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Faith McIntyre Renee Ancelet Jillian Candebat Word Choice.

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1 Faith McIntyre Renee Ancelet Jillian Candebat Word Choice

2 Is using words that are very descriptive It uses lively words and precise nouns You should use colorful language and phrase Painting a picture with words Describe things with bigger words than stuff thing and small Use accurate words (say what you mean Find the exact right word) Have language that is natural effective and appropiate

3 Use striking words and phrases that can make images in the readers mind. You can use informal and formal language depending on what you would use to speak to the person you are speaking too. Use enough descreptive words to make a picture, but do not use too many to overtake the message

4 The main point of word choice is to use words that make your paper have energy and life.You should use words that describe exactly what your trying to explain.

5 Examples of descriptive words Sound: -ringing, cheeping, gasping, smashing, piercing, peeping, whooping, tinkling, chattering, bellowing, sobbing, bumping, snarling, growling, crying, thumping, burping, croaking. Touch and Texture: -pressed, damp, fluted, tickling, sculptured, dry, knob, bed, raw, corrugated, downy, chapped, scratchy, dirty, grimy, sopping, itching, abrasive, dusty, scale, drasping, prickly, clammy, pulpy. Color and Visual Qualities: red, saffron, bright, dark, scarlet, gold, dull, light, carnelian, silver, rose, chocolate, crimson, chrome, lilac, sienna, salmon, lime, copper, vermilion, yellow, bronze, avocado, coral.

6 Cont. Examples of descriptive words Smell: perfumed, lilac, earthy, stinking, fetid, loamy, lemon, scent, odor, fragrances, weaty, sharp, rose, lime, rotten, biting, pungent, musty. Pattern and Shape: round, parallel, narrow, reticulated, crested, wide, flat, spherical, globe, rounded, shallow, drooping, erect, dapple, drolling, orb, hemisphere, ball.

7 The big bear stood by the water. He looked at his shadow in the big lake. He thought that he looked nice. He went to take a drink of water. A fish went by. The bear wanted to eat the big fish. He ate up the fish and went away. Directions- look at all the underline words and try to re write the paragraph with more descriptive words to make the paragraph more energetic and colorful.

8 Your Activity Directions: Replace the blanks with descriptive words to make the paragraph more energetic and colorful. The _____ bear stood by the water. He _______ at his shadow in the _____ lake. He thought that he looked ______He went to take a drink of water. A fish _____ by. The bear wanted to _____ the big ______. He _____ up the fish and ______ away.

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