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FOUNDATIONS MS. JOHNSON Chapter 19: Science, Technology, and Society.

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1 FOUNDATIONS MS. JOHNSON Chapter 19: Science, Technology, and Society

2 Objectives While the emphasis on science is on gaining knowledge on the natural world by asking questions, the emphasis on technology is on finding practical ways to apply that knowledge to solve problems. Science and technology frequently help to advance each other. We all interact with the products of technology in almost everything we do. Technology is used to extend or improve our abilities, and many products of technology affect the environment in some way. Science, technology, and society are constantly interacting. Often a change in one of these areas affects the other two. People have more choices in their everyday lives because of the products and processes of technology. Every technological process or device has advantages and disadvantages associated with its use, providing both benefits and burdens for people and the environment.

3 Vocabulary Science Technology

4 Relationship of Science and Technology

5 Science and Technology Science: the process of asking questions and seeking their answers to gain an understanding of the natural world.  Helps us predict the outcome of physical events Technology: the process of using scientific knowledge and other resources to develop new products and processes.  Help solve problems and meet the needs of society and individuals  Emphasis on finding practical ways to apply knowledge to solve problems There are three fields of science: life science, earth science, and physical science.

6 Science and Technology Advance Each Other Science and technology frequently help to advance each other.  Science discoveries can lead to development of new or better technology.  In turn, the better technology can lead to new scientific discoveries. Every technological device or process is based in some way on scientific principles. Example:  Scientific Principle: Cold temperatures kill or reduce growth of microorganisms  Technological device Process: refrigerators and freezers

7 Technology as a System A system is a group of related elements/parts that work together for a common purpose.  The parts act in a series of steps: input, comparison and control, processing, output, and feedback. Example: Thermostat  Input: setting the temp.  Compare and control: compare room temp to set temp and controls the furnace  Output: heat  Feedback: change in room temp changes the thermostat

8 Technology in Use Everyone interacts with the products of technology. Reasons we use technology: extend/improve abilities, help us do work that requires more than human strength and speed, and to overcome physical disabilities. Every technological process or device affects the environment in some way- sometimes harmful (like the effects of natural resources for energy). Technology can also be used to protect the environment- dams store water and generate electricity.

9 Interaction of Science, Technology, and Society

10 Effects of Science and Technology on Society Science, technology, and society are constantly interacting. Our culture, economy, and social systems are often affected by developments in science and technology.  During the 1800s the U.S. was dramatically changed from an agricultural society to an industrialized society with the development of industrial machines. Again, they also create problems: pollution, hazardous waste. Solving such problems requires help from people working in government, industry, science, and technology.

11 Effects of Society on Science and Technology New technology is often developed in response to the needs of individuals or society.  Example: overcoming diseases  Led to the development of new medical procedures, chemo, laser surgery, artificial organs

12 Effects of Society on Science and Technology The attitudes of people in a society may influence the direction of scientific research and technological development.  Example: public attitude about testing on animals

13 Global Effects of Technology Technology used in one country may have an international or global impact.  Example: Chernobyl, Russia nuclear power plant explosion released radiation that affected neighboring countries.  It killed livestock, crops, and contaminated the water.

14 Global Effects of Technology On the positive side, people can interact more frequently because of technological advances.  Communication satellites  Phones  TVs Technology helps inform us immediately of natural disasters and provides the means of sending help to disaster victims.

15 Making Decisions About Technology

16 Technology Increases Our Choices People have more choices in their everyday lives because of the products of technology.  More forms of transportation―car, bus, train, plane  Home appliances―coffeemakers, ovens, vacuums, dishwashers

17 Assessing Technology Every technological process or device has advantages and drawbacks.  Example: cars have given us greater mobility and economic prosperity but also pollutes the air and can cause deaths from accidents Technological processes and devices should always be assessed based on advantages and disadvantages.  Short-tem and long-term effects should be taken into account  Can determine benefits for future generations  Ex. medical treatments, food additives, industrial chemicals, etc.

18 Technology and Decision Making Decisions about technology must be made constantly.  Short-term and long-term consequences are weighed Sometimes short-term benefits outweigh long-term burdens.  Ex. teeth x-rays at the dentist outweigh the possible dangerous exposure to radiation Sometimes long-term benefits outweigh short-term burdens.  Ex. seat belts provide momentary discomfort, but long-term reduce the number of automobile deaths

19 HOMEWORK: PAGE 238-240 PAGE 243-244 PAGE 247-248 Questions?

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