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* Nomads move from place to place instead of settling permanently * What are nomads? * What do we call people who move from place to place instead of.

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Presentation on theme: "* Nomads move from place to place instead of settling permanently * What are nomads? * What do we call people who move from place to place instead of."— Presentation transcript:


2 * Nomads move from place to place instead of settling permanently * What are nomads? * What do we call people who move from place to place instead of settling permanently? * What are nomadic tribes?

3 * An oasis is a fertile or green spot in a desert * What is an oasis? * What do we call a fertile or green spot in a desert? * How can an oasis support a city in the desert?

4 * Clans are families of people related by blood or marriage * What are clans? * What do we call families of people related by blood or marriage? * How would clans help people in harsh conditions?

5 * Allah is the Arabic word for God * What is Allah? * What is the Arabic word for God? * Is Allah the only other word for God?

6 * Monotheism is the belief in one God * What is monotheism? * What do we call the belief in one God? * If monotheism is the belief in one God, then what is polytheism?

7 * A pilgrimage is a journey to a sacred place or shrine * What is a pilgrimage? * What do we call a journey to a sacred place or shrine? * Christians, Muslims, and Jews all make pilgrimages to what city?

8 * Islam is a religion based upon the teachings of Muhammad * What is Islam? * What do we call the religion based on the teachings of Muhammad? * Where did Muhammad begin to spread Islam?

9 * A Muslim is a believer in Islam * What is a Muslim? * What do we call a believer in Islam? * What country has the largest population of Muslims?

10 * Hijrah is the migration of Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to the town of Yathrib(Medina) * What is Hijrah? * What do we call the migration to Yathrib? * Why did Hijrah happen?

11 * The Qur’an is the Muslim holy book * What is the Qur’an? * What do we call the Muslim holy book? * The Qur’an was originally written in what language?

12 * The Sunnah are teachings and practices of Muhammad used by Muslims as guides for proper living * What are the Sunnah? * What do we call the Muslims’ guides for proper living? * The Sunnah and Qur’an became part of what?

13 * A mosque is a Muslim house of worship * What is a mosque? * What do we call a Muslim house of worship? * All mosques face what?

14 * A caliph means “successor,” a secular and religious head of a Muslim community * What is a caliph? * What do we call the secular and religious head of a Muslim community? * A caliph was elected to be who’s successor?

15 * Shi’a means “the party of Ali” and is a branch of Islam that resisted the rule of the Umayyads and believed the caliph should always be a relative of the Prophet(Muhammad) * What is the Shi’a? * What do we call the branch of Islam that resisted the Umayyads? * What do we call members of the Shi’a?

16 * Sunni is the branch of Islam that did not resist the Umayyads * What is the Sunni? * What do we call the branch of Islam that did not resist the Umayyads? * The Sunni accepted elected _________?

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