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ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY GRADE: 6 TH By: Alyson Diamonstein Nicole Lowell.

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Presentation on theme: "ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY GRADE: 6 TH By: Alyson Diamonstein Nicole Lowell."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY GRADE: 6 TH By: Alyson Diamonstein Nicole Lowell

2 Introduction: goals:  Teach 6 th grade students at a young age the importance of sustainability of the environment  This will be taught through interactive lectures, videos and a final group project.  To not only teach but also have students carry out what they have learned in their daily lives.  Water Conservation/Recycling/Composting etc….

3 Objectives: Core Science Grade 6  6.2 - An ecosystem is composed of all the populations that are living in a certain space and the physical factors with which they interact.  Populations in ecosystems are affected by biotic factors, such as other populations, and abiotic factors, such as soil and water supply.

4 Schedule: Day 1:Day 2:Day 3:Day 4:Day 5: -Teacher will present the topic and explain environmental issues. -Give each student a sheet to make recordings. -Brain pop video -Break class into two detracked (pre planned) groups -Groups meet to discuss and come up with proposal for their topic (recycling/cafete ria composting) -Start of class discuss recordings they have observed that week -Teacher will hand back topic proposals -Tour of the dining hall/ recycling areas. -Groups in end will plan their projects and teacher will answer questions. -Discuss recordings -Question: After 2 weeks have you noticed a change in your daily habits? (response on a piece of paper to turn in) -Groups will meet for remainder of class- need to be actively involved. -Discuss recordings -Groups meet for the whole class to practice/ prepare for final presentation -Survey handed out in the end to give yourself a grade based on individual participation within in group. -Final presentations for the whole class. -Question to submit at the end: what have you learned most from this unit?

5 Day 1:  Brain pop- Video that has a quiz at the end the class will take (not as much pressure on the individual students).  Supposed to be interactive  The daily home recording sheet (next slide)  Detracked groups- mixed ability students so everyone should be contributing


7 Days 2,3,4  Important to start most classes with a writing exercise/ discuss their at home recordings  Have they noticed any changes?  Groups will be meeting for the majority of these three classes and practicing for presentation  At the end of day 4 students will grade themselves based on their individual contribution to the group.  A chance to reflect

8 Day 5:  Final presentations  Rubric on the following slide  Hand in recording sheet of all their observations from the course of 5 weeks  Reflection for each individual student on what they have learned.


10 Resources  BrainPop subscription  Scheduled time to tour cafeteria and classrooms  At home daily recording sheet  Final project evaluation rubric  Groups will be responsible for poster materials

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