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Theme 1031 in 2004 – 2008 Number: 07-4-1031-2004/2008 Laboratory:Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics Field of research:Condensed matter Title:Neutron scattering.

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Presentation on theme: "Theme 1031 in 2004 – 2008 Number: 07-4-1031-2004/2008 Laboratory:Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics Field of research:Condensed matter Title:Neutron scattering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theme 1031 in 2004 – 2008 Number: 07-4-1031-2004/2008 Laboratory:Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics Field of research:Condensed matter Title:Neutron scattering studies of structure and dynamics of condensed matter Leaders:V.L.Aksenov, A.M.Balagurov  Scientific investigations at the IBR-2 reactor and at other neutron centers;  Assistance to external users at the IBR-2 spectrometers;  Development of neutron spectrometers and experimental techniques at the IBR-2;  Construction of new advanced spectrometers, assigned for new actual fields of science. Main goals:

2 Condensed Matter Department in 2004 - 08 Permanent staff:38 Member-state countries staff:29 Professor:4 Doctor of science:10 Candidate of science: 26 1999: 52 + 28 = 80 2008: 38 + 29 = 67 2002 г. 2008 г. = 39.4 = 40.9 V.L. Aksenov1999 – 2005 А.М. Balagurov2006 – 2007 D.P. Kozlenkosince 2008

3 Last years research topics in CMD Strongly correlated electron systems:, … complex magnetic oxides, ferroelectrics, multiferroics, … Irreversible transition phenomena in solids: hydration, swelling, isotope exchange, solid state chemical reactions, … Structural and magnetic changes under high pressure: halides, magnetic oxides, frustrated structures, … Materials research: hydrogen storage materials, superionic conductors, fuel cell electrodes, … Non-crystalline materials: liquids, polymers, dendrimers, colloidal solutions, magnetic liquids … Structure and dynamics of multicomponent systems: liquid metal solutions, metal-hydrogen systems, fullerenes, surfactants, … Surfaces, nanostructures of low dimension: multilayer films, multilayer polymers, magnetic nanostructures, … Biological materials and macro-molecules: lipid vesicles, multilayer lipid membranes, mitochondrial complexes, … Applied researches: Stresses in materials and components, texture and properties of rocks,...

4 Experimental technique Neutron scattering at the IBR-2 and in other centers Diffraction: powder, single crystal, real-time, high-pressure Polarized neutron scattering: specular & non-specular reflectometry, SANS, depolarization Inelastic scattering: direct and inverted geometry Small angle scattering Additionaly: X-ray diffraction and SAS, muon spectroscopy, Raman scattering, EXAFS spectroscopy. Experiments at: RRC KI, PNPI, IFM (Russia) ILL, LLB (France) BENSC, GKSS, DESY (Germany) SINQ, SLS (Switzerland) BNC (Hungary), NPI (Czech Rep.), ISIS (UK), …

5 General balance of the work in 2004 - 08 Each year around ~60 papers are published and ~100 conference reports are presented. Theses presented and prepared: V. Sumin, V. Nietz, T. Tropin, A. Tamonov, A. Khokhryakov, Yu. Nikitenko, D. Kozlenko, M. Kiselev, Yu. Khajdukov, M. Zhernenkov, A. Kuklin, R. Vasin, S. Kichanov, … Nature (London), Phys. Rev. B, JETP, JETP Letters, Crystallography Reports, Eur. Phys. J., J. of Physics, JMMM, J. Appl. Cryst., Physics of the Solid State, European Biophysical Journal, Biophysics, Phase Transitions, Inorganic Chemistry, J. of Solid St. Chemistry, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chemie, Chemistry of Materials, Materials Science and Engineering, Inorg. Materials, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., Chem. Phys. Lett., J. of Neutron Research, …

6 6 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics V.L.Aksenov, A.M.Balagurov Activity Report of theme 04-4-1031-2004/2008 Neutron Investigations of the Structure and Dynamics of Condensed Matter 2004 – 2008 June 16-17, 2008 Dubna, 2006

7 Atomic structure of the hydrogen storage material Li 2 BeD 4 “Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Lithium Beryllium Deuteride Li 2 BeD 4 : combined neutron and x-ray study”, Inorganic Chemistry, 43 (2004) 6371. B.M. Bulychev, R.V. Shpanchenko, E.V. Antipov – Moscow State University D.V. Sheptyakov, S.N. Bushmeleva, A.M. Balagurov - FLNP

8 Huge decrease of electrical resistivity under the influence of magnetic field ! Metal to insulator phase transition after oxygen isotope 16 O → 18 O exchange. Metallic state. Infinite ferromagnetic clusters. Insulating state. Separated ferromagnetic clusters. Insulating matrix Metallic clusters Giant oxygen isotope effect: Mesoscopic phase separation and FM-cluster percolation V.Yu.Pomjakushin, A.M.Balagurov et al., PRB, 2007, v.75 А.М.Balagurov, V.Yu.Pomjakushin et al., JETP, 2008, v. 133 In collaboration with: Kurchatov Institute, Moscow State University, PSI

9 Frustrated hexagonal manganites RMnO 3 Hexagonal crystal structure of YMnO 3 O3 O4 Mn, z = 0 Mn, z = 0.5  1,  = 90    1 +  2, 0 <  < 90  Generalized magnetic phase diagram of hexagonal RMnO 3 explaining behavior of magnetic properties upon chemical substitution in terms of the distortion parameter of triangular lattice s. With reduction of s by variation of ionic radius r of element R or by effects of high pressure the symmetry of AFM state changes from G 1 to G 2 via mixed G 1 +G 2 state. (D.P.Kozlenko et al, JETP Letters 2006).  2 :  =0 Y MnO 6

10 Magnetic fluids: stabilization of particle size Small-angle neutron scattering M.V.Avdeev, V.L.Aksenov, M.Balasoiu, et. al., J. Colloids and Interface Science (2005) Magnetic nanofluids Liquid carrier Magnetic nanoparticles, radius 1-10 nm. One-domain magnetic state. Surfactant shell Discovered effect allows one to regulate characteristic magnetic particle radius in organic nanofluids over interval of 2.5-5 nm by using mixtures of different surfactants. Magnetite in cyclohexane stabilized by oleic acid (OA) and myristic acid (MA) and mixtures Radius distribution of magnetite In collaboration with: Timisoara Center, Romania “Kurchatov Institute”, Russia Kyiv University, Ukraine Institute for SSP&O, Budapest, Hungary GKSS, Geesthacht, Germany

11 Superconductivity and magnetic order in V(33)/Fe(3.2)/[V(3.2)/Fe(3.2)] 20 Ginzburg, 1956 (Zh. Exp.Teor.Fiz. 31, 202) -ElectrodynamicsGinzburg, 1956 (Zh. Exp.Teor.Fiz. 31, 202) -Electrodynamics Anderson, Suhl, 1959 (P.R. 116, 898) – CryptoferromagnetismAnderson, Suhl, 1959 (P.R. 116, 898) – Cryptoferromagnetism Polarized neutron spectrometer REMUR H ext a) above Tc and above H sat b) below Tc and below H c1 c) below Tc and above H c1 For the first time antiferromagnetic ordering caused by superconductivity was observed T c = 3.7 K V.L.Aksenov, Yu.V.Nikitenko, Yu.N.Khajdukov et al., 2007.

12 Undulation forces in lipid membranes For the first time: Complementary analysis of data of small-angle neutron scattering and high-resolution X-ray diffraction on lipid membranes resulted in experimental determination of the value of universal constant C fl = 0.111  0.005 of the interaction of random fluctuating surfaces, which is in agreement with theory. The study revealed that the strength of repulsive entropic force related to the interaction leads to critical unbinding transition at higher temperatures, which has a critical behavior and proceeds in accordance with the two-state model. V.I.Gordeliy, et al., Nature (2002). R.E.Moukhametzianov, V.I.Gordeliy et al., Nature (2005). V.I.Gordeliy, V.G.Cherezov, J.Teixeira, Phys. Rev. E. (2005). Caillé parameter for DMPC membrane in D 2 O. Linear approximation is done for 48.5 - 76.8°C range. From the slope the universal constant for undulation force has been found: C = 0.111 ± 0.005. S(Q) ~ |Q − Q 0 | −1+η

13 M. A. Kiselev, N. Yu. Ryabova, A. M. Balagurov et al. Europ. Biophys. J., 2006. Lipid membranes studies by real-time technique: nanostructure, hydration and water diffusion. Real-time diffraction at lipid membrane at the IBR-2 pulsed reactor.

14 14 Structure and hydration of the DPPC/Cholesterol membrane Density profiles measured at various relative humidity: 60% RH (red) and 99% RH (blue). Dependence of the membrane period on relative humidity: 1) 70% RH → 99% RH (τ 0 = 32.2 min) 2) 99% RH → 60% RH (τ 0 = 29.8 min). 2 1 M.A.Kiselev et al., 2006

15 SANS data approximated by analytical curve for the model of spherical sectors. Chemical structure of dendrimer molecule and its 3D model. A.N.Ozerin, A. I. Kuklin, V. I. Gordeliy, A. Kh. Islamov et al., J. Appl. Cryst., 2005. Small angle neutron scattering studies of the internal structure of dendrimers

16 Optimization of cold neutron sources Phonon density states for methane, methanol, mesitylene and water (after incoherent inelastic neutron scattering). Natkaniec I., Shabalin E., Kulikov S., Holderna-Natkaniec K. “Comparative studies of neutron scattering and radiation properties of methane, methanol, mesitylene and water at low temperature” Proc. ICANS-XVII, 2005.

17 European program for internal stresses measurements standardization T2 Longitudinal component, measured along the T2 line. TG1 round robin sample. The line Т2 is shown. Along this line internal stresses were measured. V. Sumin, G. Bokuchava, A. Tamonov, I. Papushkin, S. Sheverev et al.

18 Determination of crystallographic texture and stresses in bulk samples – rocks and minerals Strain in dolomite and anhydrite, measured for seven directions in relation to the sample’s coordinate system. A. Frischbutter, A. Nikitin, Ch. Scheffzük, K. Ullemeyer, K. Walther et al. Pole figures for marble (top row) and pole figures of inner deformation (bottom row). In the framework of the Cooperation Agreement between JINR and BMBF (Germany)

19 Geophysical researches: neutron diffraction combined with acoustic emission, mechanical spectroscopy, ultrasonic sounding. Temperature changes in the quartzite sample and the AE activity at a phase transition. High pressure (up to 600 MPa) and high temperature (up to 600°C) cell. A.N. Nikitin, T.I. Ivankina, R.Vasin et al. Pole figures (002), (100) and (110) of reactor graphite.

20 Development of the spectrometer complex  Existing spectrometers development: HRFD (1D ПЧД), YuMO (new detectors), FSD (detectors, collimators), DIN (TS3000 thermostat), SKAT (high pressure chamber), EPSILON (detectors), REMUR (supermirror polarizers, 1D ПЧД)  New spectrometers: DN-6 – diffractometer for microsamples (high pressure), GRAINS – “complete” reflectometer, SKAT/EPSILON/NERA – new neutron guide.

21 “X-ray and neutron techniques to advance nanoscale science, engineering, and technology” X-RAYS AND NEUTRONS Essential Tools for Nanoscience Research Workshop has been organized by the National Nanotechnology Initiative (USA). Washington, DC, 15 – 18 June, 2005. Roadmap for development of x-ray and neutron techniques for use in nanoscience and nanotechnology. (Courtesy of Oak Ridge National Laboratory). National Nanotechnology Initiative (USA)

22 22 IBR-2M pulsed reactor (with cold moderators) is the source of third generation* ) Source Parameter SNS, USA (SPS) JSNS, Japan (SPS) IBR-2M, JINR (LPS) ESS, Europe (LPS) Status2008200920102015 ? Power, kW 1200100020005000 Pulse width, μs 15 - 10015 – 1003501000 ? Frequency, s -1 60255~20 * ) For 2 nd generation sources W is between 6 – 200 kW (IPNS, KENS, LANSCE, ISIS)

23 23 Neutron Techniques developed at the IBR-2: DINSDeep Inelastic Neutron Scattering INSInelastic Neutron Scattering LNDLaue Neutron Diffraction NBSNeutron Back-Scattering NDNeutron Diffraction NHolNeutron Holography NINeutron Interferometry NPolNeutron Polarimetry NRadNeutron Radiography NRefNeutron Reflectometry NTomNeutron Tomography NSENeutron Spin-Echo PolNPolarized Neutrons PSTPhase-Space Transformation QENSQuasi-Elastic Neutron Scattering SANSSmall Angle Neutron Scattering TASTriple-Axis Spectrometry TOFTime-Of-Flight (techniques) USANS Ultra SANS ZFNSEZero-Field NSE At the IBR-2 the techniques are developed, which are the most effective for condensed matter studies and above all for studies of nano- structured materials.

24 24 Diffraction patterns of TbFeO 3 measured at T mod =30 K and 300 K Cold moderators at the IBR-2M reactor Gain factor as a function of λ Neutron flux distributions as a function of λ

25 Real-time neutron scattering at the IBR-2 (M) reactor Mo powder measured in 1 min (1) and 0.2 sec (2). I ≈ Φ 0 · S · Ω/4π · δ [n/s] ≥ 10 6 n/s G.M. Mironova et al., since 1985 Temperature d hkl Phase transition Fd3m ↔ I41/adm in (Cu/Li/V)Fe 2 O 4. Real-time experiment with  t = 80 sec. Continuous, long-time measurements in one pulse mode at the IBR-2M.

26 26 New science after 2010 at IBR-2M 1.Modern material science - nanostructures (catalysts, multilayers, porous materials, …), - materials for energy (electrochemistry, hydrogen, …), - biomaterials, polymers (soft-matter), - new constructive materials for atomic energy, - geological problems (earthquakes, waste deposit, …), … 2.Modern fundamental physics - complex magnetic oxides with strong correlations, - low-dimensional magnetism, - phase coexistence in crystals, …

27 27 User program at the IBR-2 spectrometers International experts’ commissions: I. Diffraction II. Inelastic Scattering III. Polarized neutrons IV. SANS Time-sharing (13 spectrometers) FLNP (35%) External regular (55%) External fast (10%) User statistics FLNP, 25% Germany, 17% Russia, 31% Poland, 5% France, 3% Others, 19% IBR-2 operational time: ~2000 hours/year Number of experiments: ~150 per year External users: ~100 per year

28 Summary for 2004 – 2008  Scientific program has been realized successfully.  The program of development of spectrometers has been started: FSD, DN-6, REMUR, GRAINS, SKAT, EPSILON.  Collaboration with other neutron scattering centers in Russia and Europe is developed successfully.  Education program is realized successfully. ----------------------------------------------------------------------  Financial support is not adequate to the potential.  Deficient of the staff is becoming aware.  For the “User Program” special financing is needed.

29 29 Experimental complex based on the IBR-2M reactor for fundamental and applied investigations of advanced and nanostructured materials. Ambitious goal for Condensed Mater Department, Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, and Joint Institute for Nuclear Research:

30 END

31 Liquids and binary mixtures for nuclear power reactors Density of phonon states for Ta at 293 К (1), 1584 К (2) and 2300 К (3). The width of quasielastic scattering for Li- H mixture (full symbols) and H in Li (open symbols) at T=830 K as a function of Q 2. A.V. Puchkov, Zh.A. Kozlov, A.G.Novikov, V.A.Semenov, et al.

32 Huge elastic and plastic mismatch between martensite and austenite fractions could stimulate appearance of cracks during service. Fatigue Degradation and Martensitic Transformation of Austenitic Stainless Steel Cr18Ni10Ti (AISI 321) Yu.V. Taran, J. Schreiber et al., 2001 - 07.

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