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WHAT IS K to 12?. Where Are We Now?  Locally, only 6 of every 1,000 Grade 6 elementary students are prepared to enter high school.  Only 2 of.

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Presentation on theme: "WHAT IS K to 12?. Where Are We Now?  Locally, only 6 of every 1,000 Grade 6 elementary students are prepared to enter high school.  Only 2 of."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHAT IS K to 12?





6 Where Are We Now?  Locally, only 6 of every 1,000 Grade 6 elementary students are prepared to enter high school.  Only 2 of every 100 4 th year high school graduates are fit for college.

7 Where Are We Now?  Students have insufficient mastery of basic competencies due to congested curriculum.  Graduates are ill-prepared for higher education and employment.


9 Where Are We Now? High school graduates, who are usually below 18 years old, lack basic competencies and maturity.

10 Lack of Competency and Maturity: Too young to enter the work force; cannot legally enter into contracts. Psychologists say children under 18 are not emotionally mature enough for entrepreneurship or employment. Educators say children under 18 are not intellectually mature enough to handle higher education disciplines.

11 Where Are We Now? Millions of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) especially the professionals and those who intend to study abroad are at a disadvantage.


13 Why Add Two Years? Decongest and enhance the basic education curriculum Better quality education for all

14 “We need to add two years to our basic education. Those who can afford, pay up to fourteen years of schooling before university. Thus, their children are getting into the best universities and the best jobs after graduation. I want at least 12 years for our public school children to give them an even chance at succeeding.” - President Benigno S. Aquino III

15 How Do We Add the Two Years? Proposed Model: K-6-4-2 Model Senior High School Grades 11 to 12 (16-17 years old) Junior High School Grades 7 to 10 (12-15 years old) Elementary School Grades 1 to 6 (6-11 years old) Kindergarten (5 years old)

16 Implementation Plan

17 What is Senior High School? 2 years to consolidate academic skills and competencies and allow in-depth specialization for students depending on the occupation/career track they wish to pursue Skills and competencies relevant to the job market

18 K to 12 means Kindergarten and the 12 years of elementary and secondary education. Kindergarten, 6 yrs Elem, 4 yrs Junior HS, 2 yrs Senior HS (K-6-4-2) Kindergarten refers to the 5-year old children that takes a standardized kinder curriculum. WHAT IS K to 12?

19 K to 12 Education Vision Graduates of Enhanced K to 12 Basic Education Program will: acquire mastery of basic competencies. be more emotionally mature. be socially aware, pro-active, involved in public and civic affairs.

20 Graduates of Enhanced K to 12 Basic Education Program will: be functionally literate and holistically developed. possess competencies and skills relevant to the job market. be adequately prepared for the world of work or entrepreneurship or higher education.

21 Graduates of Enhanced K to 12 Basic Education Program will: be legally employable with potential for better earnings. be globally competitive.

22 How will the K to 12 program help students intending to pursue higher education?  CHED will be releasing its updated college readiness standards, which will be the basis for the competencies in Grades II and 12.

23 How will the K to 12 program help students intending to pursue higher education?  The K to 12 curriculum will be in accordance with the college readiness standards from CHED, which sets the skills and competencies needed of K to 12 graduates who wish to pursue higher education.

24 What subjects will be added and removed?  Experts from CHED, TESDA, and other stakeholders are working with DepED to formulate the new curriculum framework, standards, and competencies for K to 12.

25 What subjects will be added and removed?  In Grades 11 and 12 (HS years 5 and 6), core subjects like Math, Science and English will be strengthened.  Specialization in the students’ areas of interest will also be offered.

26 What specializations will be offered in senior high school?  Specializations offered will be on academics, technical-vocational, sports and arts.  Specializations will be guided by local needs, resources, and conditions.

27 How will students choose their specializations?  Students will undergo several assessments to determine their interest and strengths, such as: - aptitude test - career assessment exam - occupational interest inventory for high schools

28 How will K to 12 program help in ensuring employment for our graduates?  The K to 12 basic education curriculum will prepare students for work. They will be equipped with technical- vocational skills that will offer them better opportunities to be gainfully employed.

29 How will K to 12 program help in ensuring employment for our graduates?  There will be school-industry partnership for tech-voc tracks to allow students to gain on-the- job/actual work experience while studying and get the opportunity to be absorbed by the companies.

30 How will K to 12 program help in ensuring employment for our graduates?  The curriculum will enable students to acquire COCs or Certificate of Competency and NCs or National Certifications accordance to TESDA training regulations.


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