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Paks II and Hanhikivi-1: financing concerns András Perger Greenpeace Risks and Responsibilities in EU Nuclear Projects June 23 2016, Brussels.

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Presentation on theme: "Paks II and Hanhikivi-1: financing concerns András Perger Greenpeace Risks and Responsibilities in EU Nuclear Projects June 23 2016, Brussels."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paks II and Hanhikivi-1: financing concerns András Perger Greenpeace Risks and Responsibilities in EU Nuclear Projects June 23 2016, Brussels

2 Study on Paks II ●Commissioned by Greenpeace ●Prepared by Candole Partners ●Economic feasibility assessment, based on project finance discounted cash- flow model ●Impact on market concentration: assessment follows guidelines of EU and US competition authorities ●Forecasts are based on World Energy Outlook (2015) by International Energy Agency ●Analysis used the same very optimistic assumptions as governemnt’s analysis does, except wholesale prices and load factor

3 Electricity price forecasts

4 Model inputs

5 Results ●The project NPV is negative across all analysed scenarios ●The project would break even only if Hungarian government provided subsidy to the project equal at least to EUR 85/MWh ●Paks II will not generate profit, and is not economically viable under any scenarios analysed ●On top of the State investment, the project would require subsidies to cover losses: annual amount is EUR ~216 M in base case (EUR 46 M to EUR 580 M in the high and low scenarios) ●The amount of subsidy is significantly higher than that needed to support alternative generation sources

6 Results ●Paks II would also have significant negative impact on market concentration ●Positions of state-controlled companies in power generation sector would increase significantly compared to non-nuclear scenarios ●Paks II will likely have a crowding-out effect on the alternatives to nuclear power generation with lower costs than Paks II

7 Further concerns ●Costs ●WACC ●Load factor ●Construction time ●Currency risks ●Turnkey? ●VEB: near bankrupt ●Financing from other sources? - Paks II still won’t be economically viable

8 Greenpeace’s activities so far First submission to DG COMP, DG GROWTH and DG ENER in April 2014, concerning: 1.Violation of State aid rules 2.Violation of public procurement rules 3.Violation of tendering obligation for incentives to the construction of new generation capacity (Article 8 of Directive 72/2009/EC) Second submission in November 2015 DG COMP and DG GROWTH have opened State aid investigation and infringement procedure DG ENER has failed to take position on the issue: can Member States re- monopolise markets?

9 Fennovoima - Hanhikivi-1 ●Fennovoima Ltd: 66% Finnish companies, 34% Rosatom ●Nord Pool prices are low ●Price of electricity of Hanhikivi is expected to be higher than market price ●Rosatom promise: first 12 years the maximum price of electricity produced is 50€/MWh ●Mankala principle: companies are both allowed and obligated to buy the electricity on cost price principle - owners will suffer economically if the NPP ever comes online

10 Lack of funding ●Hanhikivi-1 price estimate: EUR 6.5 - 7 billion ●Owners pay 1.7 billion ●Rest to be covered by loans organized by Rosatom ●Russian National Welfare Fund promised EUR 2.4 billion loan ●2.4 – 2.9 billion missing ●Welfare fund could be empty by 2019 ●VEB supposed to fund Paks II needs bailout ●With the current economic situation of Russia it is hard to find funding for a project that does not seem to be economically viable

11 Thank you for your attention! András Perger

12 Load factor 123456 Dukovany 84.584.383.686 Bohunice 78.680.2 Mochovce 84.683.8 Paks 87.182.587.289.1 Temelín 73.777.2 Kozloduy 62.469.7

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