr. House because she has a credence that if he stays he will change and become nice.

11 D ECRY (v.) to condemn, express strong disapproval; to officially depreciate When Wilson started dating Amber, Dr. House decried Wilson by stalking out right saying that he did not like her.

12 P ROPINQUITY (n.) nearness in place or time; kinship Ex. When I noticed the propinquity of all my final exams, I drove to Walgreens and bought a new bottle of Aspirin.

13 P RIMORDIAL Developed or created at the very beginning; Going back to the most ancient times or earliest stage; Fundamental, basic The primordial cell phones were about the size of the house phones we use today, and had an antennae.

14 M URKY ( ADJ.) The increasing murkiness of the sky warned us of the impending storm. Dark and gloomy, obscure; lacking in clarity and precision

15 E ULOGY (n) formal statement of commendation; high praise Mrs. Geer’s narrative was a literal eulogy, as she had nothing negative to say about me.

16 DISSEMBLE v. to disguise or conceal, deliberately give false impression The actor had to dissemble himself so the paparazzi would not recognize him.

17 DISTRAUGHT adj. very much agitated or upset as a result of emotion or mental conflict The distraught children were waiting for news about their missing puppy.

18 V ERDANT (adj.) Green in tent or color; immature in experienc e or judgment. Syn: artless, naïve Ant: scorched, barren The Amazon Rainforest is filled with lush, verdant vegetation.

19 A RTICULATE To pronounce distinctly; to express well in words; to connect by a joint or joints; expressed clearly and forcefully; able to employ language clearly and forcefully; jointed I find J.K. Rowling’s writing extremely articulate; I always understand what she is saying.

20 F ECKLESS Lacking in spirit and strength; ineffective, weak; irresponsib le, unreliable. It seemed feckless to allow the little baby to drive.

21 E XHUME To remove from a grave; To bring to light. The vampire was exhumed from his grave.

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