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JDES TEST DATA 2012-2013. SCHOOL WIDE DATA – ALL SUBJECTS 2013 Reading92% ELA89% Mathematics84% Science75% Social Studies75%

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Presentation on theme: "JDES TEST DATA 2012-2013. SCHOOL WIDE DATA – ALL SUBJECTS 2013 Reading92% ELA89% Mathematics84% Science75% Social Studies75%"— Presentation transcript:

1 JDES TEST DATA 2012-2013

2 SCHOOL WIDE DATA – ALL SUBJECTS 2013 Reading92% ELA89% Mathematics84% Science75% Social Studies75%

3 STATE TARGET VS SCHOOL SCORE State Target 2013Actual School Score 2013 Reading – 94%Reading – 92% ELA – 92.3%ELA – 89% Math – 86.8%Math – 84% Science – 80.3%Science – 75% Social Studies – 79.3%Social Studies – 75%

4 3 RD GRADE Reading Spring TestingPercentages Did Not Meet Standards11.6% Met Standards51.9% Exceeded Standards36.5% Overall Percentage88.4% % Exceeded 201238.4% ESEA Flexibility 2013 (ALL)94% ESEA Flexibility 2014 (ALL)94.6%

5 3 RD GRADE English/Language ArtsPercentages Did Not Meet Standards17.9% Met Standards50.0% Exceeded Standards32.1% Overall82.1% % Exceeded 201232.2 ESEA Flexibity 201392.3% ESEA Flexibility 201493%

6 3 RD GRADE MathPercentages Did Not Meet Standards28.9% Met Standards37.0% Exceeded Standards34.0% Overall71.0% % Exceeded 201233.6% ESEA Flexibility 201386.8% ESEA Flexibility 201488.1%

7 3 RD GRADE SciencePercentages Did Not Meet Standards28% Met Standards47% Exceeded Standards25% Overall72% % Exceeded 201228.1% ESEA Flexibility 201380.3 ESEA Flexibility 201482.3

8 3 RD GRADE Social StudiesPercentages Did Not Meet Standards24.2% Met Standards54.7% Exceeded Standards21.2% Overall75.9% % Exceeded 201218.0% ESEA Flexibility 201379.3 ESEA Flexibility 201481.3

9 4 TH GRADE ReadingPercentages Did Not Meet Standards11.7% Met Standards50.5% Exceeded Standards37.9% Overall88.4% % Exceeded 201237.9% ESEA Flexibility 201394% ESEA Flexibility 201494.6%

10 4 TH GRADE English/Language ArtsPercentages Did Not Meet Standards13% Met Standards59.1% Exceeded Standards27.9% Overall87.0% % Exceeded 201234.2% ESEA Flexibility 201392.3% ESEA Flexibility 201493.0%

11 4 TH GRADE MathPercentages Did Not Meet Standards18.3% Met Standards60.1% Exceeded Standards21.6% Overall81.7% % Exceeded 201237.6% ESEA Flexibility 201386.8% ESEA Flexibility 201488.1%

12 4 TH GRADE SciencePercentages Did Not Meet Standards26.3% Met Standards48.8% Exceeded Standards24.9% Overall73.7% % Exceeded 201226.1% ESEA Flexibility 201380.3% ESEA Flexibility 201482.3%

13 4 TH GRADE Social StudiesPercentages Did Not Meet Standards33.3% Met Standards60.1% Exceeded Standards6.6% Overall66.7% % Exceeded 20129.3% ESEA Flexibility 201379.3% ESEA Flexibility 201481.3%

14 5 TH GRADE Reading Spring TestingPercentages Did Not Meet Standards3.0% Met Standards55.7% Exceeded Standards41.4% Overall97.0% % Exceeded 201234.4% ESEA Flexibility 201394% ESEA Flexibility 201494.6%

15 5 TH GRADE English/Language ArtsPercentages Did Not Meet Standards2.4% Met Standards55.0% Exceeded Standards42.6% Overall97.6% % Exceeded 201246.7% ESEA Flexibility 201392.3% ESEA Flexibility 201493%

16 5 TH GRADE MathPercentages Did Not Meet Standards1.4% Met Standards38.1% Exceeded Standards60.5% Overall98.6% % Exceeded 201244.0% ESEA Flexibility 201386.8 ESEA Flexibility 201488.1

17 5 TH GRADE SciencePercentages Did Not Meet Standards20.5% Met Standards51.4% Exceeded Standards28.2% Overall79.6% % Exceeded 201239.3% ESEA Flexibility 201380.3 ESEA Flexibility 201482.3

18 5 TH GRADE Social StudiesPercentages Did Not Meet Standards17.7% Met Standards62.3% Exceeded Standards20.0% Overall82.3% % Exceeded 201219.7% ESEA Flexibility 201379.3% ESEA Flexibility 201481.3%

19 2012 VS 2013 (ELA) JDES ELA2012 Scores2013 Scores ALL9089 Black78.983.5 Hispanic89.486.3 White92.590.4 SWD7078.7 EL8482.9 ED8885.3

20 2012 VS 2013 (READING) READING 2012 2013 ALL90.591 Black7984 Hispanic7987.6 White9094.1 SWD6887.1 EL6684.4 ED83.388.4

21 2012 VS 2013 (MATH) MATH 20122013 ALL84 Black75.376.5 Hispanic75.276.1 White86.787.5 SWD5665.8 EL6572.9 ED78.780.1

22 2012 VS 2013 (SCIENCE) SCIENCE 2012 2013 ALL72.475 Black5150.5 Hispanic65 White7984.1 SWD3759.8 EL5054.8 ED6769.6

23 2012 VS 2013 (SOCIAL STUDIES) Social Studies 2012 2013 ALL75.275 Black5863.5 Hispanic7061.6 White8081.5 SWD3954.3 EL4954.8 ED69.969.4

24 STATE TARGET VS SCHOOL SCORE (ELA) ENGLISH2013 State Target 2013 JDES Actual Score ALL92.389 Black88.883.5 Hispanic91.386.3 White95.290.4 SWD75.678.7 EL84.182.9 ED8985.3

25 STATE TARGET VS SCHOOL SCORE (READING) READING2013 State Target 2013 JDES Actual Score ALL9491 Black90.684 Hispanic93.387.6 White96.994.1 SWD79.587.1 EL87.384.4 ED91.388.4

26 STATE TARGET VS SCHOOL SCORE (MATH) MATH2013 State Target 2013 JDES Actual Score ALL86.884 Black79.876.5 Hispanic86.476.1 White9287.5 SWD69.865.8 EL79.172.9 ED81.780.1

27 STATE TARGET VS SCHOOL SCORE (SCIENCE) SCIENCE2013 State Target 2013 JDES Actual Score ALL80.375 Black68.350.5 Hispanic77.465 White89.384.1 SWD60.459.8 EL67.854.8 ED72.869.6

28 STATE TARGET VS SCHOOL SCORE Social Studies2013 State Target 2013 JDES Actual Score ALL79.375 Black6963.5 Hispanic7661.6 White87.681.5 SWD5854.3 EL66.154.8 ED71.269.4

29 5 TH GRADE WRITING TEST Didn’t Meet Standards – 35% Met Standards – 56% Exceeded Standards – 9% *Met school goal of increasing percentage of students exceeding. 5 th graders went from 2% exceeding in 2012 to 9% exceeding in 2013. In addition, NO 2013 5 th graders exceeded when they took the 4 th grade predictor test in 2012.





34 LEXILE MEASURES Lexile Measures School YearPercent of 3 rd grade with Lexile measure greater than 650 Percent of 5th grade with Lexile measure greater than 850 2011-20124767 2012-20135072

35 CCRPI INDICATORS Percentage of Students in 5 th Grade Passing Four or More Classes 2011-2012*We do not have access to this because we changed Student Information Systems. 2012-201398.6%

36 CCRPI INDICATORS Percent of Special Education Students Served in General Education 2011-201279 2012-2013 81

37 CCRPI INDICATORS Percent of CRCT Assessments Scoring at the Exceeds Level 2011-201232% 2012-201330%

38 CCRPI INDICATORS Percent of EL with positive movement from one Performance Band to a higher Performance Band as measured by the ACCESS 2011-201277% 2012-2013 74%

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