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Happy Thursday 1 st Period! 1.HOT ROC: The Japanese 2.Complete Japanese Internment Inquiry 3.War from the Air: The Bombing of Dresden Essential Question.

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Presentation on theme: "Happy Thursday 1 st Period! 1.HOT ROC: The Japanese 2.Complete Japanese Internment Inquiry 3.War from the Air: The Bombing of Dresden Essential Question."— Presentation transcript:

1 Happy Thursday 1 st Period! 1.HOT ROC: The Japanese 2.Complete Japanese Internment Inquiry 3.War from the Air: The Bombing of Dresden Essential Question #1: Did the United States government have good reason to intern Japanese-Americans? Essential Question #2: Was the bombing of Dresden justified?

2 HOT ROC: The Japanese 1.This propaganda poster was created to convince Americans to help fund the war. What does it show about how Americans viewed the Japanese? 2.Does this evidence support or contradict the hypotheses you generated on Japanese Internment last week?

3 Why did the government decide to intern Japanese-Americans? Hypothesis #1: Government decided to intern Japanese-Americans for the safety of the United States Hypothesis#2: Government decided to intern Japanese-Americans because they were not white. (racism) – Japanese posed no real threat (Doc A)  said the government – Color the only reason as Germans and Italians were white and were not interned

4 Internment Ends Korematsu v. United States: Supreme court says internment is okay – “the ugly abyss of racism”—Justice Murphy 1988 US government formally apologizes for internment – Pays $1.6 Billion in reparations to survivors

5 Genocide vs. Ethnic Cleansing Genocide: the deliberate attempt to murder an entire racial, ethnic, religious, or national group Ethnic Cleansing: the forced removal of an ethnic group from a given territory with the intent of making it ethnically homogeneous. This can be carried out through forced migration, intimidation, or violence. Controversy: Was the United States guilty of ethnic cleansing during Japanese Internment?

6 Good Morning US History! Today: 1.Announcements 2.Notes: Dresden 3.Inquiry Debate 4.Opening up the Textbook…. EQ: Was the Bombing of Dresden Justified?

7 “Strategic” Bombing or “Terror” Bombing? “Strategic” bombing of cities first introduced by Germans in WWI Improved during WWII – Better airplanes – Better bombs Allies follow German example – U.S. air force leads the way – Over 2 million civilians killed in bombing attacks on “military” targets

8 Bombing of Dresden February 1945 U.S. and RAF target German city of Dresden – Cultural capital – 7 th largest city in Germany Allies drop 8 million pounds of bombs on Dresden – Targeting factories, communication centers – Fire bombs = inferno – 200,000+ civilians die

9 Controversy! Was the bombing of Dresden justified? Under what circumstances are violent acts against civilians justified during war time?

10 Team 1: The bombing was JUSTIFIED Team 2: The bombing was NOT JUSTIFIED 20 minutes: actively read each document and DISCUSS whether it supports your argument WITH YOUR TEAMMATE – TOGETHER construct an ARGUMENT and find THREE QUOTATIONS that support it. Write these down 5 min: Team 1 presents, Team 2 listens and takes notes. RESTATES Team 1’s position 5 min: Team 2 presents, Team 1 listens and takes notes. RESTATES Team 2’s position 10 min: CONSENSUS! Abandon your role and discuss. AGREE on and answer to the essential question

11 Controversy! Was the bombing of Dresden justified? Under what circumstances are violent acts against civilians justified during war time?

12 Opening Up the Textbook Read pg. 469 “Taking the War to the Germans by Air” – What is the difference between saturation bombing and precision bombing? – Why might the textbook seek to distance Americans from saturation bombing?

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