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 The Affirmative team states its position agreeing with the resolution. The United States should continue space exploration as it...

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Presentation on theme: " The Affirmative team states its position agreeing with the resolution. The United States should continue space exploration as it..."— Presentation transcript:


2  The Affirmative team states its position agreeing with the resolution. The United States should continue space exploration as it...

3  Speaker A takes the podium and makes the opening statement for the team.  Speaker A may include information to help clarify or define the topic being discussed.

4  The Negative team challenges points made by the Affirmative team. The Affirmative speaker may respond briefly to challenges made by the negative team.  Speaker A from the Negative team presents the challenges to the Affirmative team.

5  The Negative team states its position disagreeing with the resolution. The United States should not continue Space Exploration. Space exploration is…  Speaker B from the Negative team presents the team’s position and gives evidence for the position.

6  The Affirmative team questions the Negative team’s arguments (statements)  The Negative team is allowed to respond to the Affirmative team’s questions.  Speaker B from the Affirmative team presents the questions for the Negative team.

7  A rebuttal is a type of verbal defense.  The Affirmative team defends its position supporting the original statement.  Speaker A makes the defense for the Affirmative team.

8  The Negative team defends its position and summarizes major arguments that it has made during the debate.  Speaker A from the Negative team may make the defense. Then speaker B may present the summary of arguments. Or B may make the defense and A may make the summary.

9  The Affirmative team summarizes its major arguments/points. No new arguments may be presented.  Speaker B or Speaker A may make the final summary remarks.

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