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$100 $400 $300 $200 $400 $200 $100$100 $400 $200$200 $500$500 $300 $200 $500 $100 $300 $100 $300 $500 $300 $400$400 $500.

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Presentation on theme: "$100 $400 $300 $200 $400 $200 $100$100 $400 $200$200 $500$500 $300 $200 $500 $100 $300 $100 $300 $500 $300 $400$400 $500."— Presentation transcript:



3 $100 $400 $300 $200 $400 $200 $100$100 $400 $200$200 $500$500 $300 $200 $500 $100 $300 $100 $300 $500 $300 $400$400 $500

4 Proteins

5 Carbohydrates

6 Fats

7 Stem Cells

8 Plants

9 Proteins Carbs Fats Plants $100 $300 $200 $400 $500 $

10 Proteins- $100 What are Proteins?

11 Proteins- $200 Why do we need proteins?

12 Proteins- $300 If I was playing a game of hockey when should I eat a meal that included proteins

13 Proteins- $400 What are two different foods that would be considered a good source of protein?

14 Proteins- $500 How do plants create proteins?

15 Carbohydrates- $100 What are carbohydrates?

16 Carbohydrates- $200 How are carbohydrates formed (what process are they a result of?

17 Carbohydrates- $300 If I was playing a game of hockey when should I eat a meal that includes carbohydrates?

18 Carbohydrates- $400 What are two different foods that are high in carbohydrates?

19 Carbohydrates- $500 What role do carbohydrates play in your body?

20 Fats- $100 What are lipids?

21 Fats- $200 What two forms do fats and oils take at room temperature?

22 Fats- $300 What does the form that fats take at room temperature have to do with where they originally came from?

23 Fats- $400 I decide to go on a diet and I completely cut fats out. Why is this not a wise decision on my part?

24 Fats- $500 What three elements make up fats?

25 Stem Cells- $100 When I say that stem cells are unspecialized what do I mean?

26 Stem Cells- - $200 What do stem cells do while they wait to receive a particular function?

27 Stem Cells- - $300 Describe the process of differentiation.

28 Stem Cells- - $400 Why don’t you have any embryonic stem cells left in your bodies?

29 Stem Cells- - $500 If I was paralyzed in an accident why could stem cells be important to my future?

30 Plants- $100 What is the purpose of photosynthesis?

31 Plants- $200 Where do plants store their food?

32 Plants- $300 What would happen to a potato if I were to leave it in a dark cabinet for several weeks?

33 Plants- $400 What are the three elements that go into the process of photosynthesis and come out of the process of photosynthesis?

34 Plants- $500 Why is sunlight necessary for photosynthesis?

35 Proteins- $100 Proteins are large, complex molecules that are made up of many smaller units called amino acids. $

36 Proteins- $200 Proteins are the primary source of amino acids for your body. Proteins are also important in making structures for your body and in helping to carry out various processes within your body. $

37 Proteins- $300 I should eat the proteins after the hockey game as they would help my muscles to recover and grow $

38 Proteins- $400 Meats, legumes, nuts, eggs, and some dairy products are all good sources of proteins. $

39 Proteins- $500 In order to create proteins plants add nutrients from the soil to the fats and the carbohydrates that they have created. $

40 Carbohydrates- $100 Carbohydrates are a combination of many molecules of glucose $

41 Carbohydrates- $200 Since carbohydrates come from glucose molecules they are a result of the process of photosynthesis $

42 Carbohydrates- $300 If I were playing hockey I should probably eat my carbohydrates well before the game. Your body needs time to break the carbohydrates down into pieces that your body can use for energy. $

43 Carbohydrates- $400 Carbohydrates are found in many different foods. Potatoes, breads, crackers, syrups and other sugars are all good sources of carbohydrates. $

44 Carbohydrates- $500 Your body uses carbohydrates as a source of energy. Your body breaks the complex carbohydrates down into glucose that your body uses in cellular respiration to produce ATP $

45 Fats- $100 Lipids are substances that do not dissolve in water. $

46 Fats- - $200 Fats and oils are either solid or liquid at room temperature $

47 Fats- - $300 Fats are solid at room temperature and come mostly from animals and oils are liquid and come mostly from plants $

48 Fats- - $400 It is important that I have some fats in my diet as my body uses them as a source of stored energy. $

49 Fats- - $500 Fats are made up of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon $

50 Stem Cells- $100 Stem cells do not yet have a specific function within the body. $

51 Stem Cells- - $200 While stem cells are waiting for their function they continue to divide and multiply and make more stem cells. $

52 Stem Cells- - $300 The process of differentiation is where the stem cell receives a signal that tells it to begin producing proteins. The proteins that the cell produces tells the cell what type of role it will have in the body. When the stem cell differentiates is also stops multiplying. $

53 Stem Cells- - $400 My embryonic stem cells have all differentiated and all have a specific function within the body. $

54 Stem Cells- - $500 Scientists and doctors hope that stem cells can be used to grow replacement limbs and organs. In my case I could have a new spinal cord created from the stem cells and this may enable me to walk again. $

55 Plants- $100 Photosynthesis is the process that plants use to create food. (Glucose) $

56 Plants- $200 Plants store their food in their nuts, fruits, seeds and roots $

57 Plants- $300 My potato would begin using the stored energy that it has to try and grow. The potato would feel less firm and I would see sprouts develop from the skin. $

58 Plants- $400 The three elements that go into, and come out of photosynthesis are carbon, hydrogen and oxygen $

59 Plants- $500 Sunlight is needed to break the bonds in Carbon Dioxide and Water. $



62 Who sings the song, “Bad Romance?” $


64 END OF GAME Daily Doubles and usage notes follow...

65 $

66 $

67 $

68 $

69 Contestant 1 Contestant 2 Contestant 3 $ $ $

70 JEOPARDY! Slide Show Setup The font for the question & answer slides is “Enchanted;” a copy of this font in located in the “REAL Jeopardy Template” folder or included in the “” file. (This font will need to be installed in the C:/WINDOWS/FONTS folder of the computer running the show.) In order to keep all of the sounds and fonts together, copy the entire “REAL Jeopardy Template” folder or “” file. To change the categories: –1. Go to the “Edit”menu and choose “Replace…” –2. In the Find box, type CATEGORY X (X being 1 through 5) (all caps). –3. In the Replace box, type the category in all caps (for example, PRESIDENTS). –4. Click Replace All… To change the dollar values (for example to create Double Jeopardy): –1. Go to the “Edit” menu and choose “Replace…” –2. In the Find box, type $X (the dollar value you want to change). –3. In the Replace box, type the new dollar value (with $). –4. Click Replace All...

71 JEOPARDY! Slide Show Setup continued To set up the Daily Double: –1. Choose which dollar value(s) to set as Daily Double (normally, Jeopardy has one Daily Double, and Double Jeopardy has two). –2. Go to the Game Board slide (Slide 8), right click once on the dollar value for the appropriate question, choose Hyperlink, and choose Edit Hyperlink. –3. In the Edit Hyperlink window, go to “Named location in file” and click “Browse…” –4. In the Hyperlink to Slide window, scroll down to the appropriate slide; Slides 64 and 65 are regular Daily Doubles, Slide 66 is an Audio Daily Double, Slide 67 is a Video Daily Double. Click “OK.” –5. Go to the Daily Double slide just linked to, and right click once on the answer arrow at the bottom right, choose Hyperlink, and choose Edit Hyperlink. –6. In the Action Settings window, make sure the Hyperlink button (to the left of “Hyperlink”) is selected, and in the select box underneath choose “Slide…” –7. In the Hyperlink to Slide window, scroll down to the appropriate question slide (the original slide number of the question). NOTE: Using the Audio and Video Daily Doubles requires adding audio or video/picture clips to the question slides. If you are not familiar with doing this in PowerPoint, do not use those Daily Doubles.

72 Running the JEOPARDY! Slide Show On the game board with the categories on top (Slide 8), click on the desired dollar value. (The first game board is used only to blink in the dollar values like the show.) The question slide will pop up; the slides are timed with an eight-second timer. At the end of the timer, an alarm will chime. ICONS: –? Go to the answer screen. –House Go back to the game board. –Right Arrow (on Daily Doubles) Go to the question screen. –Right Arrow w/ Bar (on Game Board) Go to the Final Jeopardy category. –Turned-up Arrow Reload question screen after incorrect guess. –$ Go to the Scoreboard slide. –Left Arrow (on Scoreboard) Go to the previous slide.

73 “Jeopardy!” Powerpoint Template Designed and Created by Jeffrey White Copyright © 2000 Version 1.0 - Last updated 9 June, 2000 The graphics and sounds used in this template are recorded from the “Jeopardy!” television show, were obtained from the “Jeopardy!” website, and are the property of Sony Pictures Entertainment.“Jeopardy!” website Visit for updated versions!

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