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World Civ presentation (questions 17-19 Elvis Foli 17. What was the role of slavery in Greece and Rome 18. Compare and contrast the role of family in Confucian.

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Presentation on theme: "World Civ presentation (questions 17-19 Elvis Foli 17. What was the role of slavery in Greece and Rome 18. Compare and contrast the role of family in Confucian."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Civ presentation (questions 17-19 Elvis Foli 17. What was the role of slavery in Greece and Rome 18. Compare and contrast the role of family in Confucian China and Imperial Rome 19. Explain the Indian Caste system

2 17.Slavery overview  Occurrence of Slaves In both Greece and Rome, slaves were indistinguishable from the poorer classes but it is estimated that 25% of the Roman population were slaves.  Slaves had many occupations

3 Slavery Details  How did people become slaves?  Life of a slave

4 18. Compare and Contrast the Role of Family in Imperial Rome and Confucian China  What was the role of the father? The family head (usually) ‏  The role of children  The role of the mother/woman

5 India's Caste system  What is a caste? It is a system of social hierarchy.  India's caste system is mainly associated with Hindus but castes have been seen with Indian Muslims and Christians.  Castes can, and usually do, get very complicated.

6 Purity  The higher your rank, the purer you were  How did Indians keep themselves pure

7 The Ranks  Brahmin: Priestly class, the highest rank  Kshatriyas: Warrior Class  Viasyas: Merchant Class  Sundra: Servants

8 20. Compare the treatment of women in China, Athens, Sparta, India, and Rome. 21. What impact did the Silk Road have on trade across Europe and Asia?

9 China

10 Athens

11 Sparta

12 India

13 Rome

14 Silk Road

15 The Silk Road went from Asia to Europe.

16 What is the importance of Cross-Saharan migrations? What were the consequences of the crusades?

17 The Cross-Saharan Migrations

18 Consequences of the Crusades Education, military and markets in europe.

19 Resource page r_facts.html+treatment+of+women+in+China&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=1&gl=us

20 More resources m Dk World History by: Somerset Fry Ultimate Atlas of the World by: Philip Steele and Keith Lye

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