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Developing a School-wide “Vision of the Excellent Reader who Graduates from Hale Kula Elementary” September 30, 2009 Preparation for work to clarify school-wide.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing a School-wide “Vision of the Excellent Reader who Graduates from Hale Kula Elementary” September 30, 2009 Preparation for work to clarify school-wide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing a School-wide “Vision of the Excellent Reader who Graduates from Hale Kula Elementary” September 30, 2009 Preparation for work to clarify school-wide reading curriculum

2 STANDARDS-BASED CHANGE PROCESS to develop… Steps in a system for improving student achievement through standards Conversations about what everyone is doing to improve student achievement Evidence-based teaching The coherent “staircase” curriculum as foundation for curricular/instructional/ assessment decisions

3 Contrasting Staircase vs. Fragmented Curriculum Vision of Excellent Reader, Etc. Unclear Outcome

4 How? Through the “To Do” List School-Wide Goals 1.Philosophy 2.Vision statement Grade-Level Goals 3. Grade level vision/ benchmarks 4. I Can statements The Evidence System for Evidence-Based Teaching 5. Evidence 6. Procedures for collecting 7. Rubrics for scoring 8. Bar graphs for sharing with colleagues Instructional improvements 9. Instructional decisions based on evidence

5 TODAY’S FOCUS School-wide Vision Statement for Reading

6 TASK 1 Grade Level Group Work 1. Identify are TRAITS OF GOOD READERS? - What do they know? - What can they do? - What are their attitudes toward reading? 2.List your ideas on chart paper (to help your thinking, so need not be beautiful)

7 TASK 2 Using the ideas you just generated, Write on chart paper, 1-3 sentences that express your Vision of the Excellent Reader your graduating students will be … when the whole school works together to develop the students as readers!

8 FROM SCHOOLS IN HAWAI`I AND ELSEWHERE Samples of schools’ Vision Statements

9 School-Wide Goals: Vision of our Excellent Graduating Reader/Writer

10 School Vision Versus Vision of the Excellent Reader

11 Vision with Grade Level Bar Graphs and Reflections

12 Helemano Elem Reading Vision An excellent reader who graduates from Helemano Elementary school uses a myriad of strategies to read for understanding and enjoyment, therefore becoming a successful life long reader.

13 TASK 3 Sharing Possible Statements 1. Each grade level presents its version of a school-wide reading vision. 2. After presentations, point out common ideas and phrases – “lasso” these. 3. Together, draft a vision statement from the commonly cited elements.

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