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Expectation Confirmation Theory 期望確認理論
學生姓名:周盈汝 學號:MA390112 日期:104年5月11日
Outline Expectation Confirmation Theory
Paper 1 : What drives purchase intention for paid mobile apps? – An expectation confirmation model with perceived value Introduction Literature review Methodology Discussion Conclusion Limitation Paper 2 : Understanding the determinants of online repeat purchase intention and moderating role of habit: The case of online group-buying in Taiwan. Comparison
Expectation Confirmation Theory Oliver(1980)
期望確認理論為一般的消費者滿意度研究模型之基礎架構,廣泛被運用於評估消費者滿意度與購買後之行為。其基本概念為: (1)消費者對某項特定產品(或 服務),在購買之前會懷有某種程度之期望(Expectation); (2)接著當消費者體驗過此項產品(或服務)之後,消費者會依據實際的體驗情形,對產品(或服務) 所帶來的績效而形成新的認知(Perceived Performance); (3)消費者將會以產品(或服務)體驗後的績效認知與最初的期望作比較,以評比之間是否一致(即確 認程度),會產生三種結果:正向不確認(Positive Disconfirmation,即績效認知超過期望)、期望確認(Confirmation,即績效認知等於期望)、或負向不確認 (Negative Disconfirmation,即績效認知低於期望); (4)比較之後的結果會影響滿意度(Satisfaction)之高低 (5)而滿意度高低將會影響下次再購買或再使用(Repurchase Intention)之可能性。 ECT(Oliver)以”使用前的期望”與”使用後的認知績效”兩者一致符合的程度,探討使用者對於滿意度及持續使用意願的影響。 ECM為由Bhatt…..改良而成 ECT(Oliver)主要概念為:消費者購買及使用產品或服務後,會比較事前的期望與事後的績效表現,以判斷是否感到滿意。 消費者的滿意程度越高,導致持續購買的意願也會越高 Bhatt…認為應該擴充期望確認理論,並且需探討使用後的期望,並指出認知有用可代表使用者對資訊系統的認知信念,並且符合ect所定義的期望,即認知有用足以代表使用後的期望。 b…改良後的ECM證實確認程度會正向影響使用資訊系統後的期望,且該模型更能解釋系統使用者的持續使用決策。
PAPER 1 What drives purchase intention for paid mobile apps? –
An expectation confirmation model with perceived value PAPER 1
Introduction App publishers Users
Offering a basic/trial version of apps for free. Users To reduce risk and uncertainty in buying a paid app, users tend to use a trial or free version first to become familiar with its content and functionality. The purpose of this study is to examine the factors that contribute to user intention to purchase the paid version.
Literature review - ECM
Bhattacherjee (2001a) proposed an expectatoin conformation model (ECM) for IS continuance, which integrates ECT and TAM-based studies. Why ECM? Try-first and purchase-later behavior is similar to the post-adoption behavior. ECT ECM Oliver (1980) Bhattacherjee (2001a) pre-expectation post-expectation
Literature review – Extended ECM variables
To increase the understanding of user’s intention to purchase apps, taking into account 3 important user perceptions as follows. App ratings Free alternatives to paid apps User habits
Literature review – Perceived value
This study replaced perceived usefulness with perceived value. Perceived value can be divided into 4 dimensions. Performance value Emotional value Value-for-money Social value
Research Model H7:Negative
Definition of Constructs
Methodology Online survey Posted on Sogi, Mobile01, Facebook Duration
45 days Valid questionnaire 507 Measurement Five-point Likert scale 李克五點量表:1.強烈反對 2.不同意 3.既不同意也不反對 4.同意 5.堅決同意
↑ × ↓ NO Hypothesis Result Explanation H1a-d Confirmation →
Perceived value ↑ Confirmation (Different from user groups) H2 Satisfaction H4a,b,d Perceived → × -- H4c (emotional) → H3 Satisfaction → Intention H5b, H6 and H7 are more influential. H5a,c,d Perceived value → H5b (Value-for-money) → H6 App rating → H7 Free alternatives to paid apps → ↓ Bad for the sales of paid apps. H8 Habit → Easy to find alternative apps with low switching costs. ↑ : Positive influence ↓ : Negative influence ×: No significant influence Intention: Intention to purchase paid apps
Determinants related to purchase intention
User groups The determinants affecting user intention to purchase differ between actual users and potential users. Actual users: Users who have purchased apps before. Potential users: Users who haven’t made prior purchases. User Determinants related to purchase intention Apps Actual users Satisfaction, Value-for-money, Free alternatives to paid apps Entertaining Apps’ design Potential users App rating, Value-for-money, Free alternatives to paid apps Social-networking Line
Conclusion NO Results Suggestion H1a-d Perceived value
Confirmation ↑ Perceived value Note the behavivoral differences between groups. H2 Satisfaction H4c Perceived value (emotional) ↑ Maximizing effectiveness and enjoyment. H5b Perceived value (Value-for-money) ↑ Intention Minimizing price H6 App rating ↑ Encourage users to provide positive ratings. H7 Free alternatives to paid apps ↓ Better product
Limitation Self-selection in the sample group introduced a degree of bias. This study examined only factors suggested by ECM and other selected variables. Future studies can further investigate potential differences among various demographic groups. The effect of value perception on continuance intention may vary with app type.
Understanding the determinants of online repeat purchase intention and moderating role of habit:
The case of online group-buying in Taiwan. moderator:調節變相 PAPER 2
Introduction Online group-buying is a business model of e-commerce that enables customers to obtain volume discounts. The retention of customers has become an essential question for e-retailers to consider. The objective of the study is to examine the antecedents of online repeat purchase intention.
Literature review - ECM
ECM has been widely used to examine the factors affecting continued usage intention of an IS. Users’ IS continuance decision is similar to consumers’ repurchase decision.
Literature review – Perceived value
Perceived usefulness in ECM is replaced by perceived value. Perceived value is composed of 2 dimensions: Utilitarian value Hedonic value
Literature review – Website quality
From the perspective of D&M model, website quality could be divided into 3 dimensions: System quality Information quality Service quality
Literature review – Trust
A customer’s intention to accept vulnerability based on his/her beliefs that transaction with a seller will meet his/her expectations.
Literature review – Habit
Habit is defined as an automatic behavioral reaction without conscious process due to the past experience. The focus of this study is the moderating role of habits.
Research model
Methodology Online survey BBS and facebook of groupon. Target
Members with inline group-buying experience Duration ~ Total 346 questionnaires are collected
Conclusion NO Hypothesis Result Explanation H1 Confirmation → Value ↑
Website quality Confirmation H3 Website quality → H2 -- H4 Satisfaction H5 Value → H6 H7 Satisfaction → Trust H8 Intention H9 Satisfaction→ H10 Trust → H11 Habit→ Value →Intention H12 Satisfaction →Intention ↓ Habit will lower customer loyalty to satisfaction due to the suppressor effect of value. H13 Trust →Intention ↑ : Positive influence ↓ : Negative influence Intention: Repeat purchase intention
Subgroup analysis H8 N=141 H9 H10 N=105
Conclusion Customized services. Well-designed interface and mechanism.
NO Hypothesis Suggestion H3 Website quality → Value Customized services. Well-designed interface and mechanism. H8 Value → Intention Providing functional and hedonic value for customers. Proving an efficient search function to find information products customers desired. H11 Habit→ Value →Intention Focusing on group method. H12 Satisfaction →Intention H13 Trust →Intention
Limitation Factors influencing repeat purchase intention might be different from other types of website. Using longitudinal perspective to test the influences of trust and satisfaction on repeat purchase intention. Testing the findings of our study in different countries to test the generalizability of this study. Network externality, price discount and other factors that may affect customers’ repeat purchase intention.
Construct Comparison Constructs Paper 1 (Paid apps) Paper 2
(Group -buying) E C M Confirmation ✔ Satisfaction Purchase Intention (Purchase after try) (Repurchase) Perceived usefulness replaced by perceived value (Performance, emotion, money, and social value) (Utilitarian and hedonic value) Habit (Constrcut) (Moderating role) App rating Free alternative to paid apps Web quality Trust
Determinants of intention
Overall comparison Paper 1 (Paid apps) Paper 2 (Group -buying) Purpose Factors that contribute to user intention to purchase Determinants of online repeat purchase intention Theory ECM Why ECM Post-adoption behavior Post-purchase behavior Method Online questionnaire Website Sogi, Mobile01, Facebook BBS, Facebook of Groupon Demography Female, 21-25y, College Female, 25-35y, College Results Group differences Determinants of intention (full sample) App rating Value-for-money Fre alternatives to paid apps Value Satisfaction Trust Limitation Other factors Various demographic groups Intention may vary with app type Test in different countries Intention may vary with website type.
Reference Chin-Lung Hsu & Judy Chuan-Chuan Lin (2015). What drives purchase intention for paid mobile apps? – An expectation confirmation model with perceived value. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 14, 46–57. Chun-Ming Chang, Li-Wen Chuang, & Meng-Hsiang Hsu (2015). Understanding the determinants of online repeat purchase intention and moderating role of habit: The case of online group-buying in Taiwan. International Journal of Information Management, 35, 45–56. Ing-Long Wu (2013). The antecedents of customer satisfaction and its link to complaint intentions in online shopping: An integration of justice, technology, and trust. International Journal of Information Management, 33, 166– 176. Anol Bhattacherjee (2001). Understanding Information Systems Continuance: An Expectation-Confirmation Model. MIS Quarterly, 25(3),
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