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Everybody has a body And I have one, too. It is grand to understand The things our bodies do.

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Presentation on theme: "Everybody has a body And I have one, too. It is grand to understand The things our bodies do."— Presentation transcript:

1 Everybody has a body And I have one, too. It is grand to understand The things our bodies do.

2 Without my hidden skeleton, I couldn’t stand up tall. And so, “Hurray for bones,” I say, Two hundred six in all!

3 I’m glad that I have muscles. They help me to have fun, To jump and kick a soccer ball, To smile and speak and run.

4 I’m glad that I have muscles, And glad that you do too, So you can wave hello to me And I can wave to you!

5 A healthy body needs good food, There really is no question. Your body gets the things it needs – Just leave it to digestion

6 My heart is always working It’s busy night and day It’s pumping while I’m sleeping And while I work and play— Let’s give a cheer for hearts now, For hearts: HIP, HIP, HOORAY!

7 Control Central: The Brain Listen carefully to find out how and where their five senses send the messages.










17 Without a brain Where would I be? I could not move or think or see, Or write my name or count to three, In fact I just would not be me Without my trusty brain! In sun or wind or rain, I’m glad I have a brain!

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