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The Second World War HST 112 Lecture 17 Ethan Pollock (3/22/04)

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Presentation on theme: "The Second World War HST 112 Lecture 17 Ethan Pollock (3/22/04)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Second World War HST 112 Lecture 17 Ethan Pollock (3/22/04)

2 Announcements Midterms – Will be returned this week in Section Paper Topics – Will be available at the end of Lecture Today NOTE: The Final Exam for this class is scheduled for May 4 from 5 to 7 p.m.

3 The Second World War I. The Road to the Second World War II. Axis Victories III. The Turning Points IV. Allied Victory

4 I. The Road to World War II 1929 Depression Begins 1933 Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany 1936-39 The Spanish Civil War 1938 Germany annexes Austria – Munich Agreement A. German Aggression and “Appeasement” B. The Spanish Civil War C. The Ribbentrop—Molotov Pact



7 II. Axis Victories 1938 Germany annexes Austria – Munich Agreement 1939 Germ. Invasion of Poland 1939 Nazi-Soviet Pact 1940 Germ. Invasion of France 1941 Germ. Invasion of USSR A. Blitzkrieg in Poland and France B. Battle of Britain C. “Operation Barbarossa” – Invasion of USSR


9 III. The Turning Points US Enters the War 1941 North Africa – Invasion of Italy (1943) The Siege of Leningrad Stalingrad – 1942 and the Soviet Counter- Offensive D-Day



12 IV. Allied Victory --The Big Three: Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin --- The Origins of the Cold War -- Victory in Europe --The Defeat of Japan --The Horrors of War: Holocaust and Total War





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