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Wednesday, October 29 th, 2008 BELL WORK 1.What was China’s attitude toward the West, and what happened as a result of that attitude? 2.Who did the leader.

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Presentation on theme: "Wednesday, October 29 th, 2008 BELL WORK 1.What was China’s attitude toward the West, and what happened as a result of that attitude? 2.Who did the leader."— Presentation transcript:


2 Wednesday, October 29 th, 2008 BELL WORK 1.What was China’s attitude toward the West, and what happened as a result of that attitude? 2.Who did the leader of the Taiping Rebellion believe his brother was, and what was his mission in China? 3.What supernatural power did the Boxers believe they possessed, and what was their goal during the Boxer Rebellion?

3 Review: China Sinocentric Self sufficient. Opium War Extraterritorial Rights Open Door Policy Taiping Rebellion Boxer Rebellion Unrest/next 4 decades

4 California State Standard 10:4:2 Discuss the locations of the colonial rule of such nations as England, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Russia, Spain, Portugal, and the United States.

5 Modernization in Japan Unit 6 Ch. 12.2 Pgs. 376-379 Main Idea: Japan followed the model of the western powers by industrializing and expanding its foreign trade influence. Why it matters: Japans cont. development of its own way of life has made it a leading world power.

6 Objectives Explain Why Japan Ended its isolation? Where, and why did the Japanese adopt the policy of Imperialism?


8 Setting the Stage Setting the stage: –Early 17 th century Japan isolated from other nations Tokugawa Shoguns RULED over a tightly structured society Discipline and honor were expected behavior Bushido was the creed of the Samurai Kept Japan stable( No uprisings or civil wars)

9 Shogun Rule Shoguns Parceled out land to the Daimyo or (Lords) Peasants farmed under the protection of the Samurai. Peace and prosperity for 200 years under the rigid system.

10 Japan Ends Its Isolation Limited trade with Chinese and Dutch Diplomatic contact with Korea Europe had no influence over Japan Samurai want to defend eastern ways.

11 Two Incidents That Change Japan 1.British Show Power of Industry * Samurai/ did not get respect from British diplomat Samurai Follows Bushido code British shell Japanese port City Display of Power

12 The Demand For Foreign Trade - Europe pushes for trade 2. U.S. Forces trade *Matthew Perry (1853) Edo harbor (Tokyo) 4 warships Delivered Millard Fillmore’s message -Tokugawa Shogun * Was fearful of western power. * Saw what happened to China (Opium Wars)

13 Treaty of Kanagawa (1854) Japan opens 2 ports - U.S. ships can re-supply -Extraterritorial Rights granted to other western powers -Open trade with west

14 Meiji Reform and Modernization Tokugawa rulers step down- Japanese people resentful of foreigners Shoguns lose popularity Emperor Mutsuhito – Gains power ( enlightened one) Meiji era begins 45 years

15 Meiji Modernizes 1. Adapt to western Methods 2. Study western ways 3. Diplomats travel to Europe Germany (Constitution/ Army), United States( Education), England ( Navy) 4. Economy Modern 5. 7000 miles of Rail Road (1914) 6. Industry- shipbuilding, tea, silk.

16 IMPERIAL JAPAN Modernizing Pays Off -Dozens of warships (1890) - 500,000 soldiers -Powerhouse of Asia -Becomes Imperialistic -Prove they are a real power

17 Japan Attacks China Japan wants Korean Ports open (1876) Korea important trade and military outpost for China Hands off agreement(1885) Korea asks China to help with rebellions Japan reacts

18 Sino-Japanese War Japans superior military China Loses Navy destroyed Forced out of Korea Lost foot hold in Manchuria Japan establishes first colonies (Taiwan)

19 Russo-Japanese War (1904) Japan and Russia argue over rights to Korea Japan wants deal (Russia Manchuria Japan Korea) Russia Does not deal Fighting on land and sea (Tsushima Strait) Russia Pacific fleet captured Baltic fleet destroyed


21 Tsushima Strait Crossing the T is a tactic in, in which a line of warships crosses in front of a line of enemy ships, allowing them to fire a broadside, bringing more guns to bear while receiving fire from only the forward guns of the enemy warships


23 Treaty of Portsmouth (1905 ) Gave Japan the captured territories Russia forced out of Manchuria U.S. helps negotiate (Theodore Roosevelt) West keeps eye on Japan Social Darwinism Challenged

24 Japan Attacks Korea 1905 Imperialism Protectorate Annexation Disband Military Take Land Shut Down Newspapers Change Education Korean Nationalist Movement West Ignores Want Natural Resources and Ports

25 China and Japan Confront The West Compare and Contrast pg. 377 Both China Japan Page 377

26 Objective Questions Explain Why Japan Ended its isolation? Where, and why did the Japanese adopt the policy of Imperialism?

27 Friday, December 15, Bell Work Why did Japan shutdown Koreas newspaper plants in 1907? Why did Japan and Russia go to war in 1905 ? Name the U.S. Commodore who forced trade with Japan In 1853? Who were the Boxers fighting against during the Boxer Rebellion?

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