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Applying Primary Prevention Principles to Increase Physical Activity Primary Prevention Initiative: Physical Activity Module.

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Presentation on theme: "Applying Primary Prevention Principles to Increase Physical Activity Primary Prevention Initiative: Physical Activity Module."— Presentation transcript:

1 Applying Primary Prevention Principles to Increase Physical Activity Primary Prevention Initiative: Physical Activity Module

2 "Physical activity is the wonder drug." Thomas R. Frieden, MD, MPH, Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

3 Possible Interventions* Community/Schools/Work –Run/Walk Clubs Community/Worksite –Motivational Signs Schools –Joint Use Agreements –Walking School Bus –Let’s Move Active Schools *The list contains evidence based interventions. PPI groups can create their own interventions that are more suitable for their group and community

4 Physical Activity Data 31% of Tennessee adults report not engaging in any physical activity in the past month 1 38% of Tennessee adolescents watch ≥3 hours of TV on a school day Only 23% of Tennessee adolescents attend daily physical education classes in the average week 2 1.CDC. BRFSS Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System: Prevalence and Trend Data–Physical Activity, U.S. Physical Activity Trends by State 2009–2010.Available online at 2.CDC, Division of Adolescent and School Health. The 2009 Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Available online at t http://www.


6 Physical Activity and Adults Multiple benefits –Improved cognitive function –Decreased mortality from heart disease, high blood pressure, colon and breast cancer –Lower risk of falling

7 Run Clubs Tennessee Run Club Webpage – Tennessee Run Club Toolkit –

8 Walking Club Benefits Increase social support and health of members Increase walking frequency Improve fitness level of members

9 Walking Clubs Comprehensive Community-Based Toolkit Handbook/Social-Support-for-Physical-Activity.aspx Handbook/Social-Support-for-Physical-Activity.aspx Brief Toolkits from AHA, America Walks, AARP: public/@wcm/@fc/documents/downloadable/ucm_463349.pdf public/@wcm/@fc/documents/downloadable/ucm_463349.pdf content/uploads/2015/04/EveryBodyWalkmessagetoolkit.pdf content/uploads/2015/04/EveryBodyWalkmessagetoolkit.pdf to/WalkingGroup.pdf to/WalkingGroup.pdf

10 Healthier TN Focused on physical activity, nutrition and tobacco cessation Small start tools for places of worship and workplaces Community-wide initiatives Website:

11 Healthier Worksite: Motivational Signs to Increase Stair Use Point-of-decision prompts are motivational signs placed at stairwells or elevators/escalators Part of an overall initiative to increase stair use instead of using the elevator

12 StairWELL to Better Health Link to CDC toolkit – Stairwell Signs (CDC) – pa/pdf/stairwell_messages.pdf pa/pdf/stairwell_messages.pdf

13 Joint Use Agreements (JUA) Simplest JUA: allowing after hour use of outdoor school playground Complex JUA: allowing after hour use of indoor and outdoor school facilities and allowing 3 rd party groups (eg. Youth sports leagues) to use the facilities

14 Resources for JUA Factsheet – _FINAL_20130425.pdf _FINAL_20130425.pdf TN Toolkit with checklist – /Tennessee_%20JFU_Toolkit_printing_version.pdf /Tennessee_%20JFU_Toolkit_printing_version.pdf

15 Walking School Bus Parents are often concerned of allowing school age children to walk alone to school because of traffic and safety issues Walking to school with 1-2 adult supervisors can decrease those fears and increase physical activity of children

16 Walking School Bus Benefits Parents: –Meet other families, save on gasoline use Children: –Socialize with other kids, physical activity School: –Decrease traffic around school Community: –Decrease air pollution

17 Walking School Bus Resources Overview – pdf.pdf pdf.pdf Training modules – _bus/modules.cfm _bus/modules.cfm Toolkit – usKit.pdf usKit.pdf

18 Let’s Move Active School Goal is to increase physical activity of children at a selected school 9-11 questions to evaluate the school (how the school is currently doing with physical activity) and then create an action plan (how the school can improve)

19 Let’s Move Active Schools Contact your local school physical education teacher and/or Coordinated School Health – Publication describing what schools have done using Let’s Move Active Schools – 2013/lets-move-active-schools 2013/lets-move-active-schools

20 Bright Spot: Weakley County Walk Across Tennessee (WAT) Partnered with UT extension for an 8 week WAT program to increase physical activity Planning began in Nov., for program to run from March-May 48 teams, 367 participants walked >62K miles Contact: Jackie Franks Link to Bright Spot word document – ppi-brightspots ppi-brightspots

21 CDC Guidelines Link Physical Activity – programs/physicalactivity.html programs/physicalactivity.html

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