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WELCOME TO SECOND GRADE Horton’s Heroes 2014 - 2015.

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2 WELCOME TO SECOND GRADE Horton’s Heroes 2014 - 2015

3 Who’s Your Child’s Teacher? ◦ Mrs. Osborne is my name. ◦ I like to READ, bake, and oh, read. ◦ Riding four-wheelers is fun. ◦ My family is pretty awesome. Cole is 18 and Caitlyn is 15. My husband is a talented welder. ◦ I think I have the best job in the world. ◦ My goal is to foster a loving and caring environment in which your child learns and excels.

4 Class Expectations Our Positive Learning Environment Clear rules, expectations, and procedures are taught and practiced. ◦ Listen When the Speaker is Talking ◦ Follow Directions Quickly ◦ Respect Others, Yourself, and the School ◦ Raise Your Hand to Speak or Leave Your Seat ◦ Be Safe, Be Kind, and Be Honest

5 Homework ◦ Reading – 20 minutes 5 days a week. ◦ Classroom take home reading library ◦ Homework Folder ◦ Sent home on Monday ◦ Return completed Friday ◦ Contains Math, Reading and Spelling Practice (20 minutes tops!) ◦ Homework Four in a Row

6 F.Y.I. ◦ Birthday Celebrations – on their special day, the Friday before, or their half birthday. ◦ Treats are optional; bear in mind any dietary restrictions. ◦ Since our district policy doesn’t allow for us to pass invitations out here at school, please mail invitations. ◦ Show & Tell – assigned Fridays (No pets.) ◦ Tardies/Absences ◦ Be on time everyday! (8:40 am) ◦ Absences – contact me for absences longer than two days. *absent work will be made up when your child returns.

7 Communication ◦ Tuesday Folders sent home each Tuesday. Please review info, remove the items from the folder, sign and date, then return to school on Wednesday. Class Web PageClass Web Page will be updated weekly ◦ E-mail (Best way to contact me.) ◦ Weekly Class Newsletter sent with homework packet if no access to webpage. ◦ Phone 801.402.2600

8 Schedule ◦ 8:40 School Starts (Tardy at 8:50) ◦ 11:15 – 12:00 Preps Monday-Computers Tuesday-Library (11:30-12:00) Wednesday-Music/Art Thursday-PE (please wear appropriate clothing & shoes) ◦ 12:20 – 1:05 Lunch ◦ 3:25 School DismissesFriday is early out 1:25

9 How Can I Help My Student? ◦ Please review our class rules with your child. ◦ Classroom Rules Classroom Rules ◦ Fill out the online Form prior to Back to School Open House. Student Information Card 2015 ◦ Think about volunteering in our classroom. Reading, Math, Tuesday Folders, Field Trips, & Special Occasions ◦ What questions do you have? ◦ I look forward to challenging your child to “Make a Difference!”

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