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SCIETT Florida Center for Inclusive Communities Action Plan 08/26/08: OSCEOLA Year Three Implement Discovery strategy to support three students from school.

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1 SCIETT Florida Center for Inclusive Communities Action Plan 08/26/08: OSCEOLA Year Three Implement Discovery strategy to support three students from school to work in successfully matched work environments ACTIONRESPONSIBLETIMELINECOMMENTS Identify three students currently in Osceola school district transition who are also customers of the Agency For Persons with Disabilities Arthur Barndt, APD Joy Suldo, Osceola Schools Upon receipt of the listsBrenda to provide delimiters for the query through JB Black, APD Hdqrts. 09/03/08 Joy currently developing listing of students in each school Get wait list specific to the Agency for Persons With Disabilities in the Osceola area between the ages of 18 – 22 years. Art Barndt, APD Brenda Clark, Project Staff October 2008Brenda to address with JB Black, APD Hdqrts. 8/27/08 Art Barndt to address with JB Black, APD Hdgrts Gather listing of enrolled students with IEP goals of employment. Joy Suldo, Osceola School District November 1, 2008Joy to review IEP for employment goal statement Cross reference the APD and OSD listing for matches. Art Barndt, APD Joy Suldo, Osceola School District Upon receipt of both listStudent must meet all current policy and procedure guidelines for SE services by APD and Osceola School District Identify SE Consultant to receive TA to provide the supports to each student. Art Barndt, APDUpon completion of action step of student selects SE Provider Art will process necessary documents, authorizations, and notify Provider and Brenda prior to SE Provider contact with student

2 SCIETT Florida Center for Inclusive Communities Action Plan 08/26/08: OSCEOLA Year Three ACTIONRESPONSIBLETIMELINECOMMENTS Provide information of SE choices to students targeted Art Barndt, APD Joy Suldo, Osceola School District Upon completion of cross reference list action step Art and Joy will facilitate opportunity for the three students to interview the three SE provider representatives to select their preference. SE will begin develop relationship with student Provide resource information to support employment options to all students on OSD list Art Barndt, APD Joy Suldo, Osceola School District I know you scheduled this already however I do not have the date written Art and Joy scheduled an event to address school personnel who are assigned to students with disabilities. Follow up with possible alternative revenue bearing options for employment service providers Sherry Cain, Osceola ARC Carlos Jimenez, Quest, Inc Sonia Bermudez, Primrose December 2008Brenda provided contact information for Ticket to Work Employment Network outreach conference calls and other work incentive options Request $5,000.00 per student for a total of $15,000.00 general revenue budget from APD Brenda Clark, Project Staff Art Barndt, Local Area APD SE Liaison January 2009Brenda to address with JB Black 08/27/08 Art Barndt to address with Steve Roth, APD Adm Local Area and JB Black, APD Hdqrts Two team members commit to become resource options for the community Sonia Bermudez, Primrose Ctr. Carlos Jimenez, Quest December 2008Carlos and Sonia will send Brenda their availability to collaborate to receive TA for Discovery and other proven strategies.

3 SCIETT Florida Center for Inclusive Communities Action Plan 08/26/08: OSCEOLA Year Three ACTIONRESPONSIBLETIMELINECOMMENTS Implement Discovery to support one person from the Osceola ARC to employment outcome Sherry Cain – Osceola ARCMay 2009Utilize TA for Discovery strategy to include a time study of actual staff resources dedicated from implementation to employment. Share with team

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