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Le conditionnel. Formation Just like future tense, use the infinitive form of a verb & add the imparfait endings: -ais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient.

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Presentation on theme: "Le conditionnel. Formation Just like future tense, use the infinitive form of a verb & add the imparfait endings: -ais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient."— Presentation transcript:

1 Le conditionnel

2 Formation Just like future tense, use the infinitive form of a verb & add the imparfait endings: -ais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient For –re verbs, remove the final e before adding the endings. Verbs that have irregular stems in the future tense, have the same stem in the conditional.

3 parler je parleraisnous parlerions tu parleraisvous parleriez il/elle/on parleraitils/elles parleraient finir je finiraisnous finirions tu finiraisvous finiriez il/elle/on finiraitils/elles finiraient vendre je vendraisnous vendrions tu vendraisvous vendriez il/elle/on vendraitils/elles vendraient

4 Les Emplois Use to indicate a possible consequence that would occur if a precise condition were met (si + imparfait). NOTE this is a hypothetical situation: –Si tu voulais être en bonne santé, tu ferais de l’exercise. If you wanted to be in good health, you would exercise. –Tu achèterais des légumes si tu voulais bien manger. You would buy vegetables if you wanted to eat well.

5 Les Emplois Use to make a request or offer sound more polite. The verbs used most often for this pouvoir and vouloir: –Pourrais-tu m’aider? Could you help me? –Est-ce que vous voudriez faire du yoga? Would you like to do yoga?

6 Les Emplois Use to express ideas that have not been confirmed. This is often used by the mass media: –Il y aurait une alerte à la bombe à l’aéroport. It appears that there is a bomb scare at the airport.

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