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History of Journalism. Heroes and Legends Birth of Journalism  Ancient times – tablets  Caesar – handwritten  Johann Gutenberg (1440)

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Presentation on theme: "History of Journalism. Heroes and Legends Birth of Journalism  Ancient times – tablets  Caesar – handwritten  Johann Gutenberg (1440)"— Presentation transcript:

1 History of Journalism

2 Heroes and Legends

3 Birth of Journalism  Ancient times – tablets  Caesar – handwritten  Johann Gutenberg (1440)

4 Early American Newspapers  Benjamin Harris – Publick Occerences (1690)  Benjamin Franklin – Pennsylvania Gazette (1754)

5 News in the 1800s  Emergence of the penny press  Innovations in printing  Rise of modern news room

6 Marketing to the Masses  1 cent meant more affordable  Independent of political parties  Local news, crime coverage, human interest stories

7 Yellow Journalism  William Randolph Hearst vs Joseph Pulitzer  Loud headlines  Sensational stories  Lavish pictures (often faked)  Spanish-American War (1898)

8 Inciting War

9 The 1900s  Start of the decline of newspaper  Radio (1920)  TV (post 1942)  Newspaper becomes more fact based  Big facts first, less important later in story

10 Today and Beyond  If I were to ask you to go home and come back tomorrow with a news story, where would you look first?  How many of you get the paper delivered to your house?

11 Technology  Online journalism  Every major paper has an online version  Less ads in papers = Less money to print  What is the best way to get money to post online?

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