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Leadership Forum October 14, 2008 2009 Vision. 2 Extern al Societal Environme nt Task Environme nt Interna l Structure Culture Resources Missio n Performance.

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership Forum October 14, 2008 2009 Vision. 2 Extern al Societal Environme nt Task Environme nt Interna l Structure Culture Resources Missio n Performance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership Forum October 14, 2008 2009 Vision

2 2 Extern al Societal Environme nt Task Environme nt Interna l Structure Culture Resources Missio n Performance Objective s Strategie s Governanc e Program s Budget s Procedures Strategy FormulationStrategy Implementation Evaluation and Control Feedback Loop Strategy Management Model Next Steps… Governance: Budgets, Procedures, and Performance

3 3 MISSION STATEMENT The PMI Southern Maryland Chapter will enable superior practice of Project Management and accelerate its acceptance as a key contributor of stakeholder success by strengthening stakeholder loyalty through providing knowledge and tools with great service and demonstrating benefits derived from applying Project Management concepts and best practices. The PMI Southern Maryland Chapter views the following as its key stakeholders: Project Management Institute - PMI Practitioners (inclusive of PMP, non-PMP, PMI and non-PMI associates) Vendors (e.g., material resources, training, placement services, contact services) Consumers – e.g., Public Sector (government agencies and universities) Private Sector (proprietorships, partnerships, corporations)

4 4 CORE VALUES Professionalism Competence - Competent application of PM standards i.e., PMBOK and PMP certification Ethical behavior – Alignment with PMI Code of Conduct. Leadership – Advocacy of professional development and growth of practitioners as well as proactively establish strategic direction and guidance to facilitate advancement of the maturity of the profession. Knowledge Sharing Information - facilitate SOMD PMI website, membership forums, monthly meetings, networking, and training. Thought Leadership – advocate mastery of project management skills, facilitation of transfer of knowledge between experienced and less-experienced practitioners. Standards - advocate and educate: the utilization of PMBOK as well as support/participate in the evolution of the PMBOK. Training & Educational Excellence – advocate and facilitate continuous professional growth and development through utilization of the practical application of the PMBOK, PMP Certification, lessons learned and feedback.

5 5 CORE VALUES Value of PM to business Importance of Business & Government – establish forum for opportunities to practice and apply PM profession Importance to Business & Government – provide value in a real way through the application of PM techniques, practices, and standards. Networking – create opportunities for relationships at various levels i.e., profession, business, and individual level. Partnership – establish relationships between stakeholders that provide mutual value and benefit to the organization & membership. Creativity & Innovation - foster development of new ways to apply PM techniques, practices, and standards to meet evolving business environments and needs which generates increased value to our stakeholders. Community & Volunteerism Outreach – Mechanism to facilitate and engage stakeholder participation in Chapter activities, development, and growth. Inclusiveness of Membership – Advocate active participation and development of the PM profession through embracement and utilization of all business skills available via the membership. Passion for Project Management – through demonstrating our commitment to our passion for the profession we give action to that passion and create enthusiasm and excitement for the value of our profession. Member Participation – advocate volunteerism and participation in the development of our profession and professional growth of our stakeholder community.

6 6 VALUE PROPOSITION Eminent Influence has been established as the Institute’s appropriate Value Proposition. The following four (4) differentiation statements are the key elements in establishing the Southern Maryland PMI Chapter’s unique position within the profession. The PMI Southern Maryland Chapter will create “Eminent Influence” by establishing: The chapter will be a source and resource of project management knowledge and expertise The chapter will advance the profession of project management using its reputation and partnerships with community and industry. The chapter will advocate and facilitate the project management career path. The chapter will be an advocate of the mature practice of project management—members and partners will be valued by project management organizations.



9 9 2009 PROJECTS Membership Volunteer Recognition Membership Forums (2) Member At Large Scholarship Outreach/Partnership Ed/Cert PMP Prep (CAMP/PMP) Region 5 Symposium Program/Events Sites (Pax, Charles County, PG?) PDU events Annual Membership Meeting Comms Website Newsletter Comms Strategy/Plan

10 10 2009 OPERATIONS Policy/Procedure development Infrastructure (website, communications, administrative functions) Scorecard development and management

11 11 2009 STRATEGIC GOALS Professional Partnerships/Outreach Region 5 Participation Monthly Event Planning and Outreach Senior Advisory Panel Membership and Activism Student Involvement

12 12 ACHIEVING THE VISION Slate of officers here (discussion) Commitment Letter

13 13 FINALIZING 2008 Lambert Status 47 students PMP Prep Course Order material 20 seats (approved) Annual Membership Meeting Jim to arrange date and time. Cost Others (if time permits) Website Newsletter Nov 12 Wed

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