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Rainier Lions Club Speech Megan Adams. Reenactment of Helen’s speech 

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Presentation on theme: "Rainier Lions Club Speech Megan Adams. Reenactment of Helen’s speech "— Presentation transcript:

1 Rainier Lions Club Speech Megan Adams

2 Reenactment of Helen’s speech 

3 Speaker  Helen Keller  She struggled to learn how to do simple things such as getting dressed or even eating.  She has been blind and deaf since she was a child.  Her fortitude has made her a Role Model.  She learned how to speak, but it was never clear. Mainly, because she had never seen or heard anyone speak.

4 Occasion  Helen Keller was speaking at the Lions club on June 30,1925.  This was at an international convention in Cedar point, Ohio.  The rainier Lions Club is an organization that is global. They are basically helping in any way they can.  1.35 million members making them the world's largest service club organization.  They have been around for a really long time and their main purpose is to serve their community and make an impact.

5 Audience  The Audience was the members of the Lions club.  They are a huge organization. This meaning they have lots of money and they can help.  Through her speech she probably had a big efficacy on her audience.

6 Purpose  The main purpose here is “To make the lives of the blind more worthwhile everywhere by increasing their economic value and giving them the joy of normal activity.”  Helen was trying to get sponsor’s for the American Foundation for the Blind.  Helen was being the voice for all the blind in the world. They were blind. They felt helpless. So why would they speak up.  She decided to speak up for parity.

7 Subject  The main subject is the blind.  As Helen speaks you hear a lot about the struggles that come with being blind.  That everybody deserves a chance.  Just, because you’re blind doesn’t been you can’t have the opportunity as someone who can see gets.  Even though it is depressing she states veracity with passion.

8 Tone  Helen Keller’s tone is not only inspiring and hopeful, but also bold.  In order to get her point through she must put these feelings in motion.  She was jubilant in hope and strive.  Her prudence gives her praise.

9 Pathos  Here Helen Keller uses pathos when talking about her experience with being blind and others as well.  “In that dark world wouldn’t you be glad If a friend took you by the hand and said, ‘come with me and I will teach you how to do some of the things you used to do when you could see’?’  In this could also be Logos, because you know that you would take that help and be glad if you were in that situation.  Even ethos, because she is giving them a reason to want to help.

10 Ethos  Helen Keller uses ethos here in talking about what you should do and why you should do it.  She says “Will you not constitute yourselves Knights of the Blind in the crusade against darkness? I thank you”  This is her last verse and it is very powerful.  Basically saying will you be the light in the blind man’s “darkness” or will you simply let there be no “ray of light”.

11 Logos  Helen uses Logos when talking about charity.  “The gift without the sympathy and interest of the giver, is empty”  This is simply saying that if you’re not doing something for the right reasons then why do it at all.  Even relating to pathos  For example if you got a really expensive car for your birthday. You new it was only bought for you, because that person couldn’t think of anything else. You wouldn't; be as appreciative of it.

12 Conclusion  This speech really moved me and I’m sure it moved everyone who listened to Helen Keller speak.  She not only gives Hope to the helpless, but also gives faith to the doubtful mind.  My favorite verse from her speech is “another soul touched the darkness of my mind and I found myself, found the world, found God”  I think this concludes in a whole of how she has overcome this tragedy.  Overall she just wants to give people hope, faith, and a new way to look at life.

13 Resources  history/our-mission.php history/our-mission.php  https://encrypted- Eb96JmMmeNtmRKZNp8DKiFHqTSvhiWv984bcmg https://encrypted- Eb96JmMmeNtmRKZNp8DKiFHqTSvhiWv984bcmg  https://encrypted- NbvfmT40kOez-qfRC1fNRCC4MCLCnpKG-Fz6Rw https://encrypted- NbvfmT40kOez-qfRC1fNRCC4MCLCnpKG-Fz6Rw  https://encrypted- NyhrkutWQBgaNniWjbo9fisqVl8x4oLrPAy https://encrypted- NyhrkutWQBgaNniWjbo9fisqVl8x4oLrPAy  quotes/2013/03/The-best-and-most-beautiful-things-in- this-world-cannot-be-seen-or-even-heard-but-must-be-felt- with-the-heart._-_-Helen-700x525.jpg quotes/2013/03/The-best-and-most-beautiful-things-in- this-world-cannot-be-seen-or-even-heard-but-must-be-felt- with-the-heart._-_-Helen-700x525.jpg

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