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Q-7 Read the following passage and transformed the underlined sentences as directed in the brackets. 5 Aims and objects: By reading these lessons you will.

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Presentation on theme: "Q-7 Read the following passage and transformed the underlined sentences as directed in the brackets. 5 Aims and objects: By reading these lessons you will."— Presentation transcript:

1 Q-7 Read the following passage and transformed the underlined sentences as directed in the brackets. 5 Aims and objects: By reading these lessons you will be able to learn- 1.introduction of transformation sentence. 2. classification of sentence. 3.rules of transformation of sentence 1.introduction of transformation sentence: Transformation means to change the word except meaning of sentence is called transformation sentence really. But any more,sometimes to keep the meaning of sentence may change the Allah alone can help us.( make it negative without change of meaning) None but Allah can help us. Though he is poor,he is honest.(make it simple) Inspite of his proverty.he is honest. He is a good boy. (make it negative without change of meaning) He is not a bad boy. 2. classification of sentence: Sentence is three kinds accoring to structure: 1. Simple 2.complex 3.compound 1. Simple: In which the sentence has a subject,and a finite verb is called a simple He sleeps in the room. 2.complex: In which the sentence has a principal clause,and a sub-ordinate clause is called a complex When Aslam went to Dhaka,he found a job. 3.Comound : In which the sentence has two/more co-ordinating clauses or a principal clause and a co- ordinating clause is called a compound The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

2 Any more according to the meaning sentence is 5 kinds:as- 1.Assertive/affirmative sentence: He found a job. 2.Interrogative sentence : Does he buy a pen? 3.Imperative sentence: Give me a glass of water. 4.Optative sentence: May you shine in life. 5.Exclamatory sentence: Oh! I can not pass in the Dakhil Examination. 3.Rules of transformation of sentence: 1.Assertive to negative and negative to assertive: (a) If there is only/alone in the assertive sentence and it indicates the will have to take out’ only/alone’ and will replace ‘none but’ at the begining of the Allah only creates us.( make it negative without change of meaning) None butAllah creates us. (b) If there is only in the assertive sentence and it indicates the material will have to take out’ only’ and will replace ‘nothing but’ before things as- I have only a pen. (make it negative without change of meaning) I have nothing but a pen. (c) If there is ‘only ‘in the assertive sentence and it indicates the will have to take out’ only’ and will replace ‘not more than’ before the age as- I am only 15 years old. (make it negative without change of meaning) I am not more than 15 years old. (d) If there is ‘must 'in the assertive sentence,you will have to take out’ must’ and will replace ‘can not but’ at the same place as- I must help my mother. (make it negative without change of meaning) I can not but help my mother. (e) If there is ‘Every/Each 'in the assertive sentence,you will have to take out’ every/each’ and have to follow the rules as- (1) There is no +noun+but+verb+ other part. (2) There is no +noun+without +v(ing)+ other part. (3) There is no+ noun+who+does not/do not+ verb+ other part.

3 As- Every mother loves her child. (make it negative without change of meaning) There is no mother but loves her child. There is no mother without loving her child. There is no mother who does not love her child. (f) Any more,to change the word can be negative/assertive: He agreed with me. (make it negative without change of meaning) He did not disagree with me. I love her.. (make it negative without change of meaning) I do not hate her. alwaysnevergoodbadfriendfoe activeinactiveabsentpresentagreeddisagreed doutfulundoutfulgratefulungratefulhonestdishonest hardeasyhonourdishonorheaithyunhealthy lovehatemoralimmoralcomfortableuncomfortable ordinaryextraordinaryobeydisobeyobedientdisobedient pleasantdispleasantpleaseddispleasedpossibleimpossible literateilliteratehappyunhappypunctuallate regularirregularrealunrealpoorrich rememberforforgetfamousunfamouswiseunwise Structure

4 (g) If you see a simple sentence with you will have to change the sentence with such way- Sub+ verb+adj+sothat +sub+can/could/may/might+ not+ verb+ ext. He is too weak to walk. He is very weak so that he can not walk.( make it negative) (h) If you see a complex sentence with sothat. you will have to change the sentence with negative/affirmative such way- He is very idle so that he can not pass the exam.(make it negative/affirmative) He is too idle to pass the exam. (i) ) If you see a complex sentence with ‘as soon as’ you will have to change the sentence with negative ‘no sooner had’ As soon as he saw the police,he left away.( make it negative/affirmative) No sooner had he seen the police than he left away. (j) If you see a superlative/comparative degree, you will have to change the sentence with negative such way- (a) No other +after the part of degree(3+ verb+as+d(i)+as+sub (b) Very few +after the part of degree(3) with plural+ verb-with plural+as+d(i)+as+sub. He is the best boy in the class. (make it negative) No other boy in the class is as good as he. He is one of the best boys in the class.( make it negative) Very few boys in the class are as good as he. (c) If you wish,you can change the assertive sentence with negative and interrogative He caught fish in the pond. ( make it negative) Did he not catch fish in the pond ? (2) If there is ‘what’ in the exclamatory sentence,you will take out ‘what’ to make assertive sentence such way- Sub+ verb+a+very+adj+ext. What a beautiful girl is! (make it assertive) Girl is a very beautiful. (3) If there is ‘how’ in the exclamatory sentence,you will take out ‘how’ to make assertive sentence such way- Sub+verb+very+adj+ext.

5 How nice he is! (make it assertive) He is very nice. (4) If the symble of exclamatory sentence understands ‘delight’,you will take out ‘exclamatory symble ’ to make assertive sentence such way- It is a matter of joy that + part of the sentence. Oh! I have passed the M.A. (make it assertive) It is a matter of joy that I have passed the M.A. (5) If the symble of exclamatory sentence understands ‘delightless’,you will take out ‘exclamatory symble ’ to make assertive sentence such way- It is a matter of sorrow that + part of the sentence. Alas! I am undone. (make it assertive) It is a matter of sorrow that I am undone. (7) If the sentence is superlative with ‘one of’,you will have to make a positive and comparative degree to maintain these formulas as- Superlative to positive : Very few+ after the part of degree (3)with plural+verb-with-plural +as+d(1)+as+sub. Comparative to positive: Sub+verb+d(2)+than+most/few /all other+ after the part of degree (3)+with plural. as- S is one of the finest girl in the class.. (make it positive and comparativve) Very few girls are as fine as S. S is finer than most other girls in the class. (5) If the exclamatory sentence begins’if/ had’,you will take out ‘if/had ’ and replace’I wish’ to make assertive sentence such way- If I were a presedent! (make it assertive) I wish I were a presedent. Had I the wings of a bird! (make it assertive) I wish I had the wings of a bird. N,B[ By alternative way you will make assertive to exclamatory]

6 .(6) If the sentence is superlative without ‘one of’,you will have to make a positive and comparative degree to maintain these formulas as- Superlative to positive : No other + after the part of degree (3)+verb+as+d(1)+as+sub. Comparative to positive: Sub+verb+d(2)+than+any other+ after the part of degree (3)+ He is the best boy in the class. (make it positive and comparativve) No other boy in the class is as good as he. He is better than any other boy in the class M is the most deginable girl at the eye of me.(make it positive/comparative) No other girl is as deginable as M. M is more deginable than few other girls R is one of the most faithful lady.(make it positive/comparative) Very few ladies are as faithful as R. R is more faithful than all other ladies.

7 PositivecomparativesuperlativePositivecomparativesuperlative blackblackerblackestbluebluerbluest brightbrighterbrightesbigbiggerbiggest cleancleanercleanestclevercleverercleverest coldcoldercoldestcostlycostliercostliest greatgreatergreatestheavyheavierheaviest highhigherhighesthappyhappierhappiest finefinerfinestlargelargerlargest nicenicernicestfatfatterfattest goodbetterbestsadsaddersaddest redredderreddestmuchmoremost bad/evil/illworseworstoldolderoldest honestmore honestmost honesttruthfulmore truthfulmost truthful usefulmore usefulmost usefulbeautifulmore beautifulmost beautiful obedientmore obedientmost obedientvaluablemore valuablemost valuable N.B [If you want to change should learn more the comper of adjective

8 (8) How to make a tag question? (a) If the primary sentence is assertive,according to the primary sentence the second part will be negative and interrogative in an informal language. Informal= do n’t,does n’t,did n’t,’ll n’t,wod,’n’t,’ve/has n’t, ’m n’t,’s n’t,’re n’t etc. F- The primary sentence,...............................? The primary sentence, do n’t,does n’t,did n’t,’ll n’t,wod,n’t,’vs/has n’t/ ’m n’t,’s n’t,’re n’t + sub+? He catches fish in the river,...................? He catches fish in the river,does n’t he ? (b) If the primary sentence is negative,according to the primary sentence the second part will be assertive and interrogative in an informal language. Informal= do,does,did,’ll,wod,,’ve/’s, ’m, is,’re etc. F- The primary sentence,...............................? F-The primary sentence, do n’t,does n’t,did n’t,’ll n’t,wod, ’ve/ has / ’m,is,’re + sub+? I do not hate her,.............................? I do not hate her, do I ? (9) How to make an imperative sentence from assertive sentence ? If you want to imperative sentence from assertive will have to take out ‘from subject to auxiliary verb with not and will begin the main verb with first column. He is going to Dhaka.( make it imperative) Go to Dhaka. He does not make a sentence. ( make it imperative) Make a sentence. (10) How to make ‘an optative sentence’ ? If you want to make an optative sentence,you will recite ‘may/might’ and may/might place before the subject and other auxiliary verb will take out from the sentence. He goes to Dhaka. ( make it optative) May he go to Dhaka. I bless your good luck. ( make it optative) May I bless your good luck.

9 11.How to make ‘a simple / compound sentence from complex and from simple /compound to complex’ ? (a) To remember there are two clauses for complex sentence,one is principal and other is sub-ordinate clause so there may be some signs for complex sentence:as- (Though/although,when/while,as/since/because,if/unless,sothat,so......that) N.B[ To make simple sentence will never break the principal clause just will have to break the sub-ordinate clause.) (b) If the complex sentence is related with ‘though/although’,you will have to take out ‘though/although’ and will place ‘inspit of ‘ and the main verb will form one column with ing for a simple/compound sentence or follow the formula- Inspite of + sub=possessive+ m.v(1) ing / adj=noun+ext+ principal clause. Compound: If the complex sentence is related with ‘though/although’,you will have to take out ‘though/although’ and will place ‘but ‘ through the sentence for compound sentence. As- Though he is poor,he is honest.( make it compound) Simple: Inspite of his being poor,he is honest. or: Inspite of his proverty,he is honest. Compound: He is poor but is honest. (c) If the complex sentence is related with ‘when/while’,you will have to take out ‘when/while ‘and have to follow the below formula for a simple/compound sentence For alike subject: (1) At the time of + sub=possive + m,v(1) ing +ext+ principal clause. (2) M,v(1) ing +ext+ principal clause. When I went to Dhaka, I met my father.( make it compound) At the time of going to Dhaka, I met my father. or Going to Dhaka, I met my father. For day/night : At day/ at night+ other sentence. When I slept at night,I saw a bad dream.( make it simple) Simple: At night,I saw a bad dream. For seasons : In +season + other sentence. When it was spring,the cucako sings. ( make it simple) In spring, the cucako sings. for age : At the age of +year/old+ other sentence. When I was 15 years old,I could swim in the river. ( make it simple) At the age of 15 years old, I could swim in the river.

10 (d) If the complex sentence is related with ‘when/while’,you will have to take out ‘when/while ‘and have to follow the below formula for a compound sentence Sub+ v+ ext+and + other sentence. When I went to Dhaka, I met my father.( make it compound) I went to Dhaka and met my father. (e) If the complex sentence is related with ‘as/since/because’,you will have to take out ‘as/since/because’ and have to follow the below formula for a simple / compound sentence Simple: Because of /on account of/in place of + + sub=possessive+ m.v(1) ing+ adj=noun+ext+ principal clause. Compound: Sub+ v+ ext+and + other sentence. Since I saw the bill of fare,I was startled. ( make it simple/ compound) Because of my seeing the bill of fare,I was startled. I saw the bill of fare and was startled. As I am ill, i can not present.( make it simple/ compound) Because of my being ill,I can not present the class. or Because of my illness, i can not present. I am ill and can not present.

11 (f) If the complex sentence is related with ‘if ’,you will have to take out ‘if ’ and have to follow the below formula for a simple / compound sentence. For assertive sentence :By +m,v(1) ing +ext+other clause. If you work hard,you will prosper in life. ( make it simple) By working hard, you will prosper in life. For negative sentence : Without /except m,v(1) ing +ext+other clause. If you do not read English,you will fail. ( make it compound) Without reading English, you will fail. (g) If the complex sentence is related with ‘if ’,you will have to take out ‘if ’ and have to follow the below formula for a compound sentence. For assertive sentence : M,v(1)+ext+ and+ other sentencce. If you study English,you will gain in the exam. ( make it compound) Compound: Study English and you will gain in the exam. For negative sentence : M,v(1)+ext+ or+ other sentencce. If you do not move,you will die. ( make it compound) Move or you will die. (h) If the complex sentence is related with ‘sothat ’,you will have to take out ‘ from sothat with subject and auxiliary verb ’ and will replace ‘ to’ there and will have to follow the below formula for a simple / compound sentence. Simple: Sub+ verb +ext +to + m,v (1) +ext. He studies hard sothat he may carry A+. ( make it simple/compound) He studies to carry A+. Compound: Sub+ verb +ext + and+ other sentence. He works hard sothat he may succeed. He works hard and he may succeed.

12 (h) If the complex sentence is related with ‘so.....that ’,you will have to take out ‘ from so....that with subject and auxiliary verb ’ and will replace ‘ too’ in place of ‘so’ there and ‘to’ will sit in lieu of ‘ that with subject and auxiliary verb ‘ and you will have to follow the below formula for a simple / compound sentence. Simple: Sub+v+too+adj+to+m,v(1)+ext. He is so weak that he can not walk. ( make it simple/compound) He is too weak to walk. Compound: Sub+ verb+very+adj+ and other sentence. M is so ail that she can not present the class.(compound) M is very ail and she can not present the class. N.B[ If you want to make a complex/compound from simple. you should follow the alternative way.]

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