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By Morgan Hughes and Josh Arnold. POWER FAN On the Power Fan we had to do some steps. step 1 was to put a helmet and harness on. Step 2 was have fun.

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Presentation on theme: "By Morgan Hughes and Josh Arnold. POWER FAN On the Power Fan we had to do some steps. step 1 was to put a helmet and harness on. Step 2 was have fun."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Morgan Hughes and Josh Arnold

2 POWER FAN On the Power Fan we had to do some steps. step 1 was to put a helmet and harness on. Step 2 was have fun. Firstly we did the gladiator challenge. Secondly we did the power fan. That was fun but Josh prefers gladiators, Morgan prefers power fan.

3 GLADIATOR CHALLENGE The reason why Josh likes gladiator is because it challenges your fears and all you do on power fan is walk off a wooden structure.

4 The best parts! When you got to the top you could all of standon it was the gladiator challenge. By Josh Arnold The worst parts! Nothing really, We all overcome our fears except a few people.

5 Who am I?

6 Thank you for listening and watching this very short PowerPoint. Hope you enjoyed. The answers for the who am I are 1. Reagan 2. Lily B 3. Amy Morton

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