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CELLS! REVIEW GAME. Revenge Review game!! 3 Teams of ~10 students Each team gets 25 X’s on the whiteboard Teams take turns answering review questions.

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Presentation on theme: "CELLS! REVIEW GAME. Revenge Review game!! 3 Teams of ~10 students Each team gets 25 X’s on the whiteboard Teams take turns answering review questions."— Presentation transcript:


2 Revenge Review game!! 3 Teams of ~10 students Each team gets 25 X’s on the whiteboard Teams take turns answering review questions Get them right: Can take an X off another team’s board! Get them wrong: Next team gets to answer same question The team with the most X’s leftover wins

3 QUESTION ONE The organelle labeled 1 in the image below performs which of these processes in cells? A. Cellular respiration B. Photosynthesis C. Protein synthesis D. Regulating what goes in or out of the cell

4 QUESTION 2 The organelle labeled 2 in the image below performs which of these processes in cells? A. Cellular respiration B. Photosynthesis C. Protein synthesis D. Regulating what goes in or out of the cell

5 QUESTION 3 The organelle labeled 3 in the image below performs which of these processes in cells? A. Cellular respiration B. Photosynthesis C. Protein synthesis D. Regulating what goes in or out of the cell

6 QUESTION 4 The organelle labeled 4 contains which one of these organic compounds? A. carbohydrates B. proteins C. lipids D. Nucleic acid

7 QUESTION 5 What type of specialized cell is pictured below? A. Neuron B. Muscle C. Stem Cell D. Sperm

8 Question 6 What type of cell is pictured below:



11 QUESTION 9 How do nerve cells communicate? A. Axon to Axon B. Axon to cell body C. Cell body to cell body D. Dendrite to dendrite

12 QUESTION 10 What function do the specialized sperm and egg cells serve? A. Growth B. Carry Oxygen C. Carry Glucose D. Reproduction

13 QUESTION 11 What function do specialized blood cells serve?

14 Question 12 What is the term used to describe stem cells? A. Specialized B. Differentiated C. Undifferentiated D. Growth cells

15 Question 13 Write out three reason prokaryotic cells are less complex than eukaryotic cells. 1. ______________________________________ 2. ______________________________________ 3. ______________________________________

16 Question 14 How is total magnification found on a compound light microscope? *Write the equation on your white board*

17 Question 15 What type pf microscope was used to find the image below: A. Compound light microscope B. Magnifying glass C. Electron scanning D. Camera

18 Question 16 Write two ways to identify the difference between plant and animal cells under a microscope: *Write both organelles on your white boards*

19 Question 17 Which answer is not correct about the cell theory below: A. All cells must come from anther cell B. Cells alive must have a nucleus C. Cells are the basic unit of life D. All organisms have a least one or more cells

20 Question 18 What tells a unspecialized cell to become differentiated into a specialized cell? A. Magic B. DNA signals C. Poptarts D. Ribosomes

21 Question 19 What organelle is responsible for holding all organelles within a cell? A. Ribosomes B. Cell membrane C. Nucleus D. Nucleolus

22 Question 20 What organelle is responsible for making ribosomes?

23 Question 21 What organelle is responsible for making proteins within a cell? A. Ribosomes B. Cell membrane C. Nucleus D. Nucleolus

24 Question 22 What organelle contains all the DNA within a cell? A. Ribosomes B. Cell membrane C. Nucleus D. Nucleolus

25 Question 23 What organelle is responsible for the production of glucose A. Ribosomes B. Chloroplast C. Nucleus D. Nucleolus

26 Question 24 What organelle is responsible for the metabolism of glucose? A. Ribosomes B. Chloroplast C. Mitochondria D. Nucleolus

27 Question 25 What is the term for the movement of water? A. Diffusion B. Active Transport C. Osmosis D. Facilitated diffusion

28 Question 26 What is the term for the movement of particles?

29 Question 27 What is the term for the movement of particles though a transport protein, with no energy required? A. Diffusion B. Active Transport C. Osmosis D. Facilitated diffusion

30 Question 28 How do particles and water move when no energy is required? A. From an area of high concentration to low B. Active Transport C. From an area of low concentration to high D. Homeostasis

31 Question 29 How do particles move when energy is required? A. From an area of high concentration to low B. From an area of low concentration to high C. Passive Transport D. Homeostasis

32 Question 30 Why do cells need to move materials in and out of a cell? *Write your explanation on your white board*

33 Question 31 What are two examples of active transport? A. Osmosis and diffusion B. Diffusion and exocytosis C. Endocytosis and exocytosis D. Facilitated diffusion and exocytosis

34 Question 32 *Write the three types of passive transport and why they are examples of passive transport on your white boards*

35 Question 33 What organelle is responsible for digesting wore out organelles? A. Mitochondria B. Chloroplast C. Lysosomes D. Nucleus

36 Question 34 What is the function of flagellum and cilia? A. Direction B. Reproduction C. Digestion D. Movement

37 Question 35 What is Ms. Densmore’s favorite color? A. Red B. Blue C. Yellow D. Purple

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