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LGS – HR POLICY.  OVERALL POLICY STATEMENT  The most valued assets of the Service are the people who individually and collectively contribute to the.

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Presentation on theme: "LGS – HR POLICY.  OVERALL POLICY STATEMENT  The most valued assets of the Service are the people who individually and collectively contribute to the."— Presentation transcript:


2  OVERALL POLICY STATEMENT  The most valued assets of the Service are the people who individually and collectively contribute to the achievements of its goals. The Service shall therefore, continually and consciously aim to improve its human resource capacity towards the provision of efficient and effective services.  PRINCIPLES The general principles guiding human resource policy are:  Equity  Quality of working life  Conducive working conditions  Collaboration  Professionalism  Gender equality

3  Policy areas for development of Human Resource for the Local Government Service include:  Human Resource Planning  Human Resource Training and Skill Development  Human Resource Management and Administration  Districts shall be responsible for the operational planning, training and skills development and the management of their staff.  The secretariat shall offer strategic direction for Human Resource development in the Service.

4  The aim of Human Resource Planning is to ensure that personnel are available in the right numbers, with the right skills and right attitudes, in the right places and at the right time, and be committed and motivated to achieving the Service’s goals and objectives.  Human Resource Planning shall be institutionalized at all levels of the Service namely the District, Regional and Secretariat level  Human Resource Planning shall be comprehensive and cover systems and procedures  Succession planning shall be institutionalized

5  Human Resource Departments shall be established at all levels to draw up plans to match supply to demand and forecast future needs  Human Resource Information Systems shall be developed and maintained at all levels  Human Resource Budgets shall be produced regularly  Regular monitoring of the implementation of Human Resource Plans shall be undertaken  Human Resource Departments shall support line managers in the performance of their human resource functions

6  aims to ensure that appropriate initial & continuing training of workers renders effective, efficient and appropriate service. Capacity development of staff of the LGS shall be undertaken through various kinds of training.  help people grow within the organization in order that, as far as, possible, its future human resource needs can be met from within..  will be based on training needs assessment and in line with the objectives “to create an excellent performance culture as well as meet the challenges of globalization, regional integration, urbanization and sustainable development”

7  LGS shall strive to create a learning organization to facilitate its staff development at all levels. Different types of training shall consist of:  Pre-service  In-service  Post Basic training  Continuous Professional Development  Pre-Service Training  Pre-service training shall be offered before assumption of duty into the Service for some specified categories of staff.

8  In-service training shall comprise induction and orientation, remedial and standardized. Training may be offered off-site and/or on-sight. Orientation shall be streamlined for smooth implementation.  The following shall receive induction and orientation within the first 3 months of assumption of duty at the Institute of Local Government Studies.  New entrants into the Service  Staff being given new assignments and  Newly promoted staff  New entrants into the Service  There shall be equal access to in-service training for all staff and the Service shall facilitate the continuous training of its staff. As much as possible training shall be conducted as efficiently as possible using new technology where applicable to minimize cost and reduce the movement of staff from their place of work.

9  Remedial Training  Competencies gaps identified through staff appraisal and needs assessment shall be addressed through remedial training.  Standardized Courses  Newly recruited staff shall undertake mandatory courses at the Institute of Local Government Studies (ILGS) as specified in the scheme of service. Senior and specialized courses at all levels shall be undertaken in collaboration with recognized professional Institutions.

10  External/Overseas Training  External courses shall be complementary to existing internal courses.  Self Development  Self development which seeks to promote learning and provide staff with knowledge that will help to progress their careers shall be encouraged by the Service with guidance, encouragement and help as required.  Staff aspiring to undertake self development shall inform the appropriate appointing authority through their respective supervisors.

11  Management Training  Requisite training in management shall be a requirement for appointment into managerial positions.  Special Capacity Building Initiative  The Human Resource Department at the Secretariat shall be charged with planning career development systems to ensure that persons with potential for higher responsibilities are identified early, trained and exposed to acquire the appropriate experience for senior management and specialized positions.

12  Human Resource Management seeks to manage and maintain staff through employment, utilization, retention, support and staff development schemes and ensuring the supervision, support and development of the personnel.

13  Recruitment and Selection  Recruitment shall be based on availability of vacancies which shall be filled through advertisement.  The Local Government Service recruitment process shall attract the most suitable persons for the position.  Appointments in the service shall be based on merit. Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) shall be directly involved in the recruitment and selection process of their staff.  Contract  Contract appointments shall be limited to specialized areas of relevance where staff does not exist.

14  Performance Management  The Service shall establish and nurture a robust performance management culture at all levels.  Management staff shall enter into performance contract with the appropriate appointing authority.  Performance assessment and monitoring shall be institutionalized and form the basis for staff career development and promotion.  The Service shall have a career planning system that shall be part of the performance management process that will give individuals and managers the opportunity to discuss their aspirations.  Private and public partnership shall be promoted especially in areas where the Service lacks the expertise to deliver the required service.

15  Career Progression  The Service shall operate a career progression.  Counseling  Internal counseling shall be instituted at all levels for all categories of staff.  Promotions  Promotions shall be based on merit.  Leave Entitlements  A staff of Local Government Service shall be entitled to appropriate leave in accordance with the Labor Law.

16  Remuneration and Reward  The Service shall ensure that staff who work in deprived or hardship areas are appropriately rewarded.  The Service shall institute incentive systems to attract and retain staff in rural and underserved areas.  Postings  Postings within the local Government Service shall be based on evidence of need as expressed in plans and projections.  The Service shall ensure that staff recruited and posted does not remain at one station indefinitely.

17  Employee Relations  The Service shall facilitate regular dialogue and interaction between the Service and Unions. The Service shall encourage the workers unions to be partners in productivity.  Health and Safety  The Service shall ensure that every staff of the local Government Service shall work in a satisfactory, safe and healthy environment.  Discipline  The Service shall maintain a high standard of discipline consistent with the established code of conduct in the delivery of service.

18  This policy shall guide the development of the scheme and conditions of service, procedures and guidelines, the rules and regulations and the preparation of operational guidelines for planning, management and training of human resources for the Service.  Thank you

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