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Mood/Dominan t Impression English II. On a sticky note complete the following task: Describe an object of your choice in two or three sentences. *Know.

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Presentation on theme: "Mood/Dominan t Impression English II. On a sticky note complete the following task: Describe an object of your choice in two or three sentences. *Know."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mood/Dominan t Impression English II

2 On a sticky note complete the following task: Describe an object of your choice in two or three sentences. *Know that this will be revealed to the class at some point, so if you wish to remain anonymous select an object that won’t give yourself away.

3 Mood  Definition : The feeling that piece of work evokes in the reader  Examples : melancholy, euphoric, desolate, etc.

4 Mood/Dominant Impression  Thesis statement or claim of your piece  Helps convey your attitude toward the subject and aids in the unity of your description  Every detail should join in conveying a single mood/dominant impression

5 Explicitly Stated  Point is immediately stated  Example: “The sculptures that adorn Philadelphia’s City Hall are a catalogue of nineteenth-century artistic styles.”

6 Implicitly Stated  The point is made subtly through selection and arrangement of details  Example : Throughout the United States, houses reflect not only the lives of the people who live in them but also the diversity of the American population.

7 Practice Identifying  Explicit or implicit?  On a cold, damp March morning, I visited Manhattan’s financial district, a place I’d never been, to pay my respects at what used to be the World Trade Center. Many other people had chosen to do the same that day, despite the raw wind and spits of rain, and so the first thing I noticed when I arrived on the corner of Vesey and Church Streets was a crowd.

8 Practice Identifying  Explicit or implicit?  Gravy is the simplest, tastiest, most memory-laden dish I know how to make.

9 Practice Constructing Dominant Impression   Construct an explicitly stated dominant impression/claim. Include at least three reasons that support this claim.  Construct an implicitly stated dominant impression/claim. Included at least three reasons that support this claim.

10 Exit:  Add to your object of choice description by conveying a certain mood.  Name:  Object:  Description:  Mood:

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