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Warm Up 5/31 What was your favorite part of Washington DC? OR What was the highlight of your weekend?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up 5/31 What was your favorite part of Washington DC? OR What was the highlight of your weekend?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up 5/31 What was your favorite part of Washington DC? OR What was the highlight of your weekend?

2 DBQ’s Write down how you can grow based off of this DBQ What tips do you have for yourself pertaining to historical writing as you enter high school?

3 World War II Causes of World War II Pearl Harbor attacks The role of the US in World War II and the effects on the United States The Holocaust The effect of atomic weapons on the Japanese and the course of the war How the events of World War II affected the post-war world

4 Different Styles of Government Go to the link under Class Handouts that compares democratic leaders to dictators With your partner, make a venn diagram that puts these differences in your own words Find two similarities between these leaders

5 World War II Map World War II had two “theaters”: European Theater and Pacific Theater We will label the two conflicting powers in both theaters – Allies vs. Axis Powers

6 Map Activity European Theater-p. 791 – Your key should include: Main Axis Powers, Axis control, and Allied territory – Label: France, Great Britain, Italy, Germany, Soviet Union Pacific Theater-p. 797 – Your key should include: Areas under Japanese control – Label: Japan, Korea, China, Thailand, Pearl Harbor, Iwo Jima, Australia

7 Germany Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany and established the Nazi Party Socialism—society in which property and wealth is owned and controlled by the state Govt. controlled the press, schools and religion Germany invaded the Rhineland, Austria, and Sudetenland

8 Italy Benito Mussolini established a Fascist government Fascism—govt. in which a dictator seeks more power for the nation at the expense of the people’s rights Mussolini outlawed all political parties except for his own and controlled the press Wanted to establish a new Roman Empire 1935—Italy invaded Ethiopia in North Africa

9 Japan Hirohito was the Emperor (believed to be a living god) Japan needed more land and resources for its growing population Japan began to expand aggressively in the Pacific and Asia Captured Northern and Central China

10 Warm Up 6/2 Analyze the following cartoon? How does this cause World War II?

11 Homework Review Germany – Socialism-property and wealth is owned and controlled by the state Italy – Fascism-dictator seeks power for the nation at the expense of individual rights Japan – Empire-Hirohito was seen as living god


13 War in Europe Begins September 1, 1939—Hitler launched a blitzkrieg attack against Poland – Blitzkrieg—swift, massive attack using planes and tanks September 3, 1939—Britain and France declared war on Germany Axis Powers—Italy, Japan, and Germany Allies—Britain, France, Soviet Union, and the US (1941)

14 Pearl Harbor Japanese targeted US Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor (HI) December 7, 1941—Japanese naval planes destroyed 19 ships, 200 planes, and killed 2400 people Attack was a true safety threat to the United States December 8, 1941—Congress declared war on Japan December 11, 1941—Germany and Italy declared war on the US

15 FDR’s Response

16 President Bush’s Response

17 How does this political cartoon relate to the US declaration of war? How is it different? Warm Up 6/3

18 Comparing FDR and President Bush You will answer questions about the two speeches with your group You must first read the answers from the other groups and you may NOT repeat the same answer Use your copy of the speeches to help you

19 WHAT’S THIS? NOT German Concentration Camps but American Internment Camps in the US!!!

20 Japanese Internment Camps Read p. 787-788 (A Calamity for Japanese Americans) Write a 3-4 sentence summary on what internment camps were and why they happened

21 Video Clip Think of two reasons why this is a dark mark on American History orld-war-ii/japanese-american- relocation orld-war-ii/japanese-american- relocation

22 The following slides are for information purposes, we did not take notes on them in class. If you were absent you should review them

23 Destruction of Property America Germany Jewish owned shops destroyed by the German military during the night of broken glass “Kristallnacht” America: Japanese Americans found their property (homes etc) damaged by other American citizens

24 Discrimination: AMERICA "I am for the immediate removal of every Japanese on the West Coast to a point deep in the interior. I don't mean a nice part of the interior either. Herd 'em up, pack 'em off and give 'em the inside room in the badlands... Personally, I hate the Japanese. And that goes for all of them.” GERMANY “There is, then, no danger in the circumstances that anti- semitism will disappear, for it is the Jews themselves who add fuel to its flames and see that it is kept well stoked. Before the opposition to it can disappear, the malady itself must disappear. And from that point of view, you can rely on the Jews: as long as they survive, anti-semitism will never fade.” VOCAB: Anti-Semitism= discrimination against Jewish people Malady = sickness

25 Propaganda America Germany Propaganda Definition : ideas or statements that are often false or exaggerated and that are spread in order to help a cause, a political leader, a government, etc. America: The person attacking the women in the picture is supposed to be a Japanese person. Germany: The poster from Germany is supposed to be depicting a Jewish person, the hands belong to Germans. The text on the poster reads, “The Jew, The cause of war.”

26 Laws America Germany Executive Order 9066 “Instructions to All People of Japanese Ancestry All Japanese persons, alien and non- alien will be evacuated, from the designated area… No Japanese person will be permitted to enter or leave the prescribed area … evacuated persons should take with them limited clothing and belongings.” Nuremburg Laws “(1) A citizen of the Reich may be only one who is of German or kindred blood, and who, through his behavior, shows that he is both desirous and personally fit to serve loyally the German people and the Reich. (2) Only the citizen of the Reich may enjoy full political rights in consonance with the provisions of the laws.” America: The Order, printed on the left, was posted in Jewish neighborhood that told people of Japanese ancestry, whether they were citizens or not, they had to pack their things, sell their homes and businesses, take only what they can carry, and move to an internment camp in the dessert. Germany: The Law on the right from Germany took all rights away from Jewish people. It basically says that you are no longer a citizen if you are Jewish as Jewish people were not considered German.

27 Camp Life America Germany America: Families were allowed to stay together in the camps Germany: Families separated as soon as they entered the camps. Those that the Germans deemed unable to work such as women and children were immediately killed. You lost all of your belongings to the Germans when you entered the camps as well.

28 Camp Work America Germany Japanese Internment: Japanese Americans had the option of working for $5.00 a day in the surrounding fields of the camps German Concentration Camps: Prisoners in concentration camps were forced to work or be killed. They were worked without break to the point of exhaustion and sometimes death.

29 The Numbers Japanese Internment 120,000 Detained Lose up to $148 million in property and income Hundreds die from inadequate medical care 6-10 killed by guards Holocaust 6 million European Jews killed During the height of deportations to the camp, up to 6,000 Jews were gassed there each day

30 Japanese Internment Camps

31 “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself” How can you apply this Great Depression quote to World War II and the Japanese internment camps?

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