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The Rise of Totalitarianism. What is Totalitarianism? Totalitarian state- a government that aims to control the political, economic, social, intellectual,

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Presentation on theme: "The Rise of Totalitarianism. What is Totalitarianism? Totalitarian state- a government that aims to control the political, economic, social, intellectual,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rise of Totalitarianism

2 What is Totalitarianism? Totalitarian state- a government that aims to control the political, economic, social, intellectual, and cultural lives of its citizens

3 Which country first adopts this?





8 Investigate problems with Italy Distribute reading Note problems occurring in Italy

9 Italian Problems Treaty of Versailles=Fought for nothing Did not receive promised land from Allies Inflation (not as bad as Germany) Fear of communist revolution

10 Yesterday's News In one sentence or less, summarize the term Totalitarianism. Include which country was the first to adopt it.

11 Mussolini

12 Fascism Lead by Dictator Restrictions on individual Rights Nationalism not Individualism Economy Controlled by Government Violence against threats Military & Youth glorified

13 Mussolini

14 Mussolini & the Fascist Party Promises to end corruption Replace turmoil with order "Return Mediterranean to the Roman Lake"

15 Control by Terror Black Shirts- Mussolini's combat squads Eliminated threats March on Rome (1922) Thousands of Fascists to Rome King Victor Emmanuel III gave power to Mussolini October 30,1922

16 Bellwork Based off of what we learned about fascism and its 6 major characteristics make a prediction about some of the policies Mussolini will make as the ruler of Italy. Also, include a prediction of his popularity among the Italian people.

17 Mussolini's Totalitarian Rule "Il Duce" Suppressed rival parties Muzzled the press Rigged elections Replaced officials with Fascists Supported Catholic Church




21 Mussolini's Totalitarian Rule Economy ruled by Fascists Boosted production At workers expense Prepared for war


23 Loyalty to the State "Believe! Obey! Fight!" "win the Battle of Motherhood" Shaping the youth


25 Expansion of Power Invasion of Ethiopia (1933) Conquered in 4 months Established Italian East Africa Gained popularity

26 Relationship with Adolf Hitler Copied him Hitler admirer of Mussolini Disagreement over Austria Became Allies

27 Murder of his people Eliminated communists Sent Jewish population to Hitler's concentration camps (1938)

28 Mussolini's Speech Distribute Worksheet

29 Exit Slip Go back to your prediction from bellwork, correct any predictions that you did not get correct. Hand the sheet to me before you leave today.

30 Joseph Stalin quote "Death is the solution to all problems. No man – No problem." - Joseph Stalin


32 Learning Target I can explain the economy in the Soviet Union under Stalin


34 Stalin Takes Charge Stalin's Five Year Plans Transform from agricultural to industrial Develops a Command Economy

35 Agriculture under Stalin Collectives – large, owned by many peasants Resistance to collectives Lead to reduced output Terror Famine: 8 million starve

36 Learning Target I can describe how Stalin used terror to build a totalitarian state

37 Control Through Terror No privacy No free press Expanded Propaganda Critics sent to the Gulag (labor camps)





42 Exit Slip On the back of the "Its hard to imagine" worksheet answer: Three things I learned today were....

43 Bellwork On the Notecard 1. Define Stalin's 5 year plans. Explain what his goal for the soviet union was and whether or not it worked. 2. Explain to me what a collective was. What was Stalin's response to the peasants resistance to collectives?

44 Conversation What would it take for you to admit to a crime you did not commit? Talk to the people around you about what could cause you to do such a thing.


46 Great Purge 1934-1953 (after WWII) Targeted: Old Bolsheviks, army heroes, Industrial managers, writers, ordinary citizens, religious Public displays At least 4 million deaths Increases Stalin's power

47 purges?m=528e394da93ae&s=undefined&f=1&free=false purges?m=528e394da93ae&s=undefined&f=1&free=false

48 Ban of Religion Atheism becomes state policy Christians, Jews, and Muslims banned from practicing Texts replaced by Marx & Lenin writings Shrines replaced by Stalin portraits

49 Foreign Policy Worldwide communist revolution West becomes suspicious of USSR


51 Bellwork If a war was to break out between communists and fascists who would you fight for? Why?

52 Learning Target I can explain the causes and effects of the Spanish Civil War


54 Spain Hit by Great Depression High Unemployment Republic failing Communism gaining support

55 Francisco Franco

56 Outbreak of Civil War

57 (1936-1939) Spanish Civil War Republicans Nationalists Socialism/ Communism Favored Fascism VS.



60 Support from Outsiders The Republican – Stalin The Nationalists - Mussolini/Hitler Great Britain & France remain Neutral

61 Results "Today the Red Army having been disarmed and captured, the National troops have reached their final military objectives. The war is over." April 1st, 1939- Franco

62 Effects Franco becomes dictator of Spain (Not totalitarian) UK, France, and US prove they are afraid of another war Hitler tests new weapons

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