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A-molluscum contagiosoum : peary white rounded,dom shape, papule with central umbilicated in the periorbital area Cause: pox virus RX: surgical removal,chemicals.

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Presentation on theme: "A-molluscum contagiosoum : peary white rounded,dom shape, papule with central umbilicated in the periorbital area Cause: pox virus RX: surgical removal,chemicals."— Presentation transcript:

1 A-molluscum contagiosoum : peary white rounded,dom shape, papule with central umbilicated in the periorbital area Cause: pox virus RX: surgical removal,chemicals B- impetigo contagiosoum : erythromatous area with adehernt crust on the nose lesions are present in all stages of development. Pustule, bullae, erosions with collarette scales Cause: staph. Aurus RX: general measures Toical: fucidin cream Systemic : co-amoxocillave

2 Folliculitis : painful tender boil in the nose Cause : staph TX: the same preveos slide

3 Ecthyma : ulcer with adherent crust heal with scar in the knee Cause : staph TX: the same prevous slide Ecthyma: Thickly black crusted erosion/ulcer with surrounding erythema on the leg. The lesions are tender and indurated. The etiology is streptococci or S. aureus or both. Therapy is cephalexin.

4 موجود بسلايدات دكتور سلام




8 Scarlet fever : generalized macule papularr eruption,strawberry tongue Cause: strep infection RX: general measure (avoid itching) Topical and systemic measure

9 Erythrasma: erythmatous patch in the axilla Cause : corynebacterium it is part of flora of skin but under some condition (heat,humidity) It well prolifrate & cause allergy DX: wood light give coral pink flurescence RX: bacteriostatic AB,erythromycin, (topical) If sever systemic antibiotic

10 Ersipelas: well marginal painful and swellen.edematous area usually on the face and lower limb(foot) Cause : b- hemolytic strep TX: oral antibiotic pencillin v

11 t Cutanous anthrax : life threating condition nodule with central ulcer & black ishcar & the hand edematous Because of two toxin ( edematous toxin & necrolytic toxin ) Cause : bacillus anthrasis, gram +ve,spore forming bacillus, Spread by form animal

12 Infectious folliculitis: P. aeruginosa or “hot tub” Multiple follicular pustules are present on the trunk appearing 3 days after bathing in a hot tub. P. aeruginosa was isolated on culture from a lesion. The lesions resolved spontaneously within a week Cause : psedomonous aeuruginosa TX : ciprofloxacin.

13 Infectious folliculatis, deep sycosis Confluent follicular pustules forming tender thick erythematous plaqe on the upper lip Cause :staph D,D: tinea barbae with keratin formation TX : topical AB,fucidic acid cream Oral AB : cephalexin

14 Impetigo contagiousum :erythematous sore area with yellowish gold crust (honey crust) Cause : staph aureus RX:1- general measures 2- topical measures : a- removal of crust with normal saline with anti bacterial toxin to ease penteration of topical AB B-fucidine AB, erythromycin,tetracyclin,lesion wet so we use cream 3- systemic AB :erythromycin,co-amoxocillave in sever case methicilline If patien hase pencilline allergy use erythromycin If injectable : vancomycine

15 Ecthyma :large circum scribed ulcer with onecrotic base & surrounding erythema in the pretibial region Cause : strep,staph or both TX : SYSTEMIC AB

16 Paranychia : very painful,tender,swelling,contain pus common in house wife on distal phalax Cause: staph TX: general measure 1-avoid truma 2-avoid water contact 3-wear gloves in addition to other measure If it is very sever short course of AB include pencillin or cephalosporin,clindmycin

17 Carbuncle : very large inflamatory plaques studed with multiple pustule,some of which have ruptured draining pus on the nape of the neck Surronded by erythema and edema Cause : staph TX: when there is pus centraly surgical drainage & systemic AB is indicate d

18 Scalded syndrom : fever, slaphing of skin because of epidermolytic toxin of bacteria cause : staph

19 Tinea corporis :pruritic rounded,annular,red scaling well marginateed,patch,distinguish,by prescule of mycelium in scale Cause :epidermophytone (zoonotic infection)characterized by 1-it is more sever 2-you could elminate the source RX:general measure (avoid scrabing) TX:topical anti fungle azole group (fungostatic) Systemic AB: if 1-failur of topical 2-sever inf 3-wide spread diseas 4-immunocomprised patient 5-if there is tinea capitus or tinea anguam


21 Tinea capitis : patch pf hair loss with underling area of erythema (inflamed skin) D.D: alopecea areata Cause : fungal infection (trichophyton and microsporeum) TX: oral griseofluvin & keto canazol shmpo for reduce transmission

22 Black dot type of tinea capitis

23 Ferun type sever inflamatory type of tinea capitis

24 Ferun type (scaring type) : honey comb destruction of hair shaft Caused by : trichophyton schoe nleinil

25 Candidiasis : is ifection of skin with satellite lesion in intertrigo area Cause :candida albicans TX: topical & systemic midazole We can confirm dignosis by koh show psedohyphae

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