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[By Ron Halbrook] 3 3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity.

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Presentation on theme: "[By Ron Halbrook] 3 3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity."— Presentation transcript:


2 [By Ron Halbrook]

3 3 3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

4 Introduction 2. God’s complete Word exposes Satan’s lies God’s Word complete in 66 books Warnings against false Scripture How to test the claims 4

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12 12 35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.

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16 16 2 For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. 3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

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26 26 5 For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence. 18 And when Simon saw that through laying on of the apostles' hands the Holy Ghost was given, he offered them money,

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29 29 12 Truly the signs of an apostle were wrought among you in all patience, in signs, and wonders, and mighty deeds. 2 I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars:

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31 III. How to Test the Claims C. Rules for Detecting False Scripture 1. Not claim inspiration (O.T. apocrypha) 2. Not quoted by Christ or N.T. (O.T. apocrypha) 3. Not part of Hebrew Bible (O.T. apocrypha) 4. Not written in 1 st century AD (Jn. 16:13) 5. Author not associated with Apostles 31

32 III. How to Test the Claims C. Rules for Detecting False Scripture 6. Style, idiom, or character unlike alleged author 7. Mere extracts from other books (plagiarism) 8. Author or story tied to things of later era (anachronism) 9. Contradicts itself or facts (history, geography, etc.) 32

33 III. How to Test the Claims C. Rules for Detecting False Scripture 10. Contains bizarre, silly, or fabulous things 11. Not recognized as Scripture by friends or enemies of Christianity AD 0-400 12. Exposed & rejected by writers AD 0-400 13. Contradicts known Scripture 33

34 III. How to Test the Claims D. O.T. Apocrypha Added to Catholic Bible Apocrypha: obscure, doubtful authenticity  14 books not in Hebrew Bible but appended to later copies of Septuagint (250 BC) & to Vulgate (AD 405; Jerome called them “apocrypha” in Prologues of Jerome, distinguished them from liber canonici) 34

35 III. How to Test the Claims D. O.T. Apocrypha Added to Catholic Bible Apocrypha: obscure, doubtful authenticity  14 books used for historical & hortatory value  9 of 14 declared deutercanonical, Council of Trent 1546 35

36 Council of Trent Accepted 9 Apocrypha 36 1. Tobias: cannot separate “history” & “fiction” 2. Judith: “frequently twisted history & geography” 3. Wisdom: 1 st century BC Jew writes as if Solomon 4. Sirach: author admits not inspired 5. Baruch: author writes as if Jeremiah’s secretary 6. 1 st Maccabees: distorts numbers, victories, defeats 7. 2 nd Maccabees: “not as historical as” 1 st Maccabees 8. Esther 10:4-16:24: not in original book [added 100 BC] 9. Daniel 3:23-90; 13-14: changes & adds stories Notes in The Old Testament Complete with Annotations By Rev. Joseph A. Grispino, Confraternity Ver., Apocryphal Books Douay Ver., 1965

37 Council of Trent Rejected 5 Apocrypha 37 1. Prayer of Manasses: add to Babylonian Captivity, written 100 BC 2. The Song of the Three Holy Children: more fanciful additions to Daniel, written 100 BC 3. The History of Susanna: 1 st century BC, add to Dan. 4. 1 st Esdras: reconstruct parts of Ezra-Nehemiah 5. 2 nd Esdras: composite of ideas about Jerusalem, written 65 BC-AD 120

38 III. How to Test the Claims D. O.T. Apocrypha Added to Catholic Bible Apocrypha: obscure, doubtful authenticity  14 books in some Protestant Bibles as aids: KJV until 1666; some RSV add 3-4 Maccabees & Ps. 151 38

39 III. How to Test the Claims D. O.T. Apocrypha Added to Catholic Bible The Apocrypha fail the test  Josephus: “We have…only 22 books… justly believed to be divine” (Against Apion 1.8)  Do not claim inspiration; some disclaim it  Contradict internally, each other, known facts  Contradict Scripture: endorse magic, suicide, prayer & sacrifices for the dead, works of merit 39

40 III. How to Test the Claims E. Pseudepigrapha Fail the Test Pseudepigrapha: writings claimed as biblical other than the Apocrypha, with false titles & often falsely ascribed to Bible figures, originating 200 BC-AD 200  A flood of fiction, fancy, & fraud easily exposed 40

41 Pseudepigrapha: O.T. Fiction, Fancy, & Fraud 41 The Books of Adam and Eve: translation of Latin version Life of Adam and Eve: translation of Slavonic version Life of Adam and Eve: translation of Greek version (aka The Apocalypse of Moses) The Apocalypse of Adam The Book of Adam The Second Treatise of the Great Seth 1 Enoch (Ethiopic Apocalypse of Enoch) 1 Enoch Composite (incl. Charles, Lawrence & others) 2 Enoch (Slavonic Book of the Secrets of Enoch) Enoch (another version) The Books of Adam and Eve: translation of Latin version Life of Adam and Eve: translation of Slavonic version Life of Adam and Eve: translation of Greek version (aka The Apocalypse of Moses) The Apocalypse of Adam The Book of Adam The Second Treatise of the Great Seth 1 Enoch (Ethiopic Apocalypse of Enoch) 1 Enoch Composite (incl. Charles, Lawrence & others) 2 Enoch (Slavonic Book of the Secrets of Enoch) Enoch (another version)

42 42 Melchizedek The Book of Abraham The Testament of Abraham The Apocalypse of Abraham The Story of Asenath Selections from The Book of Moses Revelation of Moses The Assumption of Moses (aka The Testament of Moses) The Martyrdom of Isaiah The Ascension of Isaiah Melchizedek The Book of Abraham The Testament of Abraham The Apocalypse of Abraham The Story of Asenath Selections from The Book of Moses Revelation of Moses The Assumption of Moses (aka The Testament of Moses) The Martyrdom of Isaiah The Ascension of Isaiah Pseudepigrapha: O.T. Fiction, Fancy, & Fraud

43 43 The Revelation of Esdras The Book of Jubilees Tales of the Patriarchs The Letter of Aristeas The Book of the Apocalypse of Baruch (aka 2 Baruch) The Greek Apocalypse of Baruch (aka 3 Baruch) Fragments of a Zadokite work (aka The Damascus Document) The Revelation of Esdras The Book of Jubilees Tales of the Patriarchs The Letter of Aristeas The Book of the Apocalypse of Baruch (aka 2 Baruch) The Greek Apocalypse of Baruch (aka 3 Baruch) Fragments of a Zadokite work (aka The Damascus Document) Pseudepigrapha: O.T. Fiction, Fancy, & Fraud

44 44 Acts of John AD 225 Acts of Peter AD 185 Acts of Paul AD 190 Acts of Andrew AD 150 Acts of Thomas AD 215 Apocalypse of Peter AD 150-250 Apocryphon of James AD 175-225 Apocryphon of John AD 150-225 Dilogue of the Savior AD 150-200 Epistle to Laodiceans AD 300 Acts of John AD 225 Acts of Peter AD 185 Acts of Paul AD 190 Acts of Andrew AD 150 Acts of Thomas AD 215 Apocalypse of Peter AD 150-250 Apocryphon of James AD 175-225 Apocryphon of John AD 150-225 Dilogue of the Savior AD 150-200 Epistle to Laodiceans AD 300 Pseudepigrapha: N.T. Fiction, Fancy, & Fraud

45 45 Eugnostos the Blessed Late 1 st to 2 nd century Excerpta ex Theodoto AD 175 Gospel(s) of Bartholomew 5 th -6 th century Gospel of Barnabas16 th century Gospel of EbionitesAD 150 Gospel of HebrewsAD 150 Gospel of Judas 2 nd century Gospel of Mary Magdalene AD 120-180 Gospel of Nazareans AD 150 Gospel of Nicodemus (Acts of Pilate)AD 150 Eugnostos the Blessed Late 1 st to 2 nd century Excerpta ex Theodoto AD 175 Gospel(s) of Bartholomew 5 th -6 th century Gospel of Barnabas16 th century Gospel of EbionitesAD 150 Gospel of HebrewsAD 150 Gospel of Judas 2 nd century Gospel of Mary Magdalene AD 120-180 Gospel of Nazareans AD 150 Gospel of Nicodemus (Acts of Pilate)AD 150 Pseudepigrapha: N.T. Fiction, Fancy, & Fraud

46 46 Gospel of Peter AD 150 Gospel of Philip AD 175-225 Gospel of the Egyptians 2 nd -3 rd century Gospel of the Savior2 nd century Gospel of Thomas AD 90-180 Infancy Gospel of ThomasAD 225 Gospel of Thomas the Contender AD 200-250 Gospel of Truth AD 150 Hypostasis of the Archons3 rd century Interpretation of Knowledge AD 150-200 Gnostic gospels (Marcion, Mani, Basilides) 2 nd -3 rd c. Gospel of Peter AD 150 Gospel of Philip AD 175-225 Gospel of the Egyptians 2 nd -3 rd century Gospel of the Savior2 nd century Gospel of Thomas AD 90-180 Infancy Gospel of ThomasAD 225 Gospel of Thomas the Contender AD 200-250 Gospel of Truth AD 150 Hypostasis of the Archons3 rd century Interpretation of Knowledge AD 150-200 Gnostic gospels (Marcion, Mani, Basilides) 2 nd -3 rd c. Pseudepigrapha: N.T. Fiction, Fancy, & Fraud

47 47 Letter to Rheginos (or Treatise on the Resurrection) AD 175-200 Protoevangelium of James AD 150 Pistis Sophia 2 nd century Second Treatise of the Great Seth AD 175-200 Sophia of Jesus Christ 2 nd century Teachings of Silvanus AD 275-325 Treatise on the Resurrection (Letter to Rheginos) AD 175-200 Tripartite Tractate 3 rd -4th century Valentinian Exposition AD 175-200 Letter to Rheginos (or Treatise on the Resurrection) AD 175-200 Protoevangelium of James AD 150 Pistis Sophia 2 nd century Second Treatise of the Great Seth AD 175-200 Sophia of Jesus Christ 2 nd century Teachings of Silvanus AD 275-325 Treatise on the Resurrection (Letter to Rheginos) AD 175-200 Tripartite Tractate 3 rd -4th century Valentinian Exposition AD 175-200 Pseudepigrapha: N.T. Fiction, Fancy, & Fraud

48 III. How to Test the Claims E. Pseudepigrapha Fail the Test N.T. Pseudepigrapha written after Apostles died & N.T. was complete  Epistle to the Laodiceans: vv. from Paul’s letters  Acts of Paul & Thecla: admitted forgery  Gospel of Our Savior’s Infancy: contradicts John; infant Jesus sat on mule & changed him to man; child Jesus makes crows exit people’s mouths 48

49 III. How to Test the Claims F. “Lost Books” Fail the Test Rumors & claims of “lost books” false  The Lost Books of the Bible & the Forgotten Books of Eden : 1926 reprint of 1820 collection of pseudepigrapha — not new or lost  The Aquarian Gospel: 1911 Levi Dowling claims Jesus toured nations & borrowed pagan ideas 49

50 III. How to Test the Claims F. “Lost Books” Fail the Test Rumors & claims of “lost books” false  The Report of Pilate : 1879 W.S. Hahan used whole pages of Lew Wallace’s Ben Hur & others  The Book of Jasher: 1750 used parts of O.T.  The Gospel of Josephus: 1927 publicity stunt 50

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52 52 Early Writers Test Inspired & Uninspired Works

53 53 Early Writers Test Inspired & Uninspired Works

54 54 Early Writers Test Inspired & Uninspired Works

55 55 Early Writers Test Inspired & Uninspired Works

56 III. How to Test the Claims G. Satan Never Stops — Test Till End of Time! Muratorian Canon (170): lists 22-23 books (2-3 John possibly combined) 56 There is current also [an epistle] to the Laodiceans, [and] another to the Alexandrians, [both] forged in Paul's name to [further] the heresy of Marcion, and several others which cannot be received…. There is current also [an epistle] to the Laodiceans, [and] another to the Alexandrians, [both] forged in Paul's name to [further] the heresy of Marcion, and several others which cannot be received…. Hermas wrote the Shepherd very recently, in our times, in the city of Rome.... it cannot be read publicly to the people in church either among the Prophets, whose number is complete, or among the Apostles, for it is after [their] time.

57 III. How to Test the Claims G. Satan Never Stops — Test Till End of Time! Beware lest Satan deceive us with claims of revelation in addition to the Bible! 57

58 58 3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

59 Conclusion 2. God’s complete Word exposes Satan’s lies God’s Word complete in 66 books Warnings against false Scripture How to test the claims 59

60 60 16 And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord.

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