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O1 Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering Faculty of Basic and Applied Sciences International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan.

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Presentation on theme: "O1 Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering Faculty of Basic and Applied Sciences International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan."— Presentation transcript:

1 o1 Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering Faculty of Basic and Applied Sciences International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan By: Muhammad Imran Saeed Assistant Professor

2 2  What is Ethics  Who imposes Ethics?  What is Source of Ethics for Us?  Is Pakistani Society Ethical?  Why we seem “low” in Ethics?  How Media Affects Society?  Few Examples of “Preaching” Bad.

3 Ethics is related to the code or set of principles, standards or rules that guide the moral actions of an individual within a particular social framework. If a task or action is done as per those code, principles, standards or rules then it is considered to be ETHICAL. aaza3

4  Society or administration of society imposes ethics.  Normally every religion emphasizes on an Ethical Society. So if a Society is really a religious society then these Norms and Rules are imposed by the religion.  Today in west, as religion has been separated from daily life so we find so many unethical things in society. Task: Discuss Examples of Unethical norms in Western Society. aaza4

5 Quran and Sunnah  Islam is religion of Nature  It not only discusses about how to pray? but also How to spend life and how to deal with others?  So Islam never allows to separate religion from our daily life.  There are specifically two lines of actions for Muslims: a) Huquq Ullah (Rights of Allah Almighty) b) Huquq-ul-Ibaad (Rights of People of Allah) aaza5

6 a) Huqooq Ullah (Rights of Allah Almighty) aaza6

7 a) Huquq Ullah (Rights of Allah Almighty) - Islam Is Submission - “La Ikraha Fid din” is only till you are not IN Islam. But once you are in Islam then you have to Follow every thing said by Allah Almighty. - By Fulfilling Huquq Ullah, one gets fear of Allah and tries to OBEY whatever has been told in Quran and Sunnah. aaza7

8 b) Huqooq-ul-Ibaad (Rights of People of Allah) - Islam is Deen (that not only describes how to pray and whom to worship rather is teaches us how to live in Society with other Human. - Islam Believes in Peace and equality and it is achieved only by fulfilling the Rights (Huqooqs) of others. - Islamic Society should be a peaceful Society. aaza8

9 Yes? or No? aaza9

10  We are not trying to understand & Follow Quran and Hadith aaza10

11  Our society was one of best Societies.  Our Social Values are changing….  Who is changing those values? MEDIA …..??? aaza11

12  Media is a strong source to educate people for good.  And Media Can Play a vital role to teach Ethics.  But if it works in opposite direction then it becomes killer.  Media whether print or electronic, both have strong impact on society and specially on the young ones. aaza12

13 Media is preaching Bad like:  Way of speaking (observe how youngers answer (snub) their parents and elders in different Dramas). (Also Talk Shows)  Kids learn how to betray, misbehave and fight through very “Harmless Cartoons”.  Teens learn how to tell lie to parents and elders? How to misbehave with parents?  Illegal relationships in the name of friendship. aaza13

14  Dressing against Islam.  Boys and Girls Friendships and meeting with each other (Totally forbidden in Islam).  Bringing “tolerance” for nudity and indecency like Fashion shows, Cheer Leaders, Dances in the names of aerobics and lots more.  Preaching “Intolerance between husbands and wives” that ultimately results into separation or Divorce. aaza14

15  Advertisements is another example of Indecency and propagating the feelings that women are tool to market the commodities. So Media is trying to make actors/actresses and dancers, the role model of our youth.  Betraying people in dealings. aaza15

16  Every Individual should be self-accountable and ethical How?  By Understanding and Implementing Quran and Sunnah in his/her life. Essence: Perform your duties and Respect others rights. aaza16

17 17

18 Ethics is related to the code or set of principles, standards or rules that guide the moral actions of an individual within a particular social framework. Normative (Applied) Ethics is the study of norms, rules, values and standards that should guide our moral decisions.

19 Computer Ethics: the systematic study of the ethical and social impact of computers in the information society. Computer Ethics also includes the study of the policies, rules and legislations that refer to a particular situation and alternative ethical decisions, as well as the social implications of these alternatives.

20 Ethical Problems aggravated, transformed or created by computer technology. Policy Vacuum about usage of Computer Technology Personal and Social Ethical Issues

21 Information Technology may: 1) exaggerate traditional problems (new ways of invading privacy) 2) Convert already known ethical issues into analogous issues (change the idea of ownership and intellectual property) 3) Create entirely new ethical problems (Computer Viruses and Hacking)

22 Individuals can draw upon some personal or codified ethics: 1) The Law: Codifying moral principals with negative consequences for disobedience. 2) Code of Practice: Guidelines for employee to work within. 3) Professional ethics: Ethical Principles RELEVANT to the members of that PROFESSION 4) Personal Ethics: Values that influence the action of individual (e.g., religious precepts)

23 Questions & Answers aaza23

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