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Report on SBSTA-43 John Bates NOAA, National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) NOAA/NESDIS 6th Working Group on Climate Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Report on SBSTA-43 John Bates NOAA, National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) NOAA/NESDIS 6th Working Group on Climate Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Report on SBSTA-43 John Bates NOAA, National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) NOAA/NESDIS 6th Working Group on Climate Meeting

2 The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change What is SBSTA and RSO? Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) – The SBSTA is one of two permanent subsidiary bodies to the Convention established by the Conference of the Parties/Meeting (COP/CMP). It supports the work of the COP and the CMP through the provision of timely information and advice on scientific and technological matters as they relate to the Convention or its Kyoto Protocol. Research and Systematic Observations – The Convention calls on Parties to promote and cooperate in research and systematic observation of the climate system, including through support to existing international programmes and networks. In doing so, the Convention commits Parties to cooperate to improve the capacities of developing countries to participate in research and systematic observation (since SBSTA- 17) 6th Working Group on Climate Meeting

3 Role of SBSTA 4th Working Group on Climate Meeting

4 CEOS-CGMS WGClimate Goal and Objectives The over-arching goal of the CEOS/CGMS Working Group on Climate (WG Climate) will be to improve the systematic availability of Climate Data Records through the coordinated implementation, and further development of the architecture for climate monitoring from space. Objectives – Provision of a structured, comprehensive and accessible view as to what Climate Data Records are currently available from satellite missions of CEOS and CGMS members or their combination; – Creation of the conditions for delivering further Climate Data Records, including multi-mission Climate Date Records, through best use of available data to fulfil GCOS requirements (e.g. by identifying and targeting cross-calibration or re-processing gaps/shortfalls ); – Optimization of the planning of future satellite missions and constellations to expand existing and planned Climate Data Records, both in terms of coverage and record length, and to address possible gaps with respect to GCOS requirements 6th Working Group on Climate Meeting

5 WGClimate, GCOS, & UNFCCC Relationships 6th Working Group on Climate Meeting USERS GCOSWGClimate Consolidated Requirements ECVs/CDRs UNFCCC NEEDS Carbon Cycle Water Cycle ECV Precipit ation Priority 2Priority 1 ECV CO2 Priority 1Priority 3

6 SBSTA-43 Process WGClimate worked with Florin Vladu SBSTA Secretariat to coordinate and submit input CEOS Chair delegate is invited to read statement at opening of SBSTA-43 and statement is submitted to CEOS Plenary for endorsement SBSTA Chair will share summary of key elements received for COP-21 for WGClimate review WGClimate is working with SBSTA delegates to review and comment on CEOS/CGMS input WGClimate will respond to final report and recommendations from SBSTA-43 CEOS/CGMS Contribution to SBSTA-43

7 SBSTA-43 Outcomes Outcomes relevant to CEOS/CGMS WGClimate The SBSTA also noted the CEOS and the CGMS joint report on progress made by space agencies providing global observations on their coordinated response to relevant needs of the Convention. The SBSTA invited GCOS to collaborate with relevant partners to continue enhancing access to, and understanding and interpretation of, data products and information to support decision-making on adaptation and mitigation at national, regional and global scales. The SBSTA urged Parties to work towards addressing the priorities and gaps identified in the GCOS SR 2015, and invited Parties and relevant organizations to provide inputs to, and contribute to the review of, the GCOS IP 2016. The SBSTA encouraged Parties and relevant organizations to enhance systematic observations related to the understanding and prediction of extreme events. 6th Working Group on Climate Meeting

8 SBSTA-43 Outcomes Analysis Outcomes relevant to CEOS/CGMS WGClimate Emphasis on “support decision-making on adaptation and mitigation at national, regional and global scales”. The climate monitoring architecture supports these and further work in these areas should be explored. CGOS/IPCC/UNFCCC report from 2015 helps focus this. The SBSTA urged Parties to work towards addressing the priorities and gaps identified in the GCOS SR 2015, and invited Parties and relevant organizations to provide inputs to, and contribute to the review of, the GCOS IP 2016. This iterative cycle was anticipated and WGClimate is well positioned to respond to this The SBSTA encouraged Parties and relevant organizations to enhance systematic observations related to the understanding and prediction of extreme events. This is a new area of emphasis. WGClimate needs to work with GCOS on GCOS requirements for this. 6th Working Group on Climate Meeting

9 Relative Roles and Relationships 6th Working Group on Climate Meeting

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