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Market Position Statement Older People Luton Borough Council February 2014 Kimberly Radford Commissioning Manager (Older People) Joint Commissioning Team.

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Presentation on theme: "Market Position Statement Older People Luton Borough Council February 2014 Kimberly Radford Commissioning Manager (Older People) Joint Commissioning Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 Market Position Statement Older People Luton Borough Council February 2014 Kimberly Radford Commissioning Manager (Older People) Joint Commissioning Team - LBC

2 Aim To develop a proactive and responsive relationship with those services and organisation that offer care and support to our older; and sometimes vulnerable residents. The statement sets out our current understanding of our social care needs and service demands for the future. It gives us the information we need to open up a dialogue between providers and current and future service users.

3 Luton’s Ageing population In Luton, 24,000 people are currently over the age of 65 (15,300 households) This equates to 12% of population – below the national average (17%) In 20 years time there will be around 38,000 people over the age of 65 Currently there are 2,800 people over the age of 85, which is expected to double by 2030

4 Headlines The projected increasing population means that services need to expand to meet the projected demand Older people are living longer with disabilities – dementia, physical disabilities and learning disabilities Provision will need to develop to reflect the diverse cultural needs of the people of Luton The expected increase in the prevalence of dementia, reflects the need for providers to have staff with the appropriate dementia training

5 Finance The net adult social care budget spend on Older Person’s services for 2012/13 was £24,830,000. This figure makes up 51% of the total net budget for Adult Social Care £’000;s Home Care4,765 Reablement1,729 Day Care1,645 Direct Payment 828 Residential Care5,350 Nursing Care2,598 OT Equipment 307 Meals 99 Assessment & Care management4,484 Other OP services3,025

6 Headlines The increasing demand on social care and expected insufficient financial resources to meet future demand, means that services will be expected to provide more and improved services for less Greater efficiency in service provision is required, that does not reflect negatively on the people that use them As people are being given greater control in what and where they purchase services, providers must keep themselves up to date on current trends in service provision to ensure that they remain competitive and attractive.

7 Current Provision in Specialist Housing Sheltered Accommodation – 24 voids The council owns 20 sheltered schemes with a total of 833 units. There are also 8 schemes managed by Housing Associations (273 units) and 4 privately managed (149 units) Extra Care Accommodation – no voids Luton has a total of 6 schemes with 295 units. 2 of these are owned by the Council (Abigail & Colwell Court) – 91 units and 3 are owned by Housing Associations – 163 units. One scheme is privately owned – 41 units. Residential Care Homes – 70 empty beds Out of 18 residential homes and a bed capacity of 650, 11% of these beds are empty Nursing care Homes – 4 empty beds available to LBC There are 8 Nursing Homes in Luton, with a bed capacity of 435. Moorlands has other empty beds, but these are not available to the Council at our current rates.

8 Headlines Despite the number of voids in sheltered housing there is still a long waiting list (currently 65 people) It is estimated that the demand for Older People’s Accommodation will increase by 42% over the next 30 years in each category. Increased numbers of people living on their own are expected to have an impact on the demand for home care and other support services that allow them to remain independent within their own homes for as long as possible.

9 Direct Payments The figures below show the numbers of people receiving a direct payment during 2013 as at 31 st August 2013. Age GroupTotal% of Total 45 – 6419648% 65 – 8415037% 85+6215% Total408

10 Headlines Future Service Users will have grown up as expert consumers, used to identifying that they want and when and where they want them. We expect future service users to exercise greater choice and control over accessing the care that they require, rather than the ‘one size fits all’ traditionally provided. Service Providers should respond accordingly by providing a variety of high quality care and support services to compete in what is expected to be an increasingly competitive market in order to survive.

11 Day Services The modernisation of day care has been a priority of Luton’s Adult Social Care over the last year. Our intention is to re-shape older person’s day care opportunities to ensure that we make the most effective use of current resources, and to this end have been through a tendering exercise with regard to the outsourcing of day care provision within Luton. We continue to work towards the move from facilities based day care to person centred day care to ensure that in the future there is less emphasis on resource management and more emphasis on supporting social inclusion. Headlines The continuing day care modernisation programme which moves the service users away from building based activities will need to be supported by a range of services that enables service users to spend their personal budget/direct payment doing the activities that best suits their need, whether this be in their home or out in the community.

12 Recognised Un-met Needs Please see list at the end of the statement. What do you think is an un-met need?


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