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Lesson 6 The Annunciation
STD 2 GOD THE SAVIOUR Lesson 6 The Annunciation Let us Pray Annunciation Good News Let Us Imitate Angelus Prayer Let Us Remember Activity Let Us Sing
The Annunciation Annunciation
6 The Annunciation Annunciation A virgin named Mary lived in the town of Nazareth. Her marriage was fixed with Joseph, a man from the tribe of David. STD II GOD THE SAVIOUR
The Annunciation “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you.”
6 The Annunciation Annunciation “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you.” One day an angel came to Mary. It was angel Gabriel. Gabriel said to Mary, STD II GOD THE SAVIOUR
The angel pacified her and said to Mary:
6 The Annunciation Annunciation “Do not be afraid, You have won God's favour. You are to conceive and bear a son and you must name Him Jesus. He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High” (Luke 1:30-32) When Mary heard this, she was disturbed. The angel pacified her and said to Mary: STD II GOD THE SAVIOUR
of the Lord. Be it done unto me according to your word.
6 The Annunciation Annunciation “Behold the handmaid of the Lord. Be it done unto me according to your word. (Luke 2:38) When Mary heard this she said: STD II GOD THE SAVIOUR
Then the angel disappeared.
6 The Annunciation Annunciation Then the angel disappeared. STD II GOD THE SAVIOUR
The Annunciation Annunciation
6 The Annunciation Annunciation Don’t you remember the promise of our loving God to Adam and Eve? God had promised that, He will send a Saviour to save mankind from sin. STD II GOD THE SAVIOUR
Gabriel announced to Mary.
6 The Annunciation Good News It is this announcement about the coming of the saviour, that is the happy message the angel Gabriel announced to Mary. STD II GOD THE SAVIOUR
The Annunciation Good News
6 The Annunciation Good News The annunciation about the birth of Jesus, The saviour is the “Good News” or “Mangalvartha” STD II GOD THE SAVIOUR
The Annunciation Good News
6 The Annunciation Good News “Behold the handmaid of the Lord. Be it done unto me according to Thy word.” Do you know how Mary received this Good News? Mary accepted it by surrendering herself to God’s will, saying: STD II GOD THE SAVIOUR
The Annunciation Good News 6
She gave her consent to God’s will. Thus Mary became The Mother of Jesus, the Saviour of the whole humanity. STD II GOD THE SAVIOUR
The Annunciation Good News
6 The Annunciation Good News The angel announced God’s will and Mary accepted it and consented. Mary became the Mother of Jesus. STD II GOD THE SAVIOUR
The Annunciation Angelus Prayer 6
The Angel of the Lord declared to Mary: And she conceived of the Holy spirit. Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. STD II GOD THE SAVIOUR
The Annunciation Angelus Prayer 6 Behold the handmaid of the Lord;
Be it done unto me according to Thy word. Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. STD II GOD THE SAVIOUR
And the Word was made Flesh;
6 The Annunciation Angelus Prayer And the Word was made Flesh; And dwelt among us. Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. STD II GOD THE SAVIOUR
The Annunciation Angelus Prayer 6 Pray for us O Holy Mother of God:
that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ Let us pray Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord. Thy grace into our hearts; that we ,to whom the incarnation of Christ, Thy Son, was made known by the message of an angel, may by His Passion and Cross be brought to the glory of His Resurrection, through the same Christ Our Lord. Amen. STD II GOD THE SAVIOUR
Like Mary, we too must know God’s will and live accordingly.
6 The Annunciation Angelus Prayer This is a prayer we pray daily in the morning, noon and evening. We name it Angelus. In this prayer, We recall the happy news which God gave to humanity. Like Mary, we too must know God’s will and live accordingly. STD II GOD THE SAVIOUR
The Annunciation Let Us Sing God to our forefathers spoke,
6 The Annunciation Let Us Sing God to our forefathers spoke, Promising His Son to send, For to save mankind from sin, And their troubles all to end. God His promise did fulfill Through Mary born of David’s line, Choosing her to bear His Son, Mary’s “Yes” brought salvation. STD II GOD THE SAVIOUR
6 The Annunciation Let Us Pray O Jesus, the Saviour of the world, your advent is blessed. Make us worthy to praise and glorify You along with the angels. STD II GOD THE SAVIOUR
Like Mary who obeyed God, let us also obey God.
6 The Annunciation Let Us Imitate Like Mary who obeyed God, let us also obey God. STD II GOD THE SAVIOUR
The Annunciation Let Us Remember Point to Remember 6
Angel Gabriel announced to Mary the birth of our Saviour Jesus. The annunciation of the birth of our Saviour Jesus is the good news. Mary gave her consent to God’s will. Thus she became the Mother of Jesus. Like Mary we should live in grace, filled with God’s grace. As Mary accepted the will of God, we too must accept His will. Obey even those things which, you think are difficult to obey. Recite “Angelus” everyday with faith. STD II GOD THE SAVIOUR
The Annunciation ACTIVITY Activity 1 Activity 3 Answer the Following
6 The Annunciation ACTIVITY Activity 1 Activity 3 Fill in the blanks Answer the Following Activity 2 Match the pairs STD II GOD THE SAVIOUR
The Annunciation ACTIVITY 1 Fill in the blanks Try Again Try Again 6
A virgin named ___________lived in the town of Nazareth. Mary Elizabeth Mary Try Again Try Again That’s Correct! Very Good! Mary Magdalene STD II GOD THE SAVIOUR
The Annunciation ACTIVITY 1 Fill in the blanks Try Again Try Again 6
2. Joseph was a man from the tribe of____________. David Levi David Try Again Try Again That’s Correct! Very Good! Judah STD II GOD THE SAVIOUR
The Annunciation ACTIVITY 1 Fill in the blanks Try Again Try Again 6
______________ came to Mary. Angel Gabriel Angel Raphael Angel Michael Try Again Try Again That’s Correct! Very Good! Angel Gabriel STD II GOD THE SAVIOUR
The Annunciation ACTIVITY 1 Fill in the blanks Try Again Try Again 6
The annunciation about the birth of Jesus, the saviour is the ___________ or Mangalavartha. Good news Good man Breaking news Try Again Try Again That’s Correct! Very Good! Good news STD II GOD THE SAVIOUR
The Annunciation ACTIVITY 1 Fill in the blanks Try Again Try Again 6
5. Mary accepted God’s will and ___________. consented rejected consented Try Again Try Again That’s Correct! Very Good! discarded STD II GOD THE SAVIOUR
The Annunciation ACTIVITY 1 Fill in the blanks Try Again Try Again 6
6. In the_________ prayer, we recall the visit of Angel Gabriel to Mary. Angelus Memorare Angelus Try Again Try Again That’s Correct! Very Good! Apostle creed STD II GOD THE SAVIOUR
The Annunciation ACTIVITY 1 Fill in the blanks Try Again Try Again 6
7. A virgin named Mary lived in the town of ____________. Nazareth Bethlehem Nazareth Try Again Try Again That’s Correct! Very Good! Galilee STD II GOD THE SAVIOUR
(Click on each tab to get Annunciation of birth of Jesus
6 The Annunciation ACTIVITY 2 Match the following (Click on each tab to get the answer) Mary Behold the handmaid of the Lord Tribe of David Joseph Tribe of David Gabriel Annunciation of birth of Jesus Angel Gabriel Behold the handmaid of the Lord Mangalavartha Annunciation of birth of Jesus STD II GOD THE SAVIOUR
The Annunciation ACTIVITY 3 Answer the following 6
Where did Mary live? Mary lived in the town of Nazareth. Answer STD II GOD THE SAVIOUR
The Annunciation ACTIVITY 3 Answer the following 6
To which tribe did Joseph belong? Joseph belonged to the tribe of David. Answer STD II GOD THE SAVIOUR
The Annunciation ACTIVITY 3 Answer the following 6
Whom was Mary going to Marry? Mary was going to marry Joseph. Answer STD II GOD THE SAVIOUR
The Annunciation ACTIVITY 3 Answer the following 6
4. Who was the Angel who came to Mary? The Angel who came to Mary was Angel Gabriel. Answer STD II GOD THE SAVIOUR
The Annunciation ACTIVITY 3 Answer the following 6
5. What did Angel Gabriel say to Mary? Angel Gabriel said to Mary , “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you.” Answer STD II GOD THE SAVIOUR
The Annunciation ACTIVITY 3 Answer the following 6
6. Accepting God’s word what did Mary say? Mary accepted God’s word by saying, “Behold the handmaid of the Lord. Be it done unto me according to your word.” Answer STD II GOD THE SAVIOUR
The Annunciation ACTIVITY 3 Answer the following 6
7. What is the “Good News” or “Mangalavartha? The annunciation about the birth of Jesus, the Savior is the “Good News” or “Mangalavartha”. Answer STD II GOD THE SAVIOUR
The Annunciation ACTIVITY 3 Answer the following 6
8. What do you learn from Mary? Like Mary, we too must know God’s will and live accordingly. Answer STD II GOD THE SAVIOUR
The Annunciation ACTIVITY 3 Answer the following 6
9. What do we recall in the prayer Angelus? In the prayer Angelus we recall the happy news which God gave to humanity Answer STD II GOD THE SAVIOUR
What my children should understand…?
Habits STD II 6. The Annunciation Convictions Angel Gabriel announced to Mary the good news of the birth of our Saviour Jesus. The annunciation of the birth of our Saviour Jesus is the good news. Mary gave her consent to God’s will. Thus she became the Mother of Jesus, the Saviour of the whole humanity. Attitude Like Mary we should live in grace, filled with God’s grace. As Mary accepted the will of God, we too must accept His will. Practice Obey even those things which, you think are difficult to obey. Recite “Angelus” everyday with faith. What my children should understand…? GOD THE SAVIOUR GOD THE SAVIOUR
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