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 Quebec under leadership of Premier Maurice Duplessis and the “Union Nationale”  Roman Catholic Church dominant – urged Quebekers to turn their backs.

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2  Quebec under leadership of Premier Maurice Duplessis and the “Union Nationale”  Roman Catholic Church dominant – urged Quebekers to turn their backs on materialism of English Canada, focusing on old Quebec traditions of farm, faith, and family  Church ran Quebec’s hospitals, schools, orphanages, asylums (nuns working for free)  Little emphasis on new technology, engineering, business  government was corrupt  Duplessis bribed voters, the provincial police crushed strikes

3  Wave of social change against the traditional French- Canadian values focused on church, home, and family  Aimed to reduce corruption, reform education, and make the province stronger and more economically independent from Canada  Roman Catholic church lost its primacy and was replaced by Québec nationalism

4  The Front de Libération du Québec (FLQ) was a terrorist organization trying to achieve and independent Quebec  in the 1960s they set of several bombs in the province to protest against English control

5  France`s president visited Québec in 1967, and helped encourage separatists  ended his speech with `Vive le Québec libre!`

6  Sent across Canada in 1963 to gather opinion about English- French relations  Revealed the anti-French bias in English provinces and the federal government  Recommended that both French and English be made official languages in Parliament and federal offices, and that Ottawa be declared officially bilingual

7  Was passed in 1969  Made Canada an officially bilingual country

8  P. 259 #1-3, 5, 8

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