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GT Frankenstein Drills Quarter 2 2009-2010. Drill 1  Homework: Apostrophe Practice (page 212)  Objective: The students will be able to reflect on his.

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Presentation on theme: "GT Frankenstein Drills Quarter 2 2009-2010. Drill 1  Homework: Apostrophe Practice (page 212)  Objective: The students will be able to reflect on his."— Presentation transcript:

1 GT Frankenstein Drills Quarter 2 2009-2010

2 Drill 1  Homework: Apostrophe Practice (page 212)  Objective: The students will be able to reflect on his or her growth as a strategic writer through portfolio activities.  Drill: Based on your performance in English during the first quarter, select a specific goal for second quarter and two actions to achieve this goal.  Example Goal:I will complete all homework on time.  Example Action: I will use my planner to record homework and check it off when it is done.  I will file all work in my binder or homework folder so I have it in class when I need it.

3 Drill 2  Homework: Presentations due 11/13  Objective: The students will be able to link appropriate experiences and prior knowledge about the topic, author, or type of material.  Drill: Answer the following question, give examples to support your answer.  Just because medicine or science can do something, should it?

4 Drill 3  Homework: Presentations due 11/13  Objective:The students will be able to link appropriate experiences and prior knowledge about the topic, author, or type of material.  Drill: Answer in complete sentences. Give examples to support your answer.  Is it ever right to risk the well being of an individual in order to benefit the larger society?

5 Drill 4  Homework: Read the letters  Objective: The students will be able to make connections between ideas in the text relevant prior knowledge.  Drill: Quotations page 208

6 Drill 5  Homework: Chapters 1-5 due Friday 11/20  Objective: The students will be able to analyze point of view and its effect on meaning.  Drill: Why does Robert Walton befriend Victor Frankenstein?  Take out your questions from the letters.

7 Drill 6  Homework: continue reading chapters 1- 5  Objective: The students will be able to analyze point of view and its effect on meaning.  Drill: How does the change in point of view from Robert Walton to Victor Frankenstein change the mood of the story. How does Mary Shelley show this change?

8 Drill 7  Homework: Chapters 1-5 and questions  Objective: Students will demonstrate an understanding of voice.  Drill: Select the correct verb and write the correct sentence. 1.Nobody on our street (throws/throw) a better fastball. 2.Many of his pitches (blazes/blaze) past the batter. 3.Some of Mr. Green’s tomatoes (is/are) prize winners.

9 Drill 7 Answers 1.Nobody on our street throws a better fastball. 2.Many of his pitches blaze past the batter. 3.Some of Mr. Green’s tomatoes are prize winners.

10 Drill 8  Homework: Read Chapters 6-9 due 11/30  Objective: Students will demonstrate an understanding of point of view through the trial activity.  Drill: Drill: Select the correct verb in each sentence. Write the correct sentence. 1.The students and teacher (is/are) studying verb agreement. 2.Everyone (wants/want) to see the movie New Moon. 3.The test covering several chapters (is/are) on Friday.

11 Drill 8 answers 1.The students and teacher are studying verb agreement. 2.Everyone wants to see the movie New Moon. 3.The test covering several chapters is on Friday.

12 Drill 9  Homework: Chapters 10-15 and questions due 12/4.  Subject-Verb Agreement Quiz G 12/2 H 12/3  Objective: The student will be able to evaluate the effects of fictional elements on the reader’s interpretation of a story. The student will justify the presence of a universal theme based on an analysis of the literature.  Drill: What is your reaction to Victor Frankenstein’s desertion of the Creature? What does the creator owe the creation?

13 Drill 10  Homework: Chapters 10-15 and questions due 12/4.  Subject-Verb Agreement Quiz G 12/2 H 12/3  Objective: Same as Drill 9  Drill: What might have prevented the Creature from being evil? What theme does this suggest.

14 Drill 11  Homework: Chapters 10-15 and questions due 12/4  Objective: Same as Drill 9 and 10  Drill: Take out review sheet and notes. Study for quiz.

15 Drill 12  Homework: Read Chapters 16-20 and answer questions. Due 12/10  Objective: Same as Drill 9, 10, 11  Drill: Select one of the themes discussed this week and explain how the term universal truth can be applied to the theme.

16 Drill 13  Homework: Chapters 16-20 due 12/10  Objective: The student will be able to evaluate the effects of fictional elements on the reader’s interpretation of a story. The student will justify the presence of a universal theme based on an analysis of the literature.  Drill:Images of light and dark are present throughout the story. Pick one major event in the story and discuss the light/dark imagery and what it means.  (Example the creature came to life at night-why?)

17 Drill 14  Homework: Chapters 16-20 due 12/10.  Objective: Same as drill 14  Drill: Explain this metaphor.  “Beware, for I am fearless and therefore powerful. I will watch with the wiliness of a snake, that I may sting with its venom. Man, you shall repent of the injuries you inflict” (Shelley 173).

18 Drill 15  Homework: Chapters 21-24 due 12/14 and 12/15.  Objective: Same as drill 13  Drill: Explain how the alliteration used here emphasizes the mood of the passage and Victor’s state of mind.  “I shunned the face of man; all sound of joy or complacency was torture to me; solitude was my only consolation--deep, dark, deathlike, solitude” (Shelley 85).

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