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Debate System. Parts of the debate: Pro Side 1.Lead Debater- opens the debate 2.Pro Cross-examiner- responds to what was presented by both the con cross-

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Presentation on theme: "Debate System. Parts of the debate: Pro Side 1.Lead Debater- opens the debate 2.Pro Cross-examiner- responds to what was presented by both the con cross-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Debate System

2 Parts of the debate: Pro Side 1.Lead Debater- opens the debate 2.Pro Cross-examiner- responds to what was presented by both the con cross- examiner and the con debater 3.Rebutters one and two- The rebutters respond to statements made from the con side. 4.Summarizer – The summarizer gives the final statement of the debate after the negative con side in order to close the debate with focus on the pro side.

3 Parts of the debate: con side 1.Cross-examiner – responds to the lead debater from the pro side with questions 2.Con Debater- makes statements to defend the con side 3.Rebutter- follows the affirmative rebutter with another statement to support their negative con side 4.Summarizer- gives the final statement for the negative con side after the second rebutter for the affirmative pro side. This is the last time the audience will hear from the negative side.

4 Process of the debate 1.Lead debater for affirmative side opens argument 2.Cross-examiner for con side asks questions 3.Con Debater for makes a statement: 4.Pro Cross-examiner for affirmative side responds to questions and statement with questions minute to confer with team

5 6. First rebutter for pro side gives another statement 7. Rebutter for con side gives another statement 8. Second rebutter for pro side gives another statement 9. Summarizer for con side gives final statement 10. Summarizer for pro side gives final statement

6 No matter the part, you need to speak at least a full minute. If there is an absence the day of the debate, someone on that team needs to fill in as a sub and the missing person will need to turn in what would have been their part in written form.

7 When the other side is speaking, it is smart to take notes.

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