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Indian Civilizations OR….the Who of India…...

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Presentation on theme: "Indian Civilizations OR….the Who of India…..."— Presentation transcript:

1 Indian Civilizations OR….the Who of India…..

2 Invasion into India The Indo-Aryan people migrated into the area, creating a structured society called a caste system.

3 Invasion into India The Indo-Aryan people blended their beliefs with those of the indigenous people.

4 Aryans (Indo-Aryans) These individuals migrated to India from the Northwest. They asserted their dominance of the indigenous peoples there.

5 Aryans (Indo – Aryans) The Aryans brought with them the caste system.
This system influenced all social interactions and choices of occupations.

6 Mauryan Empire Ruled India from around 321 B.C. to 185 B.C.
They continued the political unification of much of India.

7 Mauryan Empire The Mauryan Empire’s most famous leader was Asoka.

8 Mauryan Empire Contributions of the Mauryan Empire. Spread of Buddhism
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9 Gupta Empire The Gupta Empire reigned in India from 320 C.E. to around 550 C.E.

10 Gupta Empire During the Gupta Empire, the Golden Age of classical Indian culture took place. A Golden Age is a time of peace and prosperity when achievements are made.

11 Gupta Empire Contributions of the Gupta Empire –
Mathematics (concept of zero) Medical advances (setting of bones) Astronomy (concept of the earth as round) New textiles Literature

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