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Welcome. MD.Shahabaj Miah. Assistant teacher (English) Renaissance Girls’ High School. Sadar, Mymensingh.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome. MD.Shahabaj Miah. Assistant teacher (English) Renaissance Girls’ High School. Sadar, Mymensingh."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome

2 MD.Shahabaj Miah. Assistant teacher (English) Renaissance Girls’ High School. Sadar, Mymensingh.

3 Subject:English Grammar and composition Unit:8 Lessn:2 Transformation (affirmative & negative).


5 We can not but protect our trees.

6 Assertive sentence Affirmative Negative

7 After completing the lesson we will have studied to- (1)-ask and answer questions about Assertive sentence. (2)-change into affirmative to negative and Negative to affirmative.

8 Assertive sentence Affirmative Negative

9 Affirmative:Only Allah can help us. Rule 1.-Only/alone/merely is replaced by None but(person) nothing but (things)not more than(number). Affirmative to negative:- Negative:None but Allah can help us.

10 Negative: Shaharan has not more than ten t aka.

11 Affirmative:Only Allah can help us.

12 Affirmative:- We must obey our parents. Negative:-We can not but obey our parents. Rule-2.-Must is replaced by can not but /can not help(v+ing)

13 I have much money. I don’t have a little money. I am not unsuccessful in whatever I do.

14 Affirmative:-Both Nahid and Nahida were excited. Rule -3 :Both--------and replaced by not only-----------but also.- Negative:-Not only Nahid but also Nahida were excited.

15 Pairs work Change the following affirmative into negative. (a)I shall remember you. (b)Sabina is only thirteen. (c )We must go. (d)Everybody likes him. Answer. (a)I shall not forget you. (b)(b)Sabina is not more than thirteen. (c)We can not but go. (d)There is body but likes him.

16 Rule 4:- and (if join two words) is replaced by Not only------------ but also. Affirmative:-He was obedient and gentle. He was not only obedient but also gentle.

17 Rule 5:-Everyone/everybody/every person /every+common noun)/all is replaced by There no + attached word +but. Affirmative:-Every mother loves her child. Negative:-There is no mother but loves her child.

18 Group work Change the following sentences into affirmative. (a)Hena is not fit for the post.(b)I can not but lough.(c )Not only Karim but also Rahim went there.(d)None but he can do it.(e)There is no mother but loves her child. Answer. (a)Hena is un fit for the post.(b)I can must lough.(c )Both Karim and Rahim went there.(d)Only he can do it.(e)Every mother loves her child.

19 Rule 6: As soon as is replaced by No sooner had--------------than. Affirmative:-As soon as the thief saw the police, he ran away. Negative:-No sooner had the thief seen the than he ran away.

20 Affirmative;-Dhaka is the biggest city in the Bangladesh. Rule 7 :- Absolute Superlative degree is replaced by No other +attached word +so+positive form as +subject. Negative :- No other city in Bangladesh is so big as Dhaka.


22 Rule 8:-Sometimes affirmative sentences are changed into negative by using oppositive words.Before the word,’ not’ is used. Affirmative:-I shall remember you Negative:-I shall not forget you.

23 Rule 9:-Always is replaced by Never. Affirmative:-Shaharan always speaks the truth. Negative:-Shaharan never tells the lie. Rule 1o:-too--------to is replaced by so--- that+can/could+not. Affirmative:-Rana is too ill to walk. Negative:Rana is so ill that he can not walk. Rule 11:-as-----as is replaced by not less---than. Affirmative:-Rana is as wise as Rimi. Negative:Rana is not less wise than Rimi.

24 Rule 12:-Universal truth are changed by making them negative interrogative. Affirmative: The Sun sets in the west. Negative:-Doesn’t the sun set in the west. Rule 13—Sometimes is replaced by not+always. Affirmative:-I sometimes visit him. Negative:-I don’t always visit him. Rule 14.-Many is replaced by not a few. Affirmative:-I have many friends. Negative:-I don’t have few friends.

25 Rule 15:-A few is replaced by not many. Affirmative:-He has a few books. Negative:-He doesn’t have many books. Rule 16:-Much is replaced by a little. Affirmative:-He has much books. Negative:-He doesn’t have a little books. Rule 17:-A little is replaced by not much. Affirmative:-Hasan has a little money. Negative:-He doesn’t have much money.

26 Evaluati on Change the following affirmative into negative. (a)I shall remember you. (b)Sabina is only thirteen. (c )We must go. (d)Everybody likes him.(e)He sometimes visits me. (f)London is the biggest city in the world. Answer. (a)I shall not forget you. (b)(b)Sabina is not more than thirteen. (c)We can not but go. (d)There is body but likes him.(e)He doesn’t always visit me. (f)No other city in the world is as big as London.

27 Write the ten sentences of affirmation.

28 Thanks

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