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Elks QB Club Supporting Team 125. Elks QB Club - Founded in the fall of 1958 QB Club Purpose: This is a non-profit booster club made up of parents and.

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Presentation on theme: "Elks QB Club Supporting Team 125. Elks QB Club - Founded in the fall of 1958 QB Club Purpose: This is a non-profit booster club made up of parents and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elks QB Club Supporting Team 125

2 Elks QB Club - Founded in the fall of 1958 QB Club Purpose: This is a non-profit booster club made up of parents and dedicated individuals who get involved with activities whose sole purpose is to support the football teams at Elk River HS. The organization assists the coaching staff in raising necessary funds for the program. We sponsor many events for players and parents throughout the course of the season. Behind every successful football program is an active booster club! Many hands make light work = Football Parent Volunteers. All parents are encouraged to attend these meetings and get involved in helping make your child's football experience a great one for the 2016 season. Parents from all grade levels are needed.

3 Elk River School District Pays: (from the player athletic registration fees) - 9 Coaches for all teams - Referees - Standard bus - Basic Field Maintenance - Equipment (Helmet, Footballs, girdles, knee pads, etc.) - Trainer (Home football gates goes into the schools g eneral fund to help pay for other activities)

4 Elks QB Club Pays For: through fundraising pays for the following: 2016: -Funding Assistant Coaches and Technology/Film Coordinator -Team Building Activities -Website -College Scholarships Awarded Each Year -Football Replacement Uniforms and Equipment -Video Equipment and Hudl -Fireworks, Field Paint, Corn Feed, Post game parties, Away Game Food for 9th/10 th Grades -End of Year Banquets for All Levels Past Projects: -Weight Room Equipment and supplies -New Sound System, Press Box & Ticket Booth for the Varsity Field -New Varsity Game uniforms, etc..

5 Revenue: Our Annual Fundraising Plan Fertilizer Sale$7,000 Pizza Sale$10,000 Golf Tournament$9,000 Gold Card Sale$30,000 QB Club Fee’s$5,000 Concession Stand$8,000 Hamburger Stand$3,000 Advertising Sales$5,500 $77,500 Expenses Coaches$45,000 Game Tech, Film, and Stats$2,500 Replacement Uniforms$1,600 Field Paint$3,500 Fire Works$4,500 Equipment and Maintenance$1,000 Team Building$1,000 Accountant (Taxes)$1,600 Website$500 2015 Scholarships$2,500 Food Expenses$4,000 Busing (Moorhead and Duluth)$1,500 Coaches Clinics$1,400 Banquet(s)$3,000 Hudl Sideline$2,000 Misc.$1,500 Total Expenses$78,100 Expenses Coaches$45,000 Game Tech, Film, and Stats$2,500 Replacement Uniforms$1,600 Field Paint$3,500 Fire Works$4,500 Equipment and Maintenance$1,000 Team Building$1,000 Accountant (Taxes)$1,600 Website$500 2015 Scholarships$2,500 Food Expenses$4,000 Busing (Moorhead and Duluth)$1,500 Coaches Clinics$1,400 Banquet(s)$3,000 Hudl Sideline$2,000 Misc.$1,500 Total Expenses$78,100 2016 QB Club Budget

6 2016 QB Club Important Dates QB Club Meeting Dates – 3 rd Monday of Each Month (3/21, 4/18, 5/16, 6/20, 7/18, 8/15, 9/19, 10/17, 11/21, 12/19 Fertilizer Fundraiser – March 6 th to March 22 nd – Pick Up April 2 nd Heggies Pizza Fundraiser – In June, Dates TBA Gold Card Sales – Starts August 8 th to August 18 th Behind every successful football program is an active booster club! Many hands make light work = Football Parent Volunteers.

7 Elks 12 th Annual Fertilizer Sale Sale Starts: Tonight - Sunday, March 6th Turn in Cards to the Coaches: By Thursday, March 18th Elk River High School: Coach Breyen, Coach Hamilton, Coach Osterman, Coach Cross, Coach Olson Vandenberg Middle School: Coach Nowinsky Salk Middle School: Coach Gustafson Fertilizer Delivers: Saturday, April 2nd 10:00AM – 12:00PM @ ERHS Parking lot Money Due: To Coaches by Thursday, April 7 th Checks can be made out to Elks QB Club IMPORTANT – Please fill out the Green Cards completely and as neat as possible, you will get them back following years to help you sell in the future.

8 Sales Tools: Green cards for tracking your orders White Elks Football team cards to give to your customers, explains why we are holding the sale. Emails will be sent to all past, present, and youth football families Email template available on website to forward information to your families and friends. Team Goal:Earn $10,000.00 for our program. (100 players sell 20 bags each = $14,000) Player Goal:Each Player should sell 20 bags Questions: Contact Mike Brown Email @ Text or call @ 763-280-1511

9 Player Incentives Plus Top seller in each grade = $1 per bag commission Level Two = 30 Bags Earn a Nike Hoodie $70 value Level One = 20 bags Earn Nike Workout Shirts $35 value Level Three = 40 bags Earn Nike 1/4 Zip Jacket $85 value Level Four = 100 bags Earn all Three $190 value

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