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What gains can we expect from Genetics?

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Presentation on theme: "What gains can we expect from Genetics?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What gains can we expect from Genetics?
John A Butcher Radiata Pine Breeding Company

2 What are the past contributions of Genetics?
Breed Seedlot Volume Gain (%) Acceptability (%) GF Rating Unimproved 45 1 Climbing Select 5-10 50 7 850 orchard 13-18 65 14 268 orchard 15-20 70 16 Top 19-23 19 CP 268 27-32 80 23

3 Increased genetic gain in predictive models
On average, an increase in GFPlus growth rating of 1 unit corresponds to a 1% increase in stem volume growth On average, an increase in GFPlus density rating of 1 unit corresponds to an increase of 1.85 kg/m3 in wood density

4 Long term Gain Trials

5 Forest Industry Drivers for Tree Breeding
Greater productivity Less variability across and between stems Enhanced wood properties Improved disease resistance Increased profitability

6 How can Tree Breeding and Genetics respond?
High Impact Technology Developments Genomic Selection Genotype to Site Matching Genomic Selection

7 Genomic Selection A step-change in animal and plant breeding Increasingly used in animal breeding:- chickens, sheep, dairy cattle Increasingly used in plant breeding:- horticulture, crops, pasture Now being introduced to forest trees:- eucalypts, poplar, spruce, pines Genomic Selection is not a speculative technology

8 The Genomic Selection Programme
MBIE Partnership Programme with RPBC $5 million for 5 years Scion our major science provider Dr John Hay Project Manager Oversight by RPBC Advisory Board of international experts Well linked nationally and internationally (Australia, USA, Canada, UK, France, Scandinavia, Chile)

9 Genomic Selection Uses genomic information to estimate breeding values (GeBVs) rather than just phenotypic information (BVs) Eliminates the need for progeny testing and thus reduces the breeding and deployment cycle Halves the breeding and development cycle Doubles genetic gain per unit time More rapid turnover of generations

10 Some additional benefits of genomic selection
Better ability to identify genotypes with traits of interest Ability to assess all traits in year 1 Ability to look at multiple traits simultaneously and understand interactions in multiple trait selection Overcomes issues with costly or “difficult to measure” phenotypic traits Allows screening for resistance to exotic pests and diseases by simple screening of DNA extracts from susceptible and resistant genotypes Provides a greater opportunity to respond to individual grower needs

11 How does Genomic Selection Work?
Genes for Trait 1 SNP Markers Genes for Trait 2 Saturate the Genome with Markers Make a SNP Panel

12 How the SNP Panel is trained
Training Set 800 clones with phenotype and genotype 1000 clones with phenotype and genotype Prediction model 200 clones with genotype alone Predict phenotypes based on genotypes alone Training Population Validation Set Initial radiata training population of ca clones Target training population of clones

13 How does the SNP Panel Work?
SNP Markers Genes for Trait 1 DNA from genotype of unknown phenotype Genes for Trait 2 Compare marker pattern (Genotype) and trait pattern (Phenotype) Use patterns to predict phenotype Produce Genomic Breeding Values

14 Current R&D Target Future possibility 0 5 10 15 20 30
New crosses Breeding Test Progeny Test Bulk Seed Current Situation Backward Selection New crosses Breeding Test Bulk Seed Impact of forward selection New crosses GS Regional clonal tests Cuttings Current R&D Target GS plus regional clonal tests New GS cuttings crosses Future possibility GS alone

15 Impact on Breeding and Deployment Timelines
Slash Pine in Florida Matias Kirst Top grafting SE & rooted cuttings Genomics

16 What it means to optimising returns from tree breeding
$168 million additional gross revenue (mill door/wharf gate) Each year for 20 years from 2069 PV of Benefit = $ 19 million Base Case: Genetic Gains achieved 10% volume increase kg/m³ density increase 33 years to first deployment of new germplasm 26 years to first harvest of new germplasm

17 What it means to optimising returns from tree breeding
$168 million additional gross revenue (mill door/wharf gate) Each year for 20 years from 2051 PV of Benefit = $ 76 million Genetic Gains achieved Breeding/Deployment cycle reduced by 17 years 15 years to first deployment of new germplasm 26 years to first harvest of new germplasm

18 Greater gain with Genomic election
50 GENOMIC SELECTION with forward selection First harvest from Genomic Selections 40 Percentage Gain 30 Implementation of Genomic Selection Additional gain from genomic selection 20 10 CONVENTIONAL BREEDING with backward selection Gain from existing genetic improvement 2010 2030 2050 2070 Time

19 Expectations from the Genomic Selection Programme
Improved Dothistroma resistance available from 2018 Top performing selections of 1997/99 elites available from 2018 Top performing selections of 2013/14 elites available from 2022 New selections form 2018/19 elites available 2028 Initial focus (2018 deliverables) on Volume and Dothistroma Anticipated gains at harvest in ca % gain already in developing commercial estate 15% additional from genomics then an expectation of an additional 10% gain every 7-8 Years

20 The Future Genomic Selection will become mainstream in tree breeding Timelines of the breeding and deployment cycle will be further reduced Cost reductions in genotyping will make genomic selection a tool that could be used for individual companies to drive customised breeding initiatives Genomic Selection will be a key component in the implementation of genotype to site matching and the exploitation of GxE

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