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Richard Petrie CEO buildingSMART.

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Presentation on theme: "Richard Petrie CEO buildingSMART."— Presentation transcript:

1 Richard Petrie CEO buildingSMART

2 Open BIM - Creating a Universal Approach
Richard Petrie, Chief Executive buildingSMART International June 2016 Keynote: openBIM – Creating a universal approach OpenBIM is the initiative of buildingSMART and several leading software vendors and looks at the issues going forward as we head towards BIM Level 3 using the open buildingSMART Data Model We look at the universal approach of creating a transparent and open workflow and industry standard for collaboration Using a common language for referenced processes allowing Government and industry to procure with transparency and assured data quality Looking at the entire asset life cycle and avoidance of multiple data input Creating a platform were small and large platform vendors can participate and compete Ensuring the supply chain is driven by demand but delivers product data directly into BIM

3 Open BIM Benefits A universal approach of creating a transparent and open workflow and industry standards for collaboration A common language for referenced processes allowing Government and industry to procure with transparency and assured data quality Looking at the entire asset life cycle and avoidance of multiple data input Creating a platform were small and large platform vendors can participate and compete Ensuring the supply chain is driven by demand but delivers product data directly into BIM What strategies can we develop to change the mindset of industry leaders?

4 buildingSMART Link Four Key Processes Design Procure Operate Assemble

5 buildingSMART Values Open Neutral Non-Profit

6 buildingSMART Goals openBIM Standards openBIM Compliance
openBIM Adoption openBIM Use

7 bSI Chapters

8 bSI Members Strategic Members International Members Standard Members

9 High Ambitions Deploy Solutions Develop Solutions Define Needs
Our Goal: Enable full benefits from digital ways of working in the built asset industry Standards Program User Program Our Journey: Success will mean: Standards Body of Reference Vibrant Chapters Quality Mark in demand Objective to create the digital ‘operating system’ for the built asset industry and enable the apps users need.

10 Universal Approach? Understanding the Challenge

11 High Level Benefits Case
Strategic benefits of open data standards are well understood Public sector mandates BIM uptake Rapidly increasing ISO TF Technical Roadmap work proceeding However, implementation is challenging Lack of functionality Lack of training Lack of common approach IFC is an open and neutral form of digital data used to exchange information in the built asset industry. The IFC is intended to allow users to openly share digital information to address their work flow requirements. buildingSMART is the body through which the IFC was created and is being developed ISO SC13 /TF02 working group Success factors Developing and applying open BIM standards Working together

12 Multiple Initiatives Standards Bodies National & Client Programs

13 UK Initiatives Today’s Needs buildingSMART Role:
Bridging Top to Bottom Bridging UK to International UK Industry Participants Today’s Needs

14 User Challenges Transforming Workflows with Digital Technologies
Enabling Digital relationship with customers Enabling Real time operating networks Enabling Transformation of delivery

15 User Challenges Construction Sector working digitally
Intelligent connection of man & machine for efficient and reliable collaboration in construction Network model for optimal performance of buildings 3D-design tool for requirement control Using Building Information Modelling for Health, Safety and Training 5D Modelling for tender phase Project-based BIM for improved process quality in construction Facility Management BIM for buildings and infrastructure assets performance

16 User Opportunity Save Time and Cost Less Time Less Labor Ideal Today
Potential Less Labor Why BIM is Still Bankrupting Your Firm by Jared Banks`

17 Open BIM What is it?

18 Smart Phone

19 Smart Phone

20 Smart Phone

21 buildingSMART Phone

22 buildingSMART Phone Not just IFC - OGC and Geo Key benefits: Vendor Neutral - Enables everyone Cheapest route - Raises the bar for competition Entire life cycle Multinational Digitally enabled date exchanges - Data direct to user Improved quality and reliability

23 Need for common solutions
IFC Development

24 Development Status Digital Workflows Open data Exchange Rules
Resources / Data IFC for Dummies - Martijn de Riet 2013

25 Growing the Standards

26 This will not help! If NOT IFC then what? How? And by whom?

27 Creating and Implementing Common Solutions

28 Three Programs Driving our process Three Core Programs User Standards
Compliance Industry Outreach Problem Identification Standard Process Problem Solutions Testing & Compliance Reliable Solutions

29 Three Programs Driving our process Three Core Programs User Standards
Compliance Industry Outreach Problem Identification UK France BIM World USA BIMForum Germany China Other Chapters Standard Process Problem Solutions Technical Building Infrastructure Product Regulator New Rooms Testing & Compliance, Reliable Solutions Data Models Software People Processes

30 User Program What is working well worldwide?
Examples of User Engagement Activities: BIM4 Domain Groups UK & Norway Regional Hubs / Clusters UK & Germany Conference led domain programs US & France Industry led models Germany & France Individual user led models Canada We seek to leverage these activities not compete with them!

31 Standards Program Process
International Harmonization Projects bSI Final Standard Working Groups SC Consensus Building Working Groups Filter Chapter Funnel Room Room Funnel 3rd Party Funnel Needs Identification Solution Development Deployment Initiation Development Approval SCE Standards Program Process User Training & Certification Industry Adoption Software Implementation\

32 Standards Program Snap Shot
Standards Committee members & voters Activities in progress Final Standards endorsed Final Technical Report endorsed Initiatives being created Activities at Standards Proposal stage Activities in Development phase Special purpose projects PAS applications 46 32 10 1 15 11 5 4 2

33 Compliance Program Making sure it works
Franchised compliance schemes covering: Software Certification BIM Competence for Individuals Pending Compliance: BIM Competence for Organisations BIM Process and Data Quality BIM Product Data Quality

34 An Industry Community This is your industry Governments are providing the lead Only Users can define the detail Clients are part of the industry! Get involved personally - Involve your company/organization Open Neutral International Process led World wide community of professionals Hub for digital transformation experts In the end this is not about buildingSMART, its about our industry!

35 How To Get Involved
buildingSMART is a membership organisation Our work is only done with the support of our members Details of our membership options are on our website Strategic International Standard

36 Thank You Richard Petrie, Chief Executive

37 Further Reading bSDD explanation & 15 minute micro lecture
buildingSMART Technical Progress update Explanation of Open BIM Standards Follow / subscribe YouTube buildingSMART YouTube Linked In buildingSMART LinkedIn Twitter @buildingSMARTIn

38 @bimlevel3event https// 3-and-beyond

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