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Constitutional Principles

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1 Constitutional Principles
Review for Test

2 5. republic / republicanism
the government gets its power from the citizens people vote for representatives to govern them Individuals must place the good of the country above their own interests republic promotes the idea of the “common good” SENTENCE: (use the term “republic” in a sentence to demonstrate the meaning of the word)

3 6. Representative Government
Definition: Sentence or Picture In colonial era . . . In the U.S. today . . . Individuals are elected to represent the people they serve (use the term “representative government” in the sentence) the Colonial Assembly (House of Burgesses-VA) each colony had their own colonial assembly the U.S. Congress the President of the United States

4 8. limited government What it meant . . . Definition Sentence
Government has limitations—it can’t just do whatever it wants to do! Government leaders have to follow the laws—just like its citizens do 1. Sentence should include the term “limited government” & 2. it should demonstrate your understanding of the word a “constitutional government” is limited by the specific words/content of the country’s constitution The rights of the people cannot be taken away by the government

5 9. Separation of Power—Constitutional Principle
Definition: Picture What It Is Our government is divided into 3 branches Keeps too much political power from one individual or group Sentence: (use “separation of power” in a sentence to demonstrate the meaning of the term) Each branch has specific duties & responsibilities. Legislative, Executive, & Judicial Branches

6 10. Checks & Balances—Constitutional Principle
Definition: Each branch . . . Picture Examples has equal power “checks” the decisions of other branches can stop another branch from doing something it doesn’t approve of Sentence: (use “checks & balances” in a sentence to demonstrate the meaning of the term) Senate must approve presidential appointments President must sign all new legislation (laws) Supreme Court can declare laws unconstitutional

7 16. federalism What it is What it is not Definition:
The powers of government are SHARED between the federal (national) and state levels of government. Picture What it is Federal State military sha r ed set up schools declare war marriage laws postal service state business laws copyrights & patents shared = taxes, court systems, punish criminals, etc. What it is not each level of government has specific power/responsibilities some power/responsibilities are shared between both Sentence: Use the term “federalism” in a sentence to show what it means

8 people participating in government popular = people
18. popular sovereignty Definition What it is . . . Sentence people participating in government popular = people write a sentence using the term “popular sovereignty” that demonstrates the meaning of the word sovereign = power/powerful foundation for a democracy people have power to control government partner to limited government (power of gov is limited)

9 College: the way we elect our Pres.
40. electoral college states elect members of electoral college # per state=# of state’s members in Congress (H.O.R. + Senate) problem: winner of popular vote not always the winner of electoral college Electoral College: the way we elect our Pres. Framers established this system in order that candidates could be chosen which best served the needs of the people SENTENCE: (use the term “electoral college” in a sentence to demonstrate its meaning)

10 46. judicial review Definition: Sentence (use “judicial review” in a sentence –demonstrate the meaning or give an example) What It Is . . . ?? The power of the Supreme Court to declare an act of Congress “unconstitutional” (laws they have passed) What it is not . . . part of checks & balances—judicial branch checking legislative/executive branches Demonstrates the supremacy clause—all laws have to measure up to the Constitution

11 Individual Rights—Constitutional Principle
Definition What it is . . . Sentence basic rights/freedoms our government cannot take away from us keeps us protected from an oppressive government (write a sentence that demonstrates your understanding of the term) Bill of Rights, protect property & privacy, unreasonable fines & punishments, etc. Our “natural rights” (John Locke)

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